Dr. G's Flute HoroscopesFeaturedNovember 2021

DR. G’s FLUTE HOROSCOPES November 2021

by Rachel Taylor Geier

Happy November and welcome to Scorpio Season! Scorpios are all about death and rebirth, just like the proverbial Phoenixes of the zodiac they represent. Truth is what propels a Scorpio forward into better circumstances. That is the theme for everybody this month – Finding the truth and using it to restructure older patterns that no longer work. This is supported by a Lunar Eclipse mid-month that will have us asking some tough questions about some of the tired, old status quos in our lives. This Eclipse will encourage you to change or end things that are outdated and no longer have a place in your best flute-playing life. Ask yourself this month, “What would a Scorpio do?” Well, not the stinging, poisonous side of the sign, but the other side that defies all odds to find a way out of the ashes and into a bright, beautiful new world full of possibilities and joy. Fly above the dark clouds of the past and back into the Sun by the end of the month. Stay true to yourself, your goals, and your ideals to embrace all that can be learned during Scorpio Season.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

November 4th – New Moon in your 1st house of identity, joining the Sun and Mars. You are absolutely in the spotlight at the beginning of the month! You may attract an important performance proposal or exciting new audition opportunity around the time of this New Moon. Something you wished for may finally be yours! Be sure to thank the Universe for such as great birthday present.

November 5th – Venus moves into your 3rd house of communications, joining Pluto. This is a great time to write (or teach) from the heart. What do you care about the most when it comes to flute playing? Is it a particular genre of music? A certain technique? A composer? Write about it on your flute blog or draft a short, reflective article for a publication.

November 5th – Mercury moves into your 1st house of identity. Ask for exactly what you want when Mercury moves into your sign, Scorpio. You have been trying very hard to be an independent powerhouse, but sometimes what you want is already within arm’s grasp if you communicate your needs to the right person. Saving up for a new flute? Ask your family if they might help you with a loan. Do you need more time to work on important flute playing goals (such as practicing for competitions or auditions)? Delegate responsibilities to others and back out of time-consuming commitments to free up practice time in your schedule.

November 19th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 7th house of relationships. This Lunar Eclipse will encourage you to finally face a relationship that needs to change (or even end) in order for you to move forward in a new, more positive direction. You may have been putting this off for quite some time, hoping this person would change for the better. A student that doesn’t practice, perhaps? Or a teacher that does not seem to help you improve your flute playing? Use this energy to talk it out and agree on concrete solutions moving forward.

November 21st – The Sun moves into your 2nd house of income. Your focus will shift away from your annual November glow up to your day job when the Sun moves signs. This month has been great for your self-esteem and you are likely feeling on top of your flute-playing game. This is a great time to audition for a new ensemble or apply to your dream job. Brush up your excerpts, revamp your CV, practice your affirmations, and go for something new! You are ready for an upgrade in your work life.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

November 4th – New Moon in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities, joining the Sun and Mars. This is a great time to practice a new piece (or two) for your next recital. Did you hear a great new piece at the flute convention this summer? Perhaps one that incorporates crazy new extended techniques or beatboxing? Try it out! Woodshed those tricky bits and play along with a recording. Like it? Love it? Explore other similar pieces if it speaks to you.

November 5th – Venus moves into your 2nd house of income, joining Pluto. This is a great time to attract a raise or a promotion. Have an honest chat with your conductor about the possibility of performing more principal parts. Set up a meeting with your boss to inquire about any promotional opportunities that may currently exist with your institution. Venus will help you make a good case for yourself, your flute playing, and your general awesomeness.

November 5th – Mercury moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. You may be writing something super secretive when Mercury moves into your 12th house. Are you working on a book? This is a great time to lock yourself in your office and get to work. Is there a composer that inspires you? Or a particular style of playing that you find interesting? Write about it! Start drafting your best ideas.

November 19th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Something in your daily schedule may need to change or end during this Lunar Eclipse. You may have agreed to one too many performances during the holiday season and are experiencing a bit of burnout. Take a very honest look at your schedule. What can you cut out of your to-dos? Is there something that drains your energy? Say “Bye Felicia” and create some time in your schedule for more important priorities.

November 21st – The Sun moves into your 1st house of identity. The spotlight will be on you, Sag, as we move into the holiday season. This is a great time to host a recital or upload a few holiday videos to YouTube. You will be very popular and with Venus in your 2nd house, you may even pull in some passive income. Use your popularity to attract more students and more opportunities to perform.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

November 4th – New Moon in your 11th house of groups and communities, joining the Sun and Mars. You will likely be joining a new ensemble around the time of this New Moon. Congrats, Cap! You won the audition. Use this time to celebrate your success and meet your new colleagues. Do they have some great advice about performing in the group? What does the performance schedule look like? Start adding the dates to your website and advertise for first performance.

November 5th – Venus moves into your 1st house of identity, joining Pluto. You will be very popular when Venus moves into your sign! This is a great time to host a recital or conduct a masterclass. Others are curious about your unique gifts and you may even inspire a student or two. Work it, Cap!

November 5th – Mercury moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. This is the perfect time to host a sectional! Get to know the members of your flute section over tea and scones. Save some time to rehearse any tricky bits of repertoire after you have gotten to know each other better. This will help you gauge everyone’s communication style and identify perhaps one or two things they value. Work with each other’s strengths to form stronger alliances.

November 19th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 5th house of joy and creativity. A creative project that you had been working on may need to be completely revised or even scrapped around the time of this Lunar Eclipse. This could be a project that you have been working on for some time that never really got off the ground. It is totally okay to shift your focus elsewhere if working on this project only causes you frustration and heartache. Scrap it! Create a new and better project down the road.

November 21st – The Sun moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. You will be locking yourself in the practice room at the end of the month. Prepping for holiday performance season, by any chance? Try to make your practice time as efficient as possible during this time. How can you streamline? Can you set a timer to make sure you are getting focused practice time and appropriate breaks? Rethink the way you approach practice.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

November 4th – New Moon in your 10th house of career goals, joining the Sun and Mars. You may be presented with a brand-new, very important career opportunity around the time of this New Moon. Follow the cues you receive from the Universe. This new venture will bring you much closer to your most important career goals. Accept the promotion or apply to that perfect job. Seize the day!

November 5th – Venus moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities, joining Pluto. You will be enjoying your practice time more when Venus moves signs. How can you make your current practice environment a bit more comfy? Light a holiday scented candle? Practice while watching a Hallmark movie (on the commercials, of course!)? Improvise? Add a piece or excerpt that you love to your daily warm-up routine? Venus will help you create your perfect practice space.

November 5th – Mercury moves into your 10th house of career goals. This is a great time to discuss some of your career goals with a trusted advisor or another flute colleague you admire. You have likely just accepted a new position or accomplished a goal that you are quite proud of. What is the next step? Are you ready for that step or are there other objectives you still need to meet along the way? Take some notes and work on a proposed action plan for the upcoming months.

November 19th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 4th house of home and family. Something in your home environment may need to change around the Lunar Eclipse. You may need to have a family meeting about your unpredictable practice schedule or upcoming performance docket. Something isn’t quite working for your loved ones and you may need to revise your current routines. Create win-win solutions with an eye towards putting family needs first. You may need to be a bit more flexible.

November 21st – The Sun moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. Your focus will shift onto your performing ensembles when the Sun moves signs. Busy holiday performing season, Aquarius? You will likely be stuck in back-to-back rehearsals for the next few weeks. Make sure to be as efficient as possible with any rehearsal or sectionals. Take breaks often and make sure you are eating, sleeping, and exercising despite your busy schedule.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

November 4th – New Moon in your 9th house of travel and higher education, joining the Sun and Mars. You may be booking holiday travel around the time of this New Moon. Where would you most like to spend your holidays, Pisces. Yes, you may be wanting to spend some time with your family, but you may also want to broaden your horizons. Take an adventure! Visit a concert hall you have always want to see. Attend a performance you have always wanted to experience. Think outside the box and into the whims of your imagination.

November 5th – Venus moves into your 11th house of groups and communities, joining Pluto. You will be having a great time in your performing groups when Venus moves signs. Find the fun in every rehearsal! Of course, work out the hard stuff when the opportunity arises, but also enjoy the good stuff that comes with making music. Find the joy in crescendos and the spirit in scales. Use music as a communication tool rather than a task from your conductor.

November 5th – Mercury moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. Start planning your next adventure when Mercury moves signs. Ask friends and family for site-seeing recommendations. Make sure to set up out-of-office times with your workplace and with your students. Create a reasonable travel budget and start researching cuisine to try at your destination. Make reservations and design itineraries.

November 19th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 3rd house of communications. You may need to do some serious proofreading around the time of this Lunar Eclipse. You have likely been working very hard on a book or article in recent weeks and may now find yourself with a bit of writer’s block. Has your idea changed into something else? It is totally okay to scrap anything that no longer works. You may even have to start over! Don’t panic – it is better to start fresh than proceed with an idea that you no longer believe in.

November 21st – The Sun moves into your 10th house of career goals. Your attention will shift onto your career goals when the Sun moves signs. We are starting to approach the end of the year and you may already be thinking about your list of New Year’s Resolutions. Is “apply to a new job” on your list of goals? Use the time between now and the end of the year to think about what your ideal job would look like? What do you need to do to apply? Are you qualified for your dream job yet? If not, what do you need to do to get there? Make a plan!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

November 4th – New Moon in your 8th house of banking and finance, joining the Sun and Mars. You may receive a gift or a loan around the time of this New Moon. Looking to purchase a new flute or make upgrades to your current instrument? How much will you need to invest to give your flute a glow up? Crunch the numbers and use the money gifted to you from the universe in the best way possible.

November 5th – Venus moves into your 10th house of career goals, joining Pluto. What do you love about playing the flute? Is it teaching? Is it performing? Is it writing? Ask yourself honestly what gives you the most joy in your flute life? Got it? Good! Now how can you bring more of that into your career? Will you need to test your entrepreneurial skills or look at other jobs that better suit your interests? Whatever it is, go for it! We all deserve to be happy in our flute playing careers.

November 5th – Mercury moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. This is a great time to have a chat with your local banking institution about purchasing a new flute. What advice do they have for you? Have you looked into financing options with the flute manufacturer? What other loan programs do you qualify for? Do you have a reasonable savings and payment plan established? Work out all of the nitty, gritty details. With a financial plan in place, you may move forward with your purchase.

November 19th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 2nd house of income. Try not panic or fly into an Aries rage, but something in your work life will be changing or ending around the time of the Lunar Eclipse. Go with the flow as much as possible. The Universe is trying to show you what does and does not work for you. If you are unhappy with your job, use this time to ask yourself why? What needs to change? If you had your ideal flute-playing job, what would it look like? Do the work now to bring you closer to that ideal (no matter how difficult).

November 21st – The Sun moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. Your focus will shift onto travel when the Sun moves signs. This is a great time to start planning your holiday travel. Look into flights or book a scenic train ride through picturesque parts of the world. Identify family members you would like to see. Plan for a great holiday season this year!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

November 4th – New Moon in your 7th house of relationships, joining the Sun and Mars. You will be making an important new friend around the time of this New Moon. Invite them out for coffee (virtual or otherwise) and pick their brain. What are they working on? What shared interests do you have? Are there any opportunities to collaborate? Start drafting a business plan (or at least a joint recital plan)!

November 5th – Venus moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education, joining Pluto. Take an adventure to somewhere beautiful. This does not need to be a big trip or a journey to a far away destination. Plan a hike on a cozy Fall trail or take a picnic to a local beach (hot cocoa on the beach sounds perfect!). You likely need an escape from the current hustle and bustle. Clear your head with some fresh air.

November 5th – Mercury moves into your 7th house relationships. This is a great time to interview a flutist or conductor you admire. Perhaps you are writing an article or conducting an informational interview about the next best steps to take in your development as a flutist. Ask them about their experiences and recommendations for other connections to make. This person has a wealth of knowledge to share with you. Heed their advice.

November 19th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 1st house of identity. The Lunar Eclipse will encourage you to do a bit of soul-searching, Taurus. Something in your life is just not working and it may be connected to your flute playing. Are you on track to becoming a stellar orchestral flute player or have your priorities shifted? Do you enjoy teaching or does it drain you? This is a great time to be a bit honest with yourself. If it doesn’t make you happy, don’t do it. Alexander Technique tells us that we all have choices. Select a new choice that brings you more happiness.

November 21st – The Sun moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Your attention will shift onto your bank account when the Sun moves signs. The Lunar Eclipse may have helped you identify what needs to change in your life and with that change there may be a necessary financial commitment. Not to panic – The Sun will give you the focus necessary to plan this investment. Are you going back to school? Purchasing a new house? Buying a new flute? Devise a budget and discuss some of your financial options with your local banking institution. What can be done to bring this wonderful new thing or opportunity into your life faster?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

November 4th – New Moon in your 6th house of daily work and health routines, joining the Sun and Mars. You may be asked to serve on a committee or take over a project unexpectedly around the time of the New Moon. Try not push back against this assignment – This is a gift from the Universe. Perhaps you will be asked to sub in your local symphony for another busy flutist. Seize this opportunity! Be as flexible as possible while focusing on perfecting your part and fitting your playing into the parts around you. Make new connections if possible as this will help open up more doors for you in the future.

November 5th – Venus moves into your 8th house of banking and finance, joining Pluto. Venus will help you attract a bit of financial abundance into your life. Are you planning a major purchase of some kind (A new house? A new flute?). You may receive either a gift from a wealthy benefactor or an easy loan opportunity from your local banking institution. Congrats! Make sure there are no problematic strings attached to this gift such as complicated payback terms or outrageous interest rates.

November 5th – Mercury moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You will be answering a ton of emails and engaging in a number of important conversations (both over the phone and in-person) when Mercury moves signs. Everybody needs your advice during this time. Clear your schedule around the beginning of the month. Share your words of wisdom with the others in your life.

November 19th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Your practice routine (or lack thereof) may not be working anymore. This Lunar Eclipse will help you reevaluate the way you practice. Experiment with various changes to your routine or the method books you typically rely on. Is there a better alternative to your norm? Try practicing at different times of day. Perhaps you are a natural night owl trying to cram your practice time into your most unproductive part of the day. Experiment, try something out, reevaluate, and then try again. There is a better routine out there for you.

November 21st – The Sun moves into your 7th house of relationships. Network. Network. And network some more. When then Sun moves signs you will be quite the social butterfly. This is music to a Gemini’s ears (as the natural social butterfly of the zodiac). Attend all of the parties and meet all of the people. Participate in online masterclasses and strike up a conversation in the chat box with a colleague you admire. Make new connections left and right! You will likely meet an important new person with an important new project.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

November 4th – New Moon in your 5th house of creativity and joy, joining the Sun and Mars. You may receive a wonderful idea for a creative project around the time of this New Moon. Inspiration out of thin air! This could be something you had be thinking about for a while but needed a bit of training or the right helpful colleague to make it happen. Are you planning a lecture recital? Start programing the perfect pieces for your upcoming performance! Writing a piece of music? Start working with that clever melody scribbled on the back of a Starbucks napkin.

November 5th – Venus moves into your 7th house of relationships, joining Pluto. Spend some time connecting with the friends and family you care about the most when Venus moves signs. Perhaps hold a pre-turkey day get together to discuss holiday plans. Enjoy seasonal coffees while playing your favorite board game. Have fun, laugh, and spread joy!

November 5th – Mercury moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. This is a great time to post a blog about your creative project. Write about your experience with the creative process. What have you learned about composing or programing? What lessons have you picked up about getting your idea off the ground? What other resources do you need to make further headway on your project? What are the next steps? Discuss and solicit some helpful honest feedback.

November 19th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. There may be a performing group that you are involved in that does not work for you anymore. This could be as simple as a rehearsal schedule that no longer works for you, a toxic colleague that you can no longer work with (despite many attempts to communicate), or a conductor that does not quite inspire you. It is okay to walk away and move on to other groups that provide a better sense of community. Try not to burn any bridges and exit gracefully.

November 21st – The Sun moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Your attention will shift onto your daily schedule with the Sun moves signs. Now that you have cleared various obligations from your schedule that no longer work for you, you may now begin to fill that time with other tasks that you enjoy. Book a few more student lessons. Volunteer on a committee that interests you. Use your free time to audition to various other ensembles. The sky is the limit!

Leo (July 23-August 22)

November 4th – New Moon in your 4th house of home and family, joining the Sun and Mars. You may be moving to a new house or relocating your office around the time of this New Moon. How can you organize this new space to better work for your flute playing and/or teaching? This is a great opportunity to reorganize your environment to incorporate additional teaching aids or AV equipment.

November 5th – Venus moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines, joining Pluto. Schedule some VIP time for yourself when Venus moves signs. You are so over the daily grind! Time for some good, old self-care. Clear out any unnecessary to-do’s and spend time sipping hot apple cider and watching Hallmark movies. The flute can wait until another day.

November 5th – Mercury moves into your 4th house of home and family. This is a great time to have a family meeting. Discuss your plans for the upcoming holiday season. Is there a tradition that your family would rather skip this year? Are there performances around your community that they would like to attend? What do they have coming up in their own schedules that may conflict with your rehearsal docket? Work out any conflicts now to carve out some much-needed family time before the busy season.

November 19th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 10th house of career goals. Use this time to think critically about your career goals. There may be something that you have been half-heartedly working on for a number of years not because it is meaningful to you but because a well-meaning teacher or advisor encouraged you to work on it long ago. They may have promised you if you achieve a certain goal, it will lead you to another goal that is more meaningful to you. Remember that there is no magic formula to becoming a flutist. You do not need to work on goals that do not resonate with you. Just because your teacher built their career on a particular track does not necessarily mean that you must follow suit. Remove old goals from your life that no longer call to you. Become the flutist that you want to be!

November 21st – The Sun moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. Your attention will shift onto a creative activity when the Sun moves signs. Is there a project that you have wanted to work on but have either lacked time or resources? Now is the time to act! Spend some time brainstorming. What would you like to create? Who is your audience? What is your timeline?

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

November 4th – New Moon in your 3rd house of communications, joining the Sun and Mars. You may be asked to write an article or co-author a blog post around the time of this New Moon. This is a great time to get your thoughts about the flute or a flute-related project out to a larger audience. What inspires you about the flute? What do you value as a flutist? Write about it! Talk about it! Share your passion with the World.

November 5th – Venus moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy, joining Pluto. It is always a wonderful time when the planet of love (Venus) moves into the house of love and joy. Surround yourself with love when Venus moves into your 5th house. Leave your flute at home and visit your loved ones. Schedule a Sunday meal with everyone and share old photos and memories. Watch your favorite Disney movie and sing along to the music. Play board games and sip hot apple cider. #fallvibes

November 5th – Mercury moves into your 3rd house of communications. You will also have the planet of communication moving into the house of communication! This is great time to write. Do you have a flute blog? This is the best time to start one. Do you have a great idea for a blog series on practice tips or repertoire recommendations? Spend some time brainstorming some great ideas for topics. Then start writing! Decide on a word count ahead of time and stick to your parameters.

November 19th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 9th house of travel and higher education. A trip you had been planning may be postponed or canceled around this Lunar Eclipse. This may be for the best. Perhaps your schedule has recently changed and you are no longer available for this trip. You may be bummed but try to look on the bright side and start planning a bigger and better trip for a future date. Hawaii in February? Yes please!

November 21st – The Sun moves into your 4th house of home and family. Your focus with shift onto family matters when the Sun moves signs. Welcome to the holiday season! You will be very busy during this time balancing all of your holiday performances with numerous invitations to parties and family get-togethers. Make sure to invite family members to your performances so they may also enjoy some fun holiday tunes while supporting their favorite flutist!

Libra (September 23-October 22)

November 4th – New Moon in your 2nd house of income, joining the Sun and Mars. You may be offered a new job around the time of this New Moon. Congrats! Did you recently apply to a teaching position at a local community college? Or audition for your local symphony orchestra? You may be getting a very important phone call at the beginning of the month. Celebrate your success and start reviewing the details of your new arrangement. Sign the contracts and finalize all paperwork in a timely manner.

November 5th – Venus moves into your 4th house of home and family, joining Pluto. Spend some quality time with your family when Venus moves into your 4th house. Schedule a family game night and play a few rounds of Monopoly. Watch an opera performance from the comfort of your own home via YouTube or one of your other streaming services. Find an interesting documentary on old castles or concert halls. Laugh and connect with your loved ones! The flute can wait until business hours.

November 5th – Mercury moves into your 2nd house of income. This is a great time to get some of the more mundane work activities out of the way. Return all of the emails. Schedule the phone calls. Reschedule the make-up lessons with your students. Also start preparing for any annual performance reviews. Mercury in this position will help you make the case for yourself using carefully assembled facts and figures. With some courage, you may use this info to ask for a well-deserved raise!

November 19th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. You may be cleaning up your finances around the time of this Lunar Eclipse. Check your spending over the past year. What do you spend most of your money on? Is it food? Is it entertainment? You might be shocked at the results (particularly if you are trying to save up for a new flute, new music, or any other upgrades to your gear). Where can you cut unnecessary expenses? Would moving to a smaller house help save some money? Do you have a savings account with a decent interest rate? Start considering some of your options to save a bit of money before the end of the year.

November 21st – The Sun moves into your 3rd house of communications. The Sun will encourage you to write up a storm at the end of the month. Do you have a great idea for an article, book, or blog series? A teaching technique that you find super effective? A composer whose work you admire? A performing experience that left you a valuable lesson in managing performance anxiety? Write about it! You do not need to publish it just now – Just start writing. You may be surprised by the ideas that spring out of nowhere when you start putting your thoughts on paper. Follow your inspiration!


Happy November!

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