Dr. G's Flute HoroscopesFeaturedIssuesJune 2021


by Rachel Taylor Geier

Summer is upon us! Time to kick back and relax, right? The Universe may say otherwise in June. But not everything is doom and gloom. Venus and Mars kick off the month on a super positive and active note, encouraging all of us to literally whistle while we work (or practice, as the case may be)! The main event this month, a Solar Eclipse, will occur on June 10th. Take this moment to think critically about what is not quite working in your life. The Eclipse will ask us to abandon anything that drains our energy to make room for better, more uplifting experiences in the future. Mercury will also go direct at the end of the month. This is a great opportunity to clear up any misunderstandings arising from the previous weeks. Proceed honestly with an air towards problem solving. June is the month to demand better and leave what no longer fits in the past.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

June 2nd – Venus joins Mars in your 2nd house of income. This is a perfect time to ask your boss for a raise! Venus will help you to shine brighter at work and Mars will see that you continue crushing it day in and day out. You are firing on all cylinders and can easily make a good case for a pay increase.

June 10th – Solar Eclipse in your 1st house of identity. Makeover time, Gemini! What part of your life could use a makeover? Is it your flute? Schedule an overhaul! Is it your sound? Spend some quality time working on Trevor Wye long tone exercises and listening to performers that you admire. How can you incorporate their approaches into your own routine? Is it the amount of time you devote to your flute? Rework your schedule so that it makes more sense for you.

June 11th – Mars moves into your 3rd house of communication. The movie “Jerry McGuire” begins with a scene where the title character stays up all night writing a mission statement for his company out of a moment of sudden inspiration. You will likely have a similar moment when Mars moves into your 3rd house. Perhaps you will burn the midnight oil writing a series of brilliant blog posts. Or you may be inspired to write an article about a teaching technique. Start writing and see where the words take you.

June 20th – The Sun moves into your 2nd house of income. You will likely receive either a promotional opportunity at work or a new job all together when the Sun changes signs. Congrats! Use this time to best strategize how to make the most of this new opportunity. Plan out your schedule and clarify anything in your job description that isn’t clear.

June 22nd – Mercury goes direct in your 1st house of identity. The Eclipse this month asked you to consider what needs improvement in your life. Mercury will ask you to convey your needs to others. Do you need to delegate certain tasks? Get your family on board or hire outside services to take more off of your plate. Need more time between teaching lessons? Rearrange your schedule and book lessons based on your needs.

June 24th – Full Moon in your 8th house of banking and finance. You may be making the final payment on a loan. Congrats! That overhaul you scheduled earlier in the month will finally be paid off. Now that Mercury is direct, you may finalize any contracts, cross any t’s and dot any I’s on final payment notices, and wrap up your savings and repayment plans.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

June 2nd – Venus joins Mars in your 1st house of identity. You will be the star of the show at the beginning of the month, Cancer. Your hard work will be noticed and appreciated by your peers and well as superiors. This is indeed the very best time to host a recital or other musical performance (virtual or otherwise). Invite your conductor and the entire flute community.

June 10th – Solar Eclipse in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Something about your practice routine is no longer working. Try switching up the time of day that you practice. Experiment with the order of repertoire and the percentage of your time you devote to each section (warm-ups, scales, etudes, excerpts, repertoire, etc.). Create themes for each day (ex. Fridays could be repertoire days while Mondays can be devoted to tone studies). Try thinking more outside of the box during this Solar Eclipse.

June 11th – Mars moves into your 2nd house of income. You are going to be super busy at work when Mars moves signs. Mars will see to it that you are very productive with your time but be careful not to burn out (sometimes Mars does not have an off switch). Ask your Libra friends to check on you now and then to make sure you are getting proper meals, rest, and exercise while you crush it at work.

June 20th – The Sun moves into your 1st house of identity. Take a step back and reevaluate the important things in life when the Sun moves signs. What makes you truly happy? What musical environments do you typically thrive in? What drains you? What interests you? The Sun will ask you to think about creative ways to do more of what you love and less of what bums you out.

June 22nd – Mercury goes direct in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. This is a great time to discuss your most cherished practice techniques on a series of blog posts, YouTube videos, or even in an article. Do some research – What other techniques can you try in your daily practice routine that perhaps you had not considered before? What works and why? What doesn’t quite work? Could it work for a different type of musician on a different type of schedule? Write about it and share your ideas with a larger audience.

June 24th – Full Moon in your 7th house of relationships. There may be a toxic relationship in your environment that will either need to change or end around the time of this Full Moon. Do you have a difficult time communicating with one of your colleagues? A section member that struggles with intonation in the high register or an oboist that rushes the beat in performances? Have a chat with this individual to clear the air. Perhaps schedule some time outside of rehearsal to carefully work out some of these issues.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

June 2nd – Venus joins Mars in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. You will be spending a lot of quality time in the practice room at the beginning of the month, Leo, and loving every minute of it. Practice all of the things. Is there a piece that you have always loved but never had the opportunity to perform? Take some time to work on it now. Identify the tricky parts and experiment with strategic practice techniques to make these sections less intimidating. Spend some time improvising and playing from the heart. Make practicing great again!

June 10th – Solar Eclipse in your 11th house of groups and communities. You may be ending your role in a local orchestra or smaller chamber ensemble. Perhaps the rehearsal schedule has not worked out for you or you have been offered a position in another ensemble. It is okay to say goodbye. Try not to burn any bridges and keep the door open for future collaborations with your colleagues.

June 11th – Mars moves into your 1st house of identity. Leo are notorious for their sense of pride, especially in relation to any personally important endeavors. Mars will ask you what matters most to you and encourage you to build upon this activity. If it is performing, Mars will help you book a series of gigs. If it is writing, Mars will inspire you to put all of your thoughts on paper. If it is teaching, Mars will help you attract new students and design new projects for existing students.

June 20th – The Sun moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. You will be spending quite a bit of time in the practice room when the Sun moves signs. Brighten up your practice space with a few new pops of color and rearrange your furniture so it works better for you (and your students). Spend some time practicing fundamentals and experiment with new approaches to articulation and technique. Reach out to other flutists – What works for them in their practice routines? What advice can they give you for your own routine?

June 22nd – Mercury goes direct in your 11th house of groups and communities. This is a great time to host a sectional or two. Now that Mercury is direct, communication between your colleagues (both verbal and non-verbal) will be much clearer. Use this time to work on smaller musical details slowly and carefully. Gather input about best paths forward and identify goals for your next performance.

June 24th – Full Moon in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Your schedule has likely become unmanageable. Not to worry – The Full Moon will ask you to take a critical look at all of your daily responsibilities. What can you cut from your to-do list? What activities can be delegated to someone else? Is there anything you are currently committed to that does not have genuine importance in your life? Get rid of it! If it is unnecessary and draining, it is doing more harm than good. Streamline in the name of self-care.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

June 2nd – Venus joins Mars in your 11th house of groups and communities. You will be knee deep in rehearsals at the beginning of the month thanks to Mars. Venus, however, will make sure you still having a good time. Your colleagues are intrigued by your unique ideas, allowing collaborations to be quite easy and enjoyable.

June 10th – Solar Eclipse in your 10th house of career goals. Revisit some of your most important career goals during this Solar Eclipse. There may be something that you have been trying to achieve that no longer fits with your true interests and passions. Be honest with yourself. Who was that original goal for? Was it for a past version of yourself? Was it to impress a well-meaning teacher or conductor? Let it go. If it does not represent the musician that you’d like to be in the next year, five years, or ten years, it no longer has a place in your life.

June 11th – Mars moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Practice all of the things when Mars moves into your 12th house. Dig up that piece you have always wanted to perform but struggled to master. Break it down. Practice it slowly with a metronome. Practice it in chunks. Identity the sections that will need the most attention. Play along with a recording or a piano accompaniment track.

June 20th – The Sun moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. The Sun will encourage you to revisit some of your smaller ensemble groups. Can you arrange a socially distant sight-reading session with your colleagues? What would you like to program on your next performance? Start exploring new repertoire and old favorites.

June 22nd – Mercury goes direct in your 10th house of career goals. By removing old career goals that no longer matter earlier in the month (thanks Eclipse!), you now have more time in your schedule to focus on the ones that truly matter. Write about them on your blog! Reach out to others who may have opportunities in these areas. Search audition boards and connect to old colleagues that may have leads on conductors searching for flutists or school searching for instructors.

June 24th – Full Moon in your 5th house of creativity and joy. A creative project you had been working on will need some serious revisions or may even need to be abandoned around the time of this Full Moon. Don’t panic – Instead, give your work to a trusted colleague for a second set of eyes. They may help you streamline what doesn’t add to your project and give you new ideas for different paths to explore.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

June 2nd – Venus joins Mars in your 10th house of career goals. You may need to take a page out of Scorpio’s playbook and focus a bit more intensely on your career at the beginning of the month. Your ruler, Venus, will help you rethink your career in terms of what truly inspires you. Are you building a career based on obligation or passion? What do you love about music and/or music making? What is the next step that you must take to bring more of what you love into your job and, by extension, your life? Take it!

June 10th – Solar Eclipse in your 9th house of travel and higher education. Have you been planning a big trip somewhere? Adventure to Europe? Hiking in the mountains or surfing near an island somewhere? Unfortunately, your trip may need to be postponed or canceled around the time of this Eclipse. Not to worry – Plan a bigger and better adventure for a future date. Surfing in the dead of winter may make you appreciate the sun and surf more than it will in July.

June 11th – Mars moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. You may find yourself knee-deep in rehearsals when Mars moves signs. Use this energy to woodshed your own music in the practice room prior to rehearsal. Focus more on fitting into your colleagues pitch, rhythm, vibrato, and beat during rehearsal. Schedule outside sectionals to work out all of the tricky technical passages and sensitive areas of intonation.

June 20th – The Sun moves into your 10th house of career goals. Your focus will shift onto your career when the Sun moves signs. What did Venus and Mars teach you at the beginning of the month? What truly is the next step in your career development? Is it applying to a new job? If yes, use this time to spruce up your CV and practice those excerpts. Is it going back to school to obtain a new degree? Start researching local (or not so local) educational programs. Which ones interest you? Are there certain instructors that could help you get to that next step?

June 22nd – Mercury goes direct in your 9th house of travel and higher education. This is a great time to reach out to old advisors or conductors to get their advice on any new educational programs you are interested in pursuing. They may have some great ideas on where to apply or connections to individuals in other programs. Schedule a virtual coffee chat. What can you learn from your old mentors?

June 24th – Full Moon in your 4th house of home and family. Something in your home studio environment is not quite working for you. Can you rearrange the furniture to free up more space? Can you add an inspirational piece of art or a calming fountain to the room? What does your music storage system look like? Is it cluttered or disorganized? Devote some time to alphabetizing and filing.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

June 2nd – Venus joins Mars in your 9th house of travel and higher education. You may be considering going back to school. Venus will help you chase new dreams that speak more directly to your passions while Mars will give you the courage to make those dreams into reality. Take practical yet strategic steps toward your goals. Research programs and instructors that will help set you on the right path.

June 10th – Solar Eclipse in your 8th house of banking and finance. You may be abandoning an idea you had for a major investment around the time of this Eclipse. Were you dreaming of a beautiful new flute but, after carefully reviewing your budget, decided that it was too much of an investment at the moment? Not to worry. Start devising a more practical savings plan for your future purchase. You may have to wait a bit longer than you had anticipated but, with careful planning, will find it much easier to pay the bill later.

June 11th – Mars moves into your 10th house of career goals. No more procrastinating, Scorpio! It is time to direct that legendary laser focus onto your career goals. What is the next step? What do you need to do to achieve your next goal? What goal is most important to you? Spruce up your CV and other materials and apply to the job you actually want – not just the one that is an “okay stepping-stone.” Think bigger! Mars will help you take those steps, big or small.

June 20th – The Sun moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. You need a vacation, Scorpio. Book a trip somewhere relaxing (even if just for the weekend). You have been a workaholic lately and are likely bumming out your friends and/or family. Invest in self-care when the Sun shifts signs. Walk along a beach at sunset or get lost in a book at the park. Take some time to get away from your normal routine.

June 22nd – Mercury goes direct in your 8th house of banking and finance. This is a great time to discuss your financial goals with a banker or other financial expert. They may have some creative ideas about what you can do to save up for a new flute sooner than you had envisioned. Again, it may not happen overnight, but it may not be as difficult as you thought.

June 24th – Full Moon in your 3rd house of communication. You may be putting the finishing touches on a piece of writing around the Full Moon. Make sure to carefully proofread your work. Be prepared for both major and minor revisions. Although difficult, try to remain patient with your work. Sometimes less is more.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

June 2nd – Venus joins Mars in your 8th house of banking and finance. Now is the time to start considering making a major purchase such as a new flute or even a new house. Venus will be in your finance house at the beginning of the month helping to attract the financial resources to make this happen, whether they are tangible (such as donations from wealthy family members) or not-yet tangible (such as a loan agreement from the bank). Mars will help you create a savings plan to make up the rest of the bill. Where can you trim your existing budget to save a bit extra each month?

June 10th – Solar Eclipse in your 7th house of relationships. There may be a rather important yet highly toxic relationship that will need to end around the time of this Eclipse. Are you at your wit’s end with this individual? Have you tried talking things through, changing your approach, patiently asking for their input and trying to understand their point of view, only to find yourself exhausted and frustrated at the end of the day? It is okay to go your separate ways

June 11th – Mars moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. You are in need of an adventure, Sag. Take a day trip to the beach. Or enjoy a hike in the woods. If for any reason you are unable to go on a short trip, start planning your next adverture. Where would you most like to go? What will you need to get there? What will your budget look like? What concerts will you attend and which sites will you visit? Dream big!

June 20th – The Sun moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Your focus will shift back onto savings and loans when the Sun moves signs. Mars helped you create a very practical, realistic plan earlier in the month to start saving for your dream flute. Now is the time to put this plan into action. Skip the Starbucks runs and move $5.00 over to the “buy a new flute” fund every time you swap your venti vanilla latte for an at-home cup of joe.

June 22nd – Mercury goes direct in your 7th house of relationships. Now that Mercury is turning direct, you can finally have those difficult conversations that you had been avoiding during the retrograde. Do you have a flute colleague that seems a bit overly competitive? Invite them out for a virtual (or otherwise) coffee chat. Hear them out and calmly discuss any tensions that may have come up. Intonation in the high register can cause a lot of disagreement and hurt feelings between otherwise brilliant flutists. Talk it out calmly with an eye toward problem solving.

June 24th – Full Moon in your 2nd house of income. You may be quitting your job around the time of this Full Moon. Have you received a promotion or landed a better job elsewhere? Congrats! This Full Moon will give you the courage to share the news with your supervisor and/or conductor and begin planning for your transition. Try your best not to burn any bridges on your way to bigger and better things.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

June 2nd – Venus joins Mars in your 7th house of relationships. You will be a social butterfly this month, Cap! Spend some quality time with your closest friends and loved ones. Plan super fun outings if possible. Is there a socially distant concert you can all attend? Or a drive-in movie theater nearby? Gather with your family and enjoy the warmer weather! Perhaps even host your own socially distant recital in your backyard.

June 10th – Solar Eclipse in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Something in your daily work environment will need to be changed or eliminated around the time of this Solar Eclipse. Be complete honest with yourself – are you getting in enough focused practice time each day? You may have become overwhelmed by responsibilities at work and home that have put practice time low on your priority list. Carve out some time to reexamine your schedule. Are there tasks you could delegate to someone else? Do you spend too much time on social media or watching Netflix documentaries? Instead, schedule in some dedicated practice time blocks into your routine.

June 11th – Mars moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. You will be inspired to start saving some money when Mars moves signs. Planning to upgrade your flute or purchase a new headjoint? Where in your budget can you cut expenses in order to put away enough money each month to make your purchase by the end of the summer or even by the end of the year? Mars will help you devise a practical savings plan.

June 20th – The Sun moves into your 7th house of relationships. Your focus will be on making new connections and strengthening current relationships with colleagues when the Sun moves signs. Schedule a coffee chat (virtual or otherwise). What are your flute friends up to these days? How has the quarantine this past year effected their teaching and performing? Compare notes! Are there any future opportunities to collaborate on interesting projects or performances?

June 22nd – Mercury goes direct in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Start scheduling all of those meetings that you had be putting off during the retrograde. Have you had any miscommunications at work? Clear the air and make sure you are on the same page with your colleagues. Need to meet with a student’s parents to have a difficult conversation about practice expectations. Do it over tea and pastries to ease the tension.

June 24th – Full Moon in your 1st house of identity. You are in need of a makeover! This may be a physical makeover (do you need to schedule a haircut?), a makeover for your flute or flute gear (shopping for a new stand or fancy new AV equipment), or even a spiritual makeover (practice some zen flute playing with some mindful improvisation). Is there something in your flute world that no longer belongs? Cancel it and transform into a better version of your flute playing self!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

June 2nd – Venus joins Mars in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You will be very productive at work at the beginning of the month, Aquarius. For every goal you cross off of your to-do list, make sure to reward yourself in some small way. Did you finally memorize the first movement to the Ibert concerto? Good Work! Reward yourself with a new flute accessory. Did you successfully plan and present a virtual studio masterclass? Awesome! Reward yourself by upgrading your music stand.

June 10th – Solar Eclipse in your 5th house of creativity and joy. A creative project you have working on lately may not be going the way you had hoped. Perhaps health restrictions have prevented you from scheduling time in the recording studio or maybe your pianist has not been available to rehearse enough to prepare a recital for your July target date. Try not to get discouraged. Instead, revise your plans a bit and think a bit more practically. What is your back-up plan?

June 11th – Mars moves into your 7th house of relationships. This is a great time to do a bit of networking! Make new flute friends in person (if at all possible) or even online. Connect with old colleagues. What are they working on? Is there anything you can do to help them out with current or future projects? Are there any opportunities for future collaborations? What can you create if you pool your collective creative energies? 

June 20th – The Sun moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. When the Sun moves signs you will be even busier than you were at the beginning of the month. You might have accepted new responsibilities that don’t quite fit into your current schedule. Not to worry – Spend some time clearing out any time wasters or other tasks that could be delegated to someone else. Chances are these new responsibilities are quite important to you. Find time buried under the rocks in your schedule.

June 22nd – Mercury goes direct in your 5th house of creativity and joy. You will be inspired out of nowhere to pursue a creative project. Talk it out with one of your advisors or another colleague. Your ideas may still be unclear or disjointed. Find a Capricorn or Virgo friend to help you structure your project into a form that flows logically from one idea to the next. If it is a composition, they may have some great ideas about the types of movement you might consider. If it is a series of performances, they may have some great repertoire suggestions.

June 24th – Full Moon in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Something you have been working tirelessly on in the practice room is just not coming together. Do you really need to practice this work? Is this for a performance or just for a practice challenge? If it is causing more stress than it is worth, go ahead and substitute it for another piece that inspires rather than frustrates you.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

June 2nd – Venus joins Mars in your 5th house of creativity and joy. That creative project you have be procrastinating working on will be front and center at the beginning of the month. You will have a sudden burst of inspiration and newfound enthusiasm for your work. If you are working on a composition, trying playing through it yourself. What changes can you make? What works? What doesn’t? What do you love about your work? Think outside the box!

June 10th – Solar Eclipse in your 4th house of home and family. Something in your home environment will need to change around the time of the Solar Eclipse. It is quite possible that you may be moving either to a new house, a new neighborhood, or even a new city. Discuss this move carefully with your family. Are they on board? What are their concerns? How can you ease the transition between your old home life and your new home life?

June 11th – Mars moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Mars will give you the energy to tackle that ever growing to-do list. Have make-up lessons to schedule with your students? Try to time-batch them all on a Wednesday afternoon. Does your flute seriously need a COA or an overhaul? Schedule a time to meet with your repair shop. Is your music collection a total mess? Spend some time on a Saturday morning reorganizing and alphabetizing.

June 20th – The Sun moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. The Sun will urge you to take a break. Leave your flute it its case (or at the repair shop) and simply spend some time doing whatever makes you happy. Is it taking a long walk in nature? Or simply watching orchestra concerts on YouTube? Perhaps it is spending some time playing catch with younger relatives. If it brings a smile to your face, it is worth every second of your time.

June 22nd – Mercury goes direct in your 4th house of home and family. You may need to have a family meeting when Mercury goes direct. Chances are the retrograde early this month has stirred up some drama at home. Perhaps the possibility of moving to a different neighborhood or city has been suggested. How does your family feel about this move? Is a move necessary and/or beneficial to everyone? 

June 24th – Full Moon in your 11th house of groups and communities. If you are planning to make a move to a new city, you may also need to walk away from one or two of your performing groups. This Full Moon will urge you to give your colleagues a bit of advanced notice of your departure so they can both search for an equally awesome replacement and plan a few farewell performances over the summer.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

June 2nd – Venus joins Mars in your 4th house of home and family. Spend some time at home at the beginning of the month, Aries. Home will definitely be where your heart is, but also where your energy lives. Are there any upgrades you can make to your current home and/or studio environment to make it a bit more comfortable or spacious? Can you renovate your existing space or even swap your space for the much larger guest bedroom? Start thinking creatively about revamping any indoor or outdoor spaces.

June 10th – Solar Eclipse in your 3rd house of communication. A book or article that you have been working on may need to undergo some serious revisions or be scrapped altogether during this Solar Eclipse. Take a step back from your work and look at the bigger picture. Do your ideas connect clearly to a larger theme? Do you go on a few unrelated tangents? Delete and streamline! If brave, send your writing to a trusted friend for colleague for a second set of eyes.

June 11th – Mars moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. You may be suddenly inspired to start working on a creative project when Mars moves signs. Have you ever tried writing poetry? Grab a cup of coffee or tea, a notebook, and a pen. Just start writing. Think about how you feel about the flute or flute playing, whether those feelings are good, bad, ugly, or absolutely beautiful. Pour out your heart with a few carefully crafted words.

June 20th – The Sun moves into your 4th house of home and family. Spend some quality time at home when the Sun moves signs. Recruit your family members (and pets, of course) to take part in a mock audition. Give them a list of your scariest, most intimidating, most challenging, “if they ask me for this one, I am in trouble” excerpts. If you are brave enough, ask them to rate each one on a scale of 1-10.

June 22nd – Mercury goes direct in your 3rd house of communication. Although you may have had to abandon or rework a writing project during Eclipse, Mercury will help you create something new and much better. Write, write, write, and write some more. Do you have a flute blog? If not, this is a great time to set up a new platform and introduce a series of blog posts. Is there a particular style of flute playing that you love, a performer that you admire, or a composer whose work speaks to you? Write about it!

June 24th – Full Moon in your 10th house of career goals. The Full Moon will ask you to take a very honest look at your career goals. Are you on the right track to becoming the musician that you want to be or are these goals totally outdated? Had you been working toward a goal that someone else told you was necessary to be a “true musician” only to find that it does not interest or fulfill you? Ditch it! There is no one way to be a “true musician.” Create music on your own terms.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

June 2nd – Venus joins Mars in your 3rd house of communication. Transform into a marketing genius at the beginning of the month, Taurus! Spend some time advertising some of your most important projects on all of your social media platforms. Do you have a flute blog? Advertise your new posts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Share video snippets of rehearsals in preparation for an upcoming recital on Facebook. Share what you love with a much larger audience this month.

June 10th – Solar Eclipse in your 2nd house of income. You may decide to look for a new job around the time of this Solar Eclipse. Something is not working at work and you may be super fed up. It is totally okay to want better for yourself! If you are burned out and frustrated, search the job boards for another position that offers less of what drains you and more of what makes you happy. If you are totally bored, look for a job that offers a new, exciting challenge.

June 11th – Mars moves into your 4th house of home and family. Renovate your home studio when Mars moves signs. What opportunities are there to create more space? Move the furniture around and experiment. Could you swap your space with a guest bedroom to create an even better studio? Is it possible to arrange a larger scale renovation and literally create the studio space of your dreams? Roll up your sleeves and get to work!

June 20th – The Sun moves into your 3rd house of communication. Do you have a great idea for an article or a book? Have a great practice tip or performing advice that works wonders for yourself and/or your students? Write about it! Start drafting and researching now so that, by the end of the month, you’ll have something to preview to an editor or a publisher.

June 22nd – Mercury goes direct in your 2nd house of income. Negotiation time, Taurus! You may have been offered a new job. Congrats! Now comes the difficult conversations. Negotiate a salary with your new employer that fits your expertise and qualifications (I know, easier said than done). Inform your current employer of your new offer and be ready for a counter-offer. Keep in mind the reasons that you started searching for a new job in the first place if your current employer offers a salary match.

June 24th – Full Moon in your 9th house of travel and higher education. An amazing summer vacation you had been planning may be postponed or canceled around the time of this Full Moon. Don’t panic – Is there a staycation or a day trip that you can take in its place? Plan an even more epic adventure in the future! Were you planning a beach trip? Wouldn’t Hawaii in January be a nice alternative upgrade? Book it!


Happy June!

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