Dr. G's Flute HoroscopesFeaturedIssuesMay 2023


by Rachel Taylor Geier

Welcome to May! The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the Sun is gracing the fresh Spring sky with warmer temperatures and longer days. Everything seems perfect, right? Acting as a proverbial Debbie Downer, the Universe has decided to be party pooper at the beginning of the month, presenting us with a Lunar Eclipse. Something significant is about to exit your life. This change is for the best and will lead to better circumstances in the future. But it is never easy to let go of something, especially if you have tried very hard to make it work. Use this energy to rethink your situation. Embrace changes with patience and flexibility (which will be more difficult for fixed signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). The other major development this month is that Jupiter, planet of expansion and good luck, is moving signs. Look for new expansion and opportunities in unexpected areas of your life. Embrace whatever the Universe brings to you this month - whether challenging or positive. Your life is about to change for the better. Trust that the Universe has your back.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

May 5th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 7th house of relationships. There is an important connection in your life that has become toxic. Perhaps there is a colleague who you connected with initially, but as you both compete for the same jobs and same student base, you find yourself resenting this person (and vice versa). The Lunar Eclipse is asking you to repair this relationship. Competition often prevents us from building and maintaining healthy relationships with one another, stifling opportunities to pool our creative talents towards bigger and better objectives. Be less of a hater and more of a collaborator.

May 7th – Venus joins Mars in your 3rd house of communication. This is a great time to write from the heart. Have you always wanted to write an autobiography? Or even just discuss some of your most important flute experiences on your flute blog? Just start writing! Post on your blogging platform or create an Instagram story. Share what you’ve learned on your flute journey. You may inspire a host of other flutists.

May 14th – Mercury goes direct in your 1st house of identity. You have just come out of a period of reflection. Some of the goals you’ve held so tightly to are no longer as important to you now. Doors are opening for you to create a new life. Take a new path. If there is something new you’d like to pursue, just go for it! Take the first steps. Mercury wants you to do you.

May 16th – Jupiter moves into your 1st house of identity. Jupiter wants you to be abundant. When he moves signs mid-month, he will help attract all of the things that make you feel awesome. This might be more performing opportunities, a great new job, more students, or financial resources needed to purchase a new instrument. Follow your abundance. 

May 19th – A New Moon appears in your 1st house of identity. The New Moon is encouraging you to use the tools Jupiter has ushered into your life to finally take those initial action steps towards the new goals that Mercury helped you devise. Chances are a great new opportunity will arrive in your life. An audition maybe or perhaps a job interview. Follow this nudge from the Universe.

May 20th – Mars moves into your 4th house of home and family. Mars wants you to upgrade your practice and/or home studio environment. Do some serious Spring cleaning! Update furniture or outdated technology. Streamline your desk and scan all of those random papers cluttering up your space. Add a beautiful new piece of art or healing salt lamp. Create a newfound sense of peace in your practice space.

May 21st – The Sun moves into your 2nd house of income. The Sun will encourage you to apply to new positions or promotional opportunities in your current role. Audition for that awesome new chair position in your orchestra. Apply to that teaching job you may think is totally outside your level of experience. Give yourself more credit than usual and others just may follow!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

May 5th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Something in your daily schedule is just not working. You may be overbooked and exhausted. Have you agreed to play with one too many groups? Is your teaching schedule unsustainable or are your lessons taking place at inconvenient times? Are you struggling to eat actual meals between gigs or logging in exercise time away from your instrument? This Lunar Eclipse will demand that you streamline your schedule. Your vitality and mental health are much more important than how many gigs you line up.

May 7th – Venus joins Mars in your 2nd house of income. Venus and Mars will help you put in the work to bring in more of the cash money! You may need to attend job interviews, networking events, or training programs. Whatever it is, make sure that it is tied to your ultimate career goals. Audition for those opportunities that will build your flute playing experience and create important connections for future projects. Think bigger and go after the roles you want.

May 14th – Mercury goes direct in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. You have a ton of great practice ideas. Perhaps you have changed up your ho-hum routine, invested in a great practice journal, or reviewed a series of great new technique books. Write about it! Share your newfound knowledge on your flute blog, Instagram, podcast, or whatever platform you find most valuable. Your experience may help other flutists seeking a new routine.

May 16th – Jupiter moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Jupiter will encourage you to sight-read new repertoire. Spend some time listening to various pieces on YouTube or attend local flute performances of interesting new pieces. Hit up your local music store and invest in new scores. Challenge yourself to get away from the standard Bach Sonatas and Mozart Concerti for a moment to search for something fresh and unique.

May 19th – A New Moon appears in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. You will connect to a really great new piece around the time of this New Moon. Dissect it! Analyze the harmonic structure. Create a breathing plan. Design a tone color plan. Listen to literally.every.recording.ever.made of the piece. Write about the composer or background of the piece on your flute blog. Woodshed the tricky bits and record yourself playing the melodies you love. Own this piece and program it on your next recital.

May 20th – Mars moves into your 3rd house of communication. Mars will encourage you to write, write, write, and then write some more. Have you ever considered writing a book? Or creating your own edition of a violin transcription? You have a lot to say and some great ideas to share. You may think about creating a basic outline for your work and start with some initial research. Then just write! You can edit later.

May 21st – The Sun moves into your 1st house of identity. Your focus at the end of the month will shift onto your most important goals when the Sun moves signs. Use this time to revisit your New Year’s Resolutions. Are you on the right track or has the track changed since January? If so, use this time to create updated resolutions. New Year’s in May? Uhm, why not? Think about where you want to go in your flute playing life. Take the first steps.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

May 5th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 5th house of creativity and joy. Have you been chipping away at a creative project that just isn’t materializing? You may need to rethink your entire concept from the bottom up. This Lunar Eclipse will ask you some tough questions about your work and where you want to take it. Perhaps you aren’t thinking big enough. Use this time to do some more research and connect with other flutists in similar fields. They may have some great advice for avenues to pursue. Rethink, reformat, and revitalize.

May 7th – Venus joins Mars in your 1st house of identity. Venus and Mars want you to invest in yourself and prioritize your most important goals. Be selfish! What do you need to bring your flute life to the next level? Is it a workshop or educational program? Is it a new instrument? Is it more gigs or students? Whatever it is, go after it! Mars will ask you to roll up your sleeves and get to work (or shopping)!

May 14th – Mercury goes direct in your 11th house of groups and communities. Mercury will help you join a number of new groups when it goes direct. You might find yourself being asked to sub for local orchestras. You may come across audition notices for small and larger groups in your community or in the nearest large city. Remember not to say yes to too many competing opportunities to avoid burnout. Otherwise, connect, audition, and expand your network.

May 16th – Jupiter moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. Jupiter will bring new musical contacts into your life in the form of ensembles. Mercury asked you to audition and Jupiter will ask you to collaborate even further. Perhaps the members of the woodwind section in your new ensemble have been searching for a flutist to start up a woodwind quintet. Volunteer! You may be intimidated at first but these connections will result in awesome projects in the future.

May 19th – A New Moon appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. This New Moon will bring an opportunity to join a very important new ensemble. Audition to groups you think won’t take you. Prep your excerpts, practice relaxing backstage, give it your all at the audition (accepting whatever results may come out of the five minutes you are given to shine). You just may be surprised by what the Universe offers you. Take it! Whatever opportunities come out of this experience, say yes and follow the cues from the Universe.

May 20th – Mars moves into your 2nd house of income. Mars will encourage you to apply to new jobs or promotional opportunities at your current position. Just go for it! Apply to everything. Update your CV, your website, and start adding great contacts on your social media platforms. Mars wants you to stop making excuses in your work life and just go for the jobs you want. You are worth it!

May 21st – The Sun moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. You will lock yourself in the practice room at the end of the month. With new ensembles comes a host of new repertoire to learn. Give yourself the time to woodshed literally everything. Practice tricky sections slowly with a metronome, in chunks, and in different meters and keys. You may learn awesome new ways to approach challenging orchestra pieces.

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

May 5th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 4th house of home and family.  This Lunar Eclipse will challenge you to think bigger and better when it comes to your teaching and/or practicing environment. If you teach out of your home, you might consider moving your practice to a local instrument shop to enable partnerships with retailers and other teachers. They may be able to help attract more students into your practice than ever before. 

May 7th – Venus joins Mars in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Practice from the heart when Venus moves signs. This may involve picking up a new piece that really speaks to you and working it into something truly meaningful. Or it may involve exploring the new possibilities of an old favorite. Keep an open mind.

May 14th – Mercury goes direct in your 10th house of career goals. Schedule a meeting with a trusted advisor or flute colleague when Mercury moves signs. You have probably spent the past few weeks thinking about new directions you would like to take in your career. Perhaps you would like to launch an awesome new project or audition to a fabulous orchestra looking for a principal flutist. Talk it out and devise a clear action plan moving forward.

May 16th – Jupiter moves into your 10th house of career goals. Jupiter is about to bring in a ton of new job opportunities. You may see jobs posted left and right that interest you. You might even find that your dream job is posted out of the blue. Apply to literally everything that comes your way. Jupiter wants to give you options to do something bigger.

May 19th – A New Moon appears in your 10th house of career goals. The New Moon will land you a wonderful new job opportunity. Follow your gut! Take all of the interviews and auditions until that dream job offer comes your way. Don’t second-guess it when it arrives. Take it and throw caution to the wind!

May 20th – Mars moves into your 1st house of identity. Mars wants you to roll up your sleeves and work on all of your most important goals. This may extend to flute playing and beyond. Take the next best steps, however big or small they may be.

May 21st – The Sun moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. Your focus will shift onto your performing groups when the Sun moves signs. Chances are, on your quest for awesome new job opportunities, you have landed yourself in a really great new orchestra that will require a bit more prep work than your previous role. Get to work! It’s totally worth it.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

May 5th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 3rd house of communication. Working on a book project, Virgo? You may find yourself with some serious writer’s block during this Lunar Eclipse. Take a step back and rethink your book outline. Have you muddled your work with way too many examples that seem to say different things? Streamline and edit. Give your work to a second trusted set of eyes if needed. Your vision may be too large for a single project. Sometimes less is more.

May 7th – Venus joins Mars in your 11th house of groups and communities. This is a great pairing to host a masterclass. Set up an event for your flute studio or expand your influence to a larger, global audience and host a virtual masterclass. Venus wants you to discuss techniques that you are passionate about in a setting that will provide the most benefit to the most people.

May 14th – Mercury goes direct in your 9th house of travel and higher education. Mercury will encourage you to take an adventure. You may have been working so much lately that you’ve lost perspective on the things that truly matter. Your health and happiness are much more important than the responsibilities others demand from you. Plan a get-a-way. Where do you most want to travel? Book it!

May 16th – Jupiter moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. Jupiter wants you to expand your experience with subjects outside of music. What have you always been interested in? Take a class at your local community college or sign up for a workshop. How can you combine what you are learning in this subject with flute playing?

May 19th – A New Moon appears in your 9th house of travel and higher education. This New Moon will help you find a masterclass or workshop either locally or not-so-locally to develop a new skill or project. Follow this nudge from the Universe. Sign up for any new educational opportunity that will help you reach that next level in your career.

May 20th – Mars moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Mars will send you into the practice room when it changes signs. Practice literally all of the things. Find those scary difficult etude books that you have buried in your collection. Pick up that piece again that you worked so very hard to master but has collected dust since its last performance. Sight-read new repertoire. Take a deep dive into the collections of composers whose work always seems to resonate with you. Try everything.

May 21st – The Sun moves into your 10th house of career goals. Your focus will shift onto your career goals when the Sun moves signs. This is a great time to think about where you’d like to be in your flute career in the next year, five years, and 10 years. Create an action plan. What are the next best steps you can take to jump-start these goals?

Libra (September 23-October 22) 

May 5th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 2nd house of income. The Lunar Eclipse will teach you some difficult lessons about how you devote your time to work. You may be thinking too small when it comes to your flute career. Do you tend to devote your time to a number of other responsibilities that leave your flute playing last on your daily to-do list? Is your studio a bit smaller than you’d like? Start putting your flute goals first on your list and pursue those money-making endeavors that may require a bit more effort. They are worth it in the long run!

May 7th – Venus joins Mars in your 10th house of career goals. Venus and Mars want you to make strides in your career but also want you to reconsider which paths actually make you happy. Do you love teaching? Start advertising lessons more broadly and consider offering online lessons. Do you love performing in an orchestra? Audition  more broadly. Dream big and go for it!

May 14th – Mercury goes direct in your 8th house of banking and finance. This is a great time to create a savings plan. You may be dreaming of a new instrument but don’t really have the resources to bring it into your life at the moment. Not to worry - With a decent plan on how to get there, and some good old-fashion research on some of your financing options, you might find that purchasing your dream flute may be easier than you think.

May 16th – Jupiter moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Jupiter in your money house is great for attracting money! Use this time to look into side-hustles that can bring in a bit of passive income without a significant time commitment. Explore longer-term financing and loan programs offered through various instrument retailers. Start a GoFundMe account to seek support from outside sources. Explore your options.

May 19th – A New Moon appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. This New Moon may bring in a donation towards your new flute from a wealthy friend or family member. You have supporters that want to see you achieve your goals. Remember to show them gratitude and, if possible, bring them into the purchasing process. A thank you goes a long way.

May 20th – Mars moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. Mars will see that you are super busy in rehearsals when it moves signs. You may be asked to sub here and perform there. Remember to schedule in more travel time between gigs than you think. You also want to avoid burnout by carefully planning out your eating, sleeping, and workout schedules. You can do all of the things but you do need to have a plan.

May 21st – The Sun moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. The Sun will have you dreaming of wonderful summertime adventures. Start planning your masterclass tour! Where are you planning to perform this summer? Where are you planning to teach? Are there classes you can audit? Start booking tickets and scheduling those awesome side trips.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

May 5th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 1st house of identity. A Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is an intense time but also one that fits the Scorpio personality well. One of the figures also associated with Scorpio is a Phoenix. As we all learned in Harry Potter, a Phoenix symbolizes death and renewal. Sometimes you’ve got to set your current circumstances ablaze in order to rebuild them into something bigger, better, shinier, and more representative of you. Use this time to consider your flute playing world as a whole. Where have you gone off-track? Are you living your best flute life? What does that flute life look like? Design it and remove things from your life that do not reflect that ideal.

May 7th – Venus joins Mars in your 9th house of travel and higher education. Venus and Mars will encourage you to learn something new. Is there a skill that you’ve wanted to master but have been too intimidated to try? Sign up for a class! Reach out to an expert in this field. They may help you find creative ways to combine what you are learning into your flute life. Write about your new insights on your flute blog  or other social media platforms. Share your newfound knowledge with others.

May 14th – Mercury goes direct in your 7th house of relationships. Mercury wants you to network, network, and then network some more! Networking does not come easy to Scorpios, who often prefer to work behind the scenes. If that is the case, use online networking to your advantage. Comment on flute posts on various flute club pages or send emails to flutists you may admire. There may be some wonderful collaborative opportunities out there waiting for a platform.

May 16th – Jupiter moves into your 7th house of relationships. Jupiter will bring a number of important new flute friends into your life. Connect with everyone! Take a deep-dive into social media. If you see content that you resonate with, take that extra step to direct message the creator. You may find that you have a lot in common and they may be able to provide you some great resources. Can you collaborate on any exciting new projects?                                                                                                                                                                      

May 19th – A New Moon appears in your 7th house of relationships. This New Moon will bring a very important new contact into your life. Cultivate this relationship with your new flute friend! Schedule a coffee meeting (virtual or otherwise) to discuss hopes, dreams, crazy ideas for business projects or performances, and how you may be able to tap into each other's online networks. Create wonderful win-win scenarios by pooling your creative talents.

May 20th – Mars moves into your 10th house of career goals. Mars has had enough  watching you sit by the sidelines in your career. You may have watched while others achieved chair placements, jobs, students, and other accolades that you have long wanted to achieve but were intimidated to pursue. You don’t always have to sit second chair in your flute life. Stop apologizing for your awesomeness and instead go for all of your goals, no matter how crazy they seem. Think bigger and start taking steps to get there.

May 21st – The Sun moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. The Sun will ask you to take a look at your finances. There is something that you’ve had your eye on. This may be a new flute or an important new upgrade to your existing instrument. Whatever it is, start formulating a savings plan. Look into any financing options available to you as well. You may find that purchasing your next instrument is easier than you think.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

May 5th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. You may need to reschedule a recital during the time of this Lunar Eclipse as something in the practice room is just not coming together. Your flute may need some major repairs. Or, perhaps you need an overhaul to be 100% confident in the condition of your instrument. Your repertoire may not be as recital-ready as you had hope. Try to breathe and remember that there is nothing wrong with postponing your performance. With more time and planning it will be even better than you had anticipated. Delays are not the end of the world.

May 7th – Venus joins Mars in your 8th house of banking and finance. Venus and Mars will be attracting more financial resources. One of your passion projects may turn into an actual business with potential for passive income. You may also find that gig-work is now a possibility in your schedule or that a slew of new students would like to sign up for lessons. Remember to save your extra newfound change before Venus has an opportunity to spend it all!

May 14th – Mercury goes direct in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Mercury will ask you to schedule all of those 1:1 meetings you have been putting off. Do you have a number of make-up lessons to reschedule or pre-recital coaching sessions to set up? Do you need to touch base with your student’s parents to have a conversation about practice expectations? Book it! Try to organize these commitments into time-batches to get them all done at once.

May 16th – Jupiter moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Jupiter will put more on your daily plate when it moves signs. This is not necessarily a bad thing! Remember to scrutinize the activities you say yes to. Sometimes Jupiter’s influence has us saying “yes” to things that we don’t really have time for. If it is something that you know will be either enjoyable, educational, or just plain good for you, schedule it! If not, a simple “thanks but no thanks” will suffice.

May 19th – A New Moon appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You will receive an invitation for an important new responsibility around the time of this New Moon. Perhaps a local orchestra is in need of a long term sub for the second flute position. Or you might be invited to guest judge a competition or chair placement at a local school. Just say yes - This opportunity will open many doors in the future.

May 20th – Mars moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. Mars wants you to learn something new. Want to learn French or Russian to understand those weird terms interspersed between the staves? Sign up for a program at a local community college or online. Want to brush up on your music theory? Audit a class at a local university.

May 21st – The Sun moves into your 7th house of relationships. Your focus will shift onto the others in your life when the Sun moves signs. Network, network, and then network some more! Reach out to other flutists both online and off. Comment on flute forum questions. Direct message a flutist you admire. Advertise your concerts or other creative projects on your social media platforms and start up a conversation with all who are interested in your work.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

May 5th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. You may need to call it quits in one of your ensembles. This is not necessarily a negative thing. You may have received an invitation to join another group whose rehearsal schedule conflicts with this one. Or you may just have one too many groups to balance in your crazy schedule. You do not want to burnout and your colleagues will understand. Remember to keep doors open for potential future collaborations.

May 7th – Venus joins Mars in your 7th house of relationships. Venus and Mars want you to attend as many networking events as possible when they join forces. Is there a music conference or flute festival in your area? Or even one that you’d like to attend in a larger city? Book your tickets. Use this time to update all of your social media platforms as well as your webpage. While you are there, connect with as many musicians as possible.

May 14th – Mercury goes direct in your 5th house of creativity and joy. This is a great time to explore an idea for a creative project. Have you always wanted to record an album? Start researching what you will need to make this happen. Share your findings on your blog! Share your ideas with your inner circle of trusted flutists - They may have some great ideas for you to consider.

May 16th – Jupiter moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. Jupiter wants to bring more joy into your life. What makes you happy about playing the flute? Is it teaching? Is it hosting a recital? Is it recording videos? What practical ways can you bring more of what you love into your flute life? Book the time in your calendar to do the things that bring you the most joy.

May 19th – A New Moon appears in your 5th house of creativity and joy. This New Moon will inspire yet another creative project. Run with it! You might have had this amazing new idea while devoting your time to fun flute activities that you love. Start with a basic outline of your project and a list of individuals you will need to contact to help get your idea started. Plan it now and pour your heart into it later.

May 20th – Mars moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Mars in your financial sector indicates that you will need to start cutting expenses. Are you saving up for a new flute or fancy new recording equipment? Where can you dial back your spending? Do you have subscriptions that you can cancel? A chronic Starbucks habit you could curb? Make a plan and start saving now.

May 21st – The Sun moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Your focus will shift onto your daily routine at the end of the month. This is a good time to examine just what is working and what is not. Write it all down! Where are your rehearsals? When is your practice time? Where can you cut out obligations to make more room for the true priorities in your life.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) 

May 5th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 10th house of career goals. This is one of those times in your life where you will need to confront all of your demons in order to move on from a situation that just doesn’t work for you. You may have spent a lot of time striving to be one type of flutist (an orchestra musician, for example) only to have doors slammed in your face, one right after the other. You may be realizing that the life you devoted your energy towards just isn’t right for you. That is totally okay! Accept it. Face it. And then release it. Move towards the life that actually resonates with you. 

May 7th – Venus joins Mars in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Venus and Mars are going to make sure you are happy and productive when they join forces. You have no time for pointless activities during this time. Fill your schedule up with ventures that yield the greatest return on your investment of time. This may be teaching students at the expense of catching up on the latest Netflix series or attending virtual workshops instead of doom-scrolling on Instagram.

May 14th – Mercury goes direct in your 4th house of home and family. This is a great time for a family meeting. Schedules are getting packed with end-of-the-school-year obligations. Create a shared calendar. Where can you compromise on responsibilities? Who will need to pick up the various chores that often get neglected? Iron out any conflicts over pizza.

May 16th – Jupiter moves into your 4th house of home and family. Jupiter is expanding your environment. You may be considering a move to a much larger house with a great home teaching/practice space. Start window shopping! Attend a few open houses on the weekend to get a sense of the market and how far your dollars will go towards a great new space. What does your family want to see in a new space? Where are you able to compromise (commute? proximity to shopping?). Explore your options.

May 19th – A New Moon appears in your 4th house of home and family. You may be inspired to put in an offer on a new house or teaching space. This is a wonderful nudge from the Universe. The time is right. The space is right. Now just ask yourself how much you are willing to fight for it? And what is your timeline?

May 20th – Mars moves into your 7th house of relationships. Mars wants you to network, network, and network some more. Connect with flutists on online forums. Send an email (or two) to a flutist you admire. Ask them for an informational interview to pick their brain about their experience and what advice they may have for you as you make your way through this crazy flute world.

May 21st – The Sun moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. Your focus will shift onto having a good time at the end of the month. The weather is heating up and Spring is in full bloom. Leave your flute in its case and just enjoy the great outdoors. Take your family on a picnic and walk on your favorite trails. Feed your soul!

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

May 5th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 9th house of travel and higher education. A trip you had been planning will most likely be canceled during the time of the Lunar Eclipse. You may find yourself devastated by this chain of events, as it may be connected to a tour or a masterclass performance. Try to remain calm. Rethink your trip. There are masterclasses offered all over the World. Think bigger! Research other opportunities around the globe. 

May 7th – Venus joins Mars in your 5th house of creativity and joy. You have been thinking about a creative project for a while now. Perhaps you have always wanted to try your hand at composing but have been unclear about “the rules.” Throw the rules out and just start writing. Mars does not have an off-button - Give your Mars permission to be a creative compositional genius. Venus can give your work a bit of finesse after the initial draft.

May 14th – Mercury goes direct in your 3rd house of communication. Whenever the planet of communication is in the house of communication, and not causing problems while in retrograde, the environment is perfect to write. Do you have a flute blog yet? Or a podcast? Or a YouTube channel. This is the best time to start one! Share some of your best kept practice secrets with a larger readership. Record a few of your favorite pieces and share them on your YouTube channel. Write a series of blog posts analyzing works by your favorite composer. Time to put yourself out there!

May 16th – Jupiter moves into your 3rd house of communication. Jupiter will encourage you to expand on your writing projects. Perhaps your blog series has led  you to a great idea for a book. Roll up your sleeves and start drafting! You might want to begin with a basic outline of your work and some initial research into supporting musical examples and other historical research. Then just start writing (you can revise later).

May 19th – A New Moon appears in your 3rd house of communication. This New Moon might usher in a publication offer. Put together a prospectus on your work and submit it to a few book presses. The worst thing they can say is no! You might even ask for constructive feedback if they are not yet on board with your idea, which will help when you submit to other publishers. The Universe, however, is likely to bring you an offer. Take it when it arrives!

May 20th – Mars moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Mars will see that you are super busy at the end of the month. You probably have a long list of upcoming performances and corresponding rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and last minute sectionals. Mars will help give you the energy necessary to get everything done, but remember not to burn the candle at both ends. Schedule adequate time for sleep, meals, and exercise (even if you can only squeeze in a 15-minute mini-workout here and there).

May 21st – The Sun moves into your 4th house of home and family. Your focus will shift onto your environment with the Sun moves signs. Revamp your teaching and/or practice space. Remove any old, outdated furniture and invest in a simpler set up. Update computers and other technology. Purchase a beautiful new music stand. Invest in a super hi-tech scanner for your music. Make your space work better for you.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

May 5th – A Lunar Eclipse appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. You have been saving your extra gig month for months. You have cut out expenses left and right. Your tax return has gone straight into your savings account. You may finally be able to purchase that dream flute. But not so fast! Have you considered selling your current instrument? Take it to a reputable instrument shop. What is it worth? Check out used flute websites for comparison. If you swap out your old flute for a new one, you might be able to put a nice, unanticipated chunk of change towards an even better model.

May 7th – Venus joins Mars in your 4th house of home and family. Venus and Mars want you to completely renovate your teaching/practice space. If you have the budget to knock out a few walls, and remove a closet or two to ensure a much more spacious room with better access to natural light and top notch acoustics, do it! Call up a contractor and take bids. If your budget is smaller, you can still make some major updates to your space by purchasing new office furniture and technology (computers, etc.) and perhaps an inspirational piece of art.

May 14th – Mercury goes direct in your 2nd house of income. This is the very best energy to audition to new groups. Book those scary auditions in far away cities that you may think you literally have no chance of landing. No matter what, you will walk away with valuable experience auditioning for top-notch groups. This is exposure-therapy for your nerves at its best! You may actually be surprised how successful you might be when you embrace the process without expectations of the outcome.

May 16th – Jupiter moves into your 2nd house of income. Jupiter wants to expand your income. Start looking for better paying gigs. You are done giving away your efforts for mere taco money. You know you are worth more. Demand it. Apply to other opportunities. Again, like the audition circuit, the worst they can say is “no” and you are no worse off than you were before.

May 19th – A New Moon appears in your 2nd house of income. This New Moon suggests that a new job is on the horizon. Congrats! Remember to scrutinize the details of your contract - Make sure you understand everything down to your pay schedule and any provisions on benefits. If all looks on the up and up, sign on the dotted line! This is a gift from the Universe - Make the most out of it!

May 20th – Mars moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. If there is a creative project you’ve wanted to work on, aka something totally off-the-wall that you may think no flutist on the face of the Earth is doing yet, Mars will help you devise an action plan and get to work. What do you need to take the first steps? Remember - The initial draft does not need to be perfect. Work now and revise later.

May 21st – The Sun moves into your 3rd house of communication. Your focus will shift onto writing projects when the Sun moves signs. You have experienced a number of important changes in your flute career this month! Write about what you have learned through all of these experiences on your flute blog. Discuss how you combat performance anxiety. Take us through your most challenging audition experiences and what you learned from them. Discuss your future projects and performances. Put yourself out there!

Happy May!

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