Dr. G's Flute HoroscopesFeaturedIssuesJune 2022


by Rachel Taylor Geier

Welcome to June! The Sun is shining and the Universe is ready for the next chapter of 2022. Mercury will be going direct this month. Any contracts you put off signing during the retrograde can now be executed without concern. Any conversations, difficult or otherwise, can now take place without fear of miscommunications. Mars and Jupiter will also be joining forces this month, giving us the energy to get everything done but also helping to attract more opportunities to be productive and happy. Follow the lead of the Universe. Jump on any offers to shine this month. The planets want you to show the World what you’ve got! Be proud of what you do and who you are and you will be unstoppable.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Mars and Jupiter are in your 11th house of groups and communities all month. This is a great time to recruit new members to your ensemble. Do you know a great clarinetist looking for a place to perform? Invite them to a concert and connect them with your conductor. Do you perform with a local flute choir? Do some outreach at a local college. There may be flute students searching for a few more community ensembles to participate in. Invite them to audition!

June 3rd – Mercury goes direct in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. This is a great time to start working on new repertoire. Mercury will no longer be causing any confusion when it comes to those difficult technical passages or exhaustingly long phrases. Work on that really challenging work you’ve always wanted to play but never had the nerve to try. Mercury will help you make the impossible possible.

June 13th – Mercury moves into your 1st house of identity. Ask for what you want when Mercury moves into your sign. Do you need more practice time? Do you need a better position in a better orchestra? Do you need a new flute? Write it all down. Start taking the first steps toward your most important goals.

June 14th – A Full Moon appears in your 7th house of relationships. There may be a toxic relationship in your environment that will need to change or even end around the time of this Full Moon. Do you have a student that does not practice (no matter how many different ways you try to encourage them)? You may need to have a rather direct conversation about practice expectations with them. Ask them honestly if they enjoy playing the flute. They may be taking lessons just to appease their parents or add an extra-curricular to their college resume. What is their motivation?

June 21st – The Sun moves into your 2nd house of income. Your attention will shift onto your job when the Sun moves signs. Check out the job boards around this time. There may be a position opening in your field that perfectly meets your qualifications and interests. Go for it! The Sun wants you to shine. Time for a new challenge.

June 22nd – Venus moves into your 1st house of identity. Venus will ask you to think about your most important goals. What would bring you the most joy if you were to achieve it? Is there something that you can buy in the interim to bring you closer to this goal? Venus likes to shop – So let her! Take that beautiful new flute on a trial or buy that gorgeous new flute bag if it encourages you to practice more!

June 28th – A New Moon appears in your 2nd house of income. This New Moon may very well bring you a new job opportunity. Did you apply to a new job recently? Crush it on your interview and wow your audition committee to the best of your ability. You are an excellent candidate and poised for a new opportunity in your career. Take it!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Mars and Jupiter are in your 10th house of career goals. This is a great time to make some serious headway on your career goals. Where do you see yourself in the next year? The next five years? The next 10 years? What are the steps that you can take now to get your closer to your goals? Perhaps this means applying to a super competitive job or taking an audition that your inner critic warns you is over your head. Take the leap of faith and apply to everything. Your dream job is out there!

June 3rd – Mercury goes direct in your 11th house of groups and communities. Schedule a few sectionals with your flute section when Mercury goes direct. Chance are that the Mercury retrograde stirred up a few miscommunications between yourself and your fellow fluties. Perhaps intonation was a mess. Or perhaps random interpersonal drama got in the way of great music making (it literally happens to everybody). Clear the air and work out obstacles with a bit of patience and understanding.

June 13th – Mercury moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Blog about some of your favorite practice routines when Mercury moves into your 12th house. What works best for you? Do you have a set routine or do you change it up every day? What is one thing that you typically add to your routine that is a bit outside the norm? Write about it! You may be taking a unique approach that other flutists would find quite useful in their own practices.

June 14th – A Full Moon appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Something in your daily routine is just not working anymore. A Cancer likes to help everybody out, often to the detriment of their own needs. Perhaps you have volunteered for way too much. You won’t let anyone down if you need to step away from a responsibility that is taking far too much of your time. Others will understand. Try to be open and honest with them and provide a few good suggestions for alternative resources. This Full Moon is asking you to make yourself more of a priority in your daily life.

June 21st – The Sun moves into your 1st house of identity. Your focus will shift onto your top priorities when the Sun moves signs. Are you living your best flute life? What stands between you and being your most authentic flute-playing self? Are you devoting enough time to the flute activities that make you feel your best? Do you need a bit of flute retail therapy? Start putting yourself and your flute needs first!

June 22nd – Venus moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Practice from the heart when Venus moves signs. Dig out those old pieces that bring back the very best memories. Was there a competition you won in high school by performing a French Flute School work? Or an excerpt that you absolutely nailed on a live audition? Relive those awesome moments by playing through these works one more time. Can you find something new in these old favorites?

June 28th – A New Moon appears in your 1st house of identity. You have been focusing on your top priorities this month Cancer, and the Universe is about to reward you for your hard work. You may be offered a very important new performing or teaching gig around the time of this New Moon. Seize this moment! This new opportunity is perfectly in line with your career goals and will indeed bring you one step closer to living your very best flute life.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Mars and Jupiter are in your 9th house of travel and higher education. Mars and Jupiter will encourage you to expand your horizons both mentally and physically. This is a great time to take a trip abroad. Or, if you are not quite ready to travel just yet, it is a good time to look into research and grant opportunities for a future date. Do you have a fabulous idea for an interesting research project overseas? Apply to a national endowment to help get your project off the ground.

June 3rd – Mercury goes direct in your 10th house of career goals. You have just come out of period of serious reflection and have reframed some of your most important career goals. When Mercury goes direct, you may now start taking the next steps. Remember that Mars is still hanging out in your 9th so wait until next month to put in the real elbow grease. This month is more about seeking advice. You know what you want but may not know exactly how to get there. Seek counsel from a trusted colleague or advisor. They will point you in the right direction

June 13th – Mercury moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. This is a great time to host a studio masterclass or guest host a masterclass for another studio. You are full of great ideas and in the mood to collaborate with others. Engage students in thoughtful discussion on audition strategies or sight-reading tips. Make things a bit easier for a newer generation.

June 14th – A Full Moon appears in your 5th house of creativity and joy. A creative project that you’ve been working on may need some serious revisions around the time of this Full Moon. Perhaps your project has morphed into something else over time. You do not necessarily need to stick with the same plan you had months or even years ago. Change it up! How can you make it even more relevant in today’s market? If it has lost its relevance, what parts can you take to build a brand-new project in a brand-new direction?

June 21st – The Sun moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Your focus will shift onto the practice room when the Sun moves signs. Practice all of the things. Start sight-reading some new repertoire for your next recital. Get a head start on those super tricky orchestral excerpts for the upcoming concert season. Review the newest etude books to hit the market.

June 22nd – Venus moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. This is the perfect time for an end-of-the-school-year celebration with your flute students. Have a flute mixer with students from another studio. Discuss summer masterclass plans and pieces on everybody’s flute playing bucket list. Compare notes on your favorite performances from the past year. Take some time to simply enjoy your contributions to the flute community.

June 28th – A New Moon appears in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. The New Moon will bring an exciting new piece to work on for your next recital. You may be contacted by a composer who is interested in writing a piece for flute that they would like you to premiere. Go for it!  This is a golden opportunity to devise a work that makes the flute shine in new and exciting ways.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Mars and Jupiter are in your 8th house of banking and finance. Start creating streams of passive income this month. Do you have a great idea for a product? Cute design ideas for cleaning clothes? A video series idea with paid promotional opportunities? Start brainwashing ideas for products or services that you could create and promote to a wide audience. Mars and Jupiter want you to expand your money-making potential.

June 3rd – Mercury goes direct in your 9th house of travel. A trip that was postponed or canceled in the past may now be rescheduled, just in time for summer. Were you scheduled to perform at a summer masterclass? Now is the time to start booking travel arrangements and woodshedding masterclass repertoire. Make sure to abide by any travel or safety guidelines to make your trip as smooth as possible.

June 13th – Mercury moves into your 10th house of career goals. Mercury will encourage you to spruce up your CV. Are you capturing all of your notable experience? Are all of your performances listed? Have you published articles or blogs? Make sure to include links to all of your published works. Schedule a meeting with a career advisor to get some professional advice on ways to promote yourself to hiring committees and audition panels.

June 14th – A Full Moon appears in your 4th house of home and family. Something in your home environment will need to change around the time of this Full Moon. How is your home studio set up? Do you need more space? Does your office need soundproofing? Is there another room in your house that would work better as a teaching space? Start thinking outside the box and make any renovations or updates to your space, your furniture, and your recording equipment

June 21st – The Sun moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. Your focus will shift onto performing groups when the Sun moves signs. Knee-deep in rehearsals? Remember to not overbook yourself. Take breaks and leave ample time between various rehearsals and performances. Make sure you allow enough time for adequate sleep, meals, and regular exercise to avoid burnout. Self-care is just as important as 16th notes during this time.

June 22nd – Venus moves into your 10th house of career goals. Venus will ask you to take a look at your most important career goals. Are you on track toward a career that you love? Or are you trying to accomplish goals that someone made you believe were required to be a “true” flutist? Release these goals and instead focus on becoming the flutist you want to be. There is no one way to be a flutist.

June 28th – A New Moon appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. Although you may have just completed a performance season, you may already be thinking about next concert season. This New Moon will ask you to audition for a new group. Perhaps a position was recently (and unexpectedly) opened in your community. Go for it! You are absolutely ready for a new challenge.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Mars and Jupiter are in your 7th house of relationships. You will be a social butterfly this month, Libra. Attend all of the parties. Audit all of the masterclasses. This is the best time network with old and new flute friends alike. What are you colleagues working on? Any upcoming recitals? Opportunities to collaborate on future projects? Make sure to share contact information and social media links.

June 3rd – Mercury goes direct in your 8th house of banking and finance. If you have been considering upgrading your flute, the recent Mercury retrograde may have helped you explore all of your options. When Mercury goes direct, you will be ready to make a purchase and sign on the dotted line. Make sure to read all of the fine print and set up auto-payments well in advance.

June 13th – Mercury moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. This is a great time to learn a foreign language. Have you always wanted to travel to Vienna and walk in Mozart’s footsteps or explore Paris and the Conservatorie archives? Learn the basics of French or German in preparation for a future adventure abroad.

June 14th – A Full Moon appears in your 3rd house of communications. Take a step back on any writing projects and look at the bigger picture around the time of this Full Moon. Have you veered off-point? Do your supporting points connect to your overall thesis? Remember that sometimes less in more. Remove any unnecessary material and streamline your writing wherever possible.

June 21st – The Sun moves into your 10th house of career goals. Your focus will shift onto your career when the Sun moves signs. Are you living your best flute life? What are your most important ambitions? What is the next step that you need to take to get closer to these goals? Is it auditioning for an orchestra? Recruiting more students to your studio? Applying to a competition? Throw caution to the wind and go for it!

June 22nd – Venus moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. Venus will encourage you to visit some place beautiful. Hit up a beach. Attend a concert in the park. Leave your flute at home for the weekend and just enjoy life. Mozart can wait until Monday.

June 28th – A New Moon appears in your 10th house of career goals. The Sun may have encouraged you to apply to a new opportunity. The New Moon will be giving you a chance to land this job. Be on the lookout for an audition or interview invitation at the end of the month. Put your best foot forward and sell yourself to your panel. You are ready for a new challenge and deserve to shine a bit brighter.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Mars and Jupiter are in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You will be super busy this month, Scorpio. Not to worry – Mars will give you the energy to get literally everything on your to-do list done and Jupiter will help you get more done than ever before. Apply to all of the competitions. Write a few articles and submit them for publication in your favorite journals. Crush it on auditions. Do all of the things!

June 3rd – Mercury goes direct in your 7th house of relationships. If you have had a few miscommunications with colleagues over the recent retrograde, Mercury will help you clear the air when it goes direct. There was probably a good reason that tensions arose during the past few weeks. Something was brewing that needed to come out. Practice some truth, peace, love, and understanding (even if you have wanted to sting a few people lately). Try some transparency with your colleagues – If you are honest with them, chances are they will be honest with you.

June 13th – Mercury moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. This is great energy for signing any contracts or making any major purchases, particularly ones that involve financing agreements. Are you buying a new flute, by any chance? Or even just a new headjoint or crown? Mercury in your 8th will help you come up with a reasonable payment plan. Be sure to read all of the fine print so that you are aware of any terms that seem too good to be true.

June 14th – A Full Moon appears in your 2nd house of income. You may be walking away from a job around the time of this Full Moon. Remember that usually when one door closes, another opens. Have you been recently promoted to another position? Congrats! Make sure to exit your current job with grace. Create a reasonable transition plan to help make your move as seamless as possible.

June 21st – The Sun moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. Your focus will shift onto vacays when the Sun moves signs. You may be super busy but there is an end in sight. Start planning a getaway when work eases up a bit. Where would you most like to visit? Is there a beach far away with your name on it? Or a concert series a few states away that you’d like to attend? Book it!

June 22nd – Venus moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. If you have recently made a large purchase, such as a flute, a car, or a home, Venus will help you attract the resources to pay your bill sooner than you anticipated. Pay as much as you can around this time. Lower your principal so you can lower that monthly rate in the coming months. And, most importantly, love your new purchase. You’ve earned it!

June 28th – A New Moon appears in your 9th house of travel and higher education. This New Moon will encourage you to acquire a new skill. Curious about entrepreneurship? Take an online class from a notable expert. Want to try your hand at conducting? Sign up for lessons. Want to earn a foreign language? Sing up for a summer class at your local community college. Think outside the box and use your new skills to bolster your flute playing in new and interesting ways.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Mars and Jupiter are in your 5th house of creativity and joy. This is a great month to make some serious headway on a creative project. You may get bolts of inspiration left and right. Are you composing a piece for solo flute? Try adding a movement here or a cadenza there. Experiment with any crazy new extended techniques or cheeky references to other pieces buried in the score. Try everything!

June 3rd – Mercury goes direct in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Your schedule may have been a bit cray over the past few weeks. Unexpected rehearsals. Make up lessons out of nowhere. Urgent club meetings. Last-minute sub requests. When Mercury goes direct, your schedule will start to clear up. Use this time to set up routines. Find a great time to plug in a regular practice routine. Schedule time blocks for lessons. Pick a day to focus on professional development. Bring back some normalcy into your daily life.

June 13th – Mercury moves into your 7th house of relationships. Network. Network. And then network some more when Mercury moves signs. Hop onto a flute forum or other social media platform and connect with other flutists. There are so many of us out there with great ideas and fascinating projects. Comment on interesting posts and make new friends. There may be some great ideas for collaborate projects in the future.

June 14th – A Full Moon appears in your 1st house of identity. The Full Moon is asking you to be a bit honest about one of your most important goals. Something is just not working for you. Have you been trying to establish yourself as a performer but really love to teach? Do you love writing more than you love practicing? Make a plan to switch gears. Do less of the things that drain your energy and more of the things that inspire you.

June 21st – The Sun moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Your focus will shift onto your finances when the Sun moves signs. Are you considering purchasing a new flute? Start looking into your options. What type of flute fits your budget? What are your financing options? What is your timeline for making a purchase? Start shopping!

June 22nd – Venus moves into your 7th house of relationships. You will connect with somebody very important when Venus moves signs. If you have recently made a new flute friend from your networking efforts, this person will become a type of business partner with you on a fabulous new project. Perhaps it is as simple as a joint recital or as complex as a recording project. Put your heads together and start thinking about future plans.

June 28th – A New Moon appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. You may receive a financial gift from a wealthy friend or relative around the time of this New Moon. Somebody really wants to help you purchase your new flute. Accept this gift from the Universe and remember to send out thank you cards to express your gratitude. If possible, help them be part of the purchasing process.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Mars and Jupiter are in your 4th house of home and family. Time for some home renovation projects, Capricorn! Mars and Jupiter want to completely revitalize your space. How can you make your home studio work better for you? Can you knock out a closet or extend the space in another direction? Can you bring down a wall between your practice space and your teaching space? What about soundproofing? Think big and start collecting bids from various contractors.

June 3rd – Mercury goes direct in your 5th house of creativity and joy. You may have been thinking quietly about a creative project over the past few weeks. What will you need to bring your visit to light? How long will this project take? Who will you need to contact to set things in motion? When Mercury goes direct, you may begin to take the first steps to get this project rolling. Contact collaborators and discuss needs and timelines. Start brainstorming ideas for the smaller details. Plan and take action!

June 13th – Mercury moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. When Mercury moves signs, schedule all of the meetings, make-up lessons, performances, and masterclasses. If you need information from others, hop on the phone and get your answers. This may be a busy time, but you will be super productive and efficient. Connect with others, crush your to-do list, and start thinking about exciting future events.

June 14th – A Full Moon appears in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Have you been frustrated with a piece in the practice room? It may seem like the more you try to woodshed this piece, the worse it sounds and the more you dislike it. The Full Moon is asking you to take a step back and ask yourself if you really need to perform this piece. Can you table it and find a new one? Do it! If not, take a break from the piece and explore other ways to approach it. Is there something that you have not tried yet? Do a bit of research.

June 21st – The Sun moves into your 7th house of relationships. Your focus will shift onto your network when the Sun moves signs. Spend some time connecting with other flutists both online and in your community. What are they working on? Are there any projects that resonate with you? Any opportunities to collaborate in the future (perhaps on a guest blog or a joint recital)? Start brainstorming!

June 22nd – Venus moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Venus will ask you to spend some time doing some self-care at the end of the month. You may have been super busy over the past few weeks. Take a vacation! Or at least program some time in your daily schedule for rest and relaxation. Book a manicure. Head to the beach. Go on a few daily walks and enjoy the summer sun.

June 28th – A New Moon appears in your 7th house of relationships. You will likely make an important new flute friend at the end of the month. Chances are that the two of you connect on a certain aspect of flute playing or have very similar interests that combine flute playing with some other avenue. The New Moon will encourage you to discuss future projects with this individual. You both have a great idea for a new venture. Start planning it out!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Mars and Jupiter are in your 3rd house of communications. Write, write, then write some more this month, Aquarius. You may not normally be the writing type. Mars and Jupiter will temporarily change that as you will be struck with fascinating bolts of inspiration left and right. Write it all down! Do you have a flute blog yet? This is the perfect time to start one. Post weekly, or even daily, blogs this month. You have a lot of great ideas and a lot to say. Share your ideas with a larger global community.

June 3rd – Mercury goes direct in your 4th house of home and family. You may have had a few disagreements or miscommunications with family members over the past few weeks. This quite likely led to some family meetings where future plans were hashed out and solutions proposed. When Mercury goes direct, start putting those solutions into effect. Perhaps you’ve had to alter your teaching or practicing schedule to accommodate busy family schedules. Or maybe you all just needed a vacation from the insane hustle and bustle of the school year. Start planning a getaway!

June 13th – Mercury moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. When Mercury change signs, start connecting with collaborators to help you get a creative project off the ground. Planning a Fall recital? Contact your accompanist and start scheduling rehearsals. Performing in a chamber music concert series? Start selecting repertoire to sight-read.

June 14th – A Full Moon appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. You may be saying goodbye to one of your performing groups around the time of this Full Moon. Perhaps you have accepted a position in another group with conflicting rehearsal schedules. Or perhaps you are moving out of the area and working with a new ensemble in a neighboring city or state. Although it may be a bit bittersweet to say goodbye to your colleagues, make sure to keep the lines of communication open for any future collaborations. It may only be goodbye for now.

June 21st – The Sun moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. The Sun will shift your attention to your daily schedule when it moves signs. Is your current schedule a bit crazy? Are you trying to do way too much in the 24 hours you are given each day? What items can you delegate to others to free up some time in your schedule? Are booking enough time to practice every day? Are you squeezing in time to exercise? Plan out a better, more reasonable, and far more healthy schedule for yourself in the near future.

June 22nd – Venus moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. It is always a great time when the planet of love, Venus, moves into the house of love and joy. Leave your flute in its case for a couple of days and do something that you love. It may be spending time with your family. It may be escaping to the beach with a good book. It may be as simple as staring up at the stars for a few hours on a cloudless night. Do whatever makes your soul shine.

June 28th – A New Moon appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. It is a good thing that you have cleared out your daily schedule a bit because this New Moon will be asking you to add something new and wonderful to your daily grind. You may be asked to participate on an exciting new project with a colleague in your area. This project is very important to you and may be just the thing to help move your career forward. Whatever it is, say yes, and find time to work on it on a regular basis. It will open doors that you did not think were even possible.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Mars and Jupiter are in your 2nd house of income. There is a good chance that you are working on a promotion at work. Mars and Jupiter will be providing countless opportunities this month for you to shine to your supervisors and any other managers in higher positions of authority. If you are aiming for a more illustrious chair position, schedule a meeting and possibly an audition with your conductor. If you are aiming for a higher power administrative position in addition to your performing role, take on more administrative activities. Build experience this month.

June 3rd – Mercury goes direct in your 3rd house of communications. When the planet of communications enters the house of communication, you will be inspired to write, write, and then write some more. Have you been brainstorming ideas for an article or a book? When Mercury goes direct, start writing. You have a lot of great ideas and are ready to share them with the World. Put pen to paper and go!

June 13th – Mercury moves into your 4th house of home and family. This is a great time to have a family meeting and discuss some of the events that may be coming up over the summer. How will your teaching or performing schedule conflict with these events? Do you have time for a family vacation? Start planning now!

June 14th – A Full Moon appears in your 10th house of career goals. This Full Moon will ask you to be a bit honest about your career goals. Take a look at your current goals. Where would you like to be in one year, five years, and 10 years? Are you on track with these goals or have you been distracted by other goals that don’t seem to be going anywhere? Are you trying to be a flutist that someone else wants you to be? Quit! The Full Moon wants you to be true to yourself. Ditch activities that do not serve your most important goals.

June 21st – The Sun moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. Your attention will shift onto a creative project when the Sun moves signs. You may have been intimidated by this project initially and decided to put off working on it. The Sun wants you to revisit this project. Do you have a new idea that would transform your project into something better? Follow your intuition!

June 22nd – Venus moves into your 4th house of home and family. Spend some quality time with your family when Venus moves signs. Take advantage of the great weather and head to the beach. Take a hike in the woods and go berry-picking. Attend an outdoor concert or visit a wonderful historical site in your neighborhood. Enjoy spending time with your loved ones.

June 28th – A New Moon appears in your 5th house of creativity and joy. This New Moon will give your creative project a new platform. Your project has changed recently and can now be marketed to a completely different audience. Start reaching out to these groups. Do they have suggestions where to advertise your work? Follow their advice!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Mars and Jupiter are in your 1st house of identity. Mars and Jupiter are determined to make you the top priority in your life. What are your wants and needs? Write them all down. Do you need more practice time? Do you need more students? Do you want to buy a new flute? If time and distance were not an issue, where would you live and what job would you have? Once you have your list, start taking the first steps toward all of the things you want. Schedule a trial if you are looking to purchase a new flute. Reach out to other flute teachers in the area if you are searching for more students. Whatever the next step is, take it!

June 3rd – Mercury goes direct in your 2nd house of income. Ask for a raise when Mercury goes direct. Chance are that you have spent the past couple of weeks updating your resume and searching for opportunities either in your organization or outside with other companies. Apply to everything when Mercury goes direct. You are ready for a new challenge. If you are offered a job, take your offer to your current job to see if they can match it or even exceed the offer. Go for the job you want this month!

June 13th – Mercury moves into your 3rd house of communications. When the planet of communication moves into the house of communication, you will be inspired to write, write, and then write some more. Have you ever writing poetry? Music and poetry often go hand in hand. Spend the last 15 minutes of your practice routine around this time just writing some poetry. Share your best work on your flute blog. You have some beautiful words to share about flute playing with the World.

June 14th – A Full Moon appears in your 9th house of travel and higher education. A trip you had been planning will be unexpectedly canceled or postponed around the time of this Full Moon. Is there a masterclass that you had planned to perform in or to teach at? It may be transferred from an in-person event to a virtual event. Try not to get frustrated. These things happen in an unpredictable World. Use this new platform to make interesting and exciting changes to your program. Transfer the money you would normally spend on traveling to this event to a fun adventure later in summer.

June 21st – The Sun moves into your 4th house of home and family. Your focus will shift onto your family when the Sun moves signs. Summer is here and it is time to go on vacay. Is there a concert series in a far away location that you are dying to attend? Book some tickets! Is your family dreaming of a get-away to a fun theme park or a fabulous destination like Las Vegas or New Orleans? Find the time that works best for everyone and book it!

June 22nd – Venus moves into your 3rd house of communications. Venus will encourage you to do a bit of journaling. Write about your ideal flute life and how it would feel to accomplish all of your goals. Write about what you love about the flute and flute playing. Reminisce about your best flute playing moments in your journal. Venus wants you to feel all of things and remember what flute playing truly means to you.

June 28th – A New Moon appears in your 4th house of home and family. You may be moving to a new apartment or a new house around the time of this New Moon. Or, if you are staying put, you may be renovating your space in a significant way. Perhaps you are updating your home studio with new equipment or knocking out a closet to expand your space. Think big, plan big, and create a space that works best for you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Mars and Jupiter are in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Mars and Jupiter will encourage you to practice all of the things this month. Gather everything that you have been interested in. Did you hear a piece at a recital recently that you would love to program on your own upcoming recital? Get your hands on a copy and start working on it. It may be far less intimidating than you think. Is there a challenging new etude book on the market? Start working on it. The exercises in this book will help improve some of your weakest areas of technique.

June 3rd – Mercury goes direct in your 1st house of identity. Back in January you might have set a list of New Year’s Resolutions. How many of these resolutions were related to your flute playing? Revisit that list. Are you on track to accomplishing some of these goals or have you been distracted by other things? Time to get back on track! Create a new list. Perhaps call these your Mid-Year’s Resolutions. What would you like to accomplish in your flute playing by the end of the year? Make sure you are using SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).

June 13th – Mercury moves into your 2nd house of income. Mercury will ask you to apply to new jobs. Brush up your CV and cover letter. Search for job listings on a career track that you truly want to be on. Audition to your dream group. Most importantly, do not sell yourself short. Go after opportunities to increase your income, support your work-life balance, and make you truly enthusiastic about your job. Wealth is not only measured in dollars. Create wealth by going after opportunities that make you happy.

June 14th – A Full Moon appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. You may be making the final payment on a loan or a credit card balance around the time of this Full Moon. Congrats! Make sure that you are paying all of the final fees and completing all of the final paperwork on time. You finally officially own that awesome flute! Celebrate your financial accomplishment with a glass of bubbly.

June 21st – The Sun moves into your 3rd house of communications. Your attention will shift onto writing projects when the Sun moves signs. Do you have a flute blog yet? If not, this is the perfect time to set one up. What do you love about the flute? Is there a composer whose work you love? Is there a genre of music that you enjoy performing? Write about it on your blog! You have a lot of great ideas about the flute and an internet audience of flutists ready to read your work. Get to writing!

June 22nd – Venus moves into your 2nd house of income. You will be very popular at work when Venus moves into your 2nd house. This is a great time to host a recital. Perform works that really resonate with you and your unique playing style. Invite everyone to your performance – friends, colleagues, family, advisors, old flute teachers, and flutists you admire (even if you barely know them). Share your performing gifts with your entire community.

June 28th – A New Moon appears in your 3rd house of communications. You may be inspired to start writing an article or a book at the end of the month. As your flute blog begins to take off, you may stumble across a really great idea for a larger writing project. Start brainstorming! Create an outline for your work. Where will you start and what is the main objective for your writing? Then just start writing!


Happy June!

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