Year in Review Best Flute Moments 2014
Best Flute Moments 2014 in chronological order:

Julien Beaudiment’s performance at NFA - beautiful performance of Mozart D Major Flute Concerto by the Principal Flutist of the Los Angeles Philharmonic

Gary Schocker’s Recital at NFA - Triple Threat, Composer, Pianist, Flutist, Gary Schocker performed new works by Gary Schocker, listen to the performance here

Drone video footage of the Chicago Flute Flash Mob - first ever drone footage of a flute event, watch video here

Sir James and Lady Jeanne Galway performance at NFA

Niall O'Riordan, Samantha Chang, and Anne Marshall Coatesworth, BFS - presented The Briccialdi Lecture Demonstration in period costume

Marina Piccinini's Gala Concert at BFS

Quintessence, Leipzig Flute Ensemble exquisite Gala performance at BFS

Sébastian Jacot, first prize winner of the Nielsen Flute Competition

Yukie Ota, “Madame Butterfly”, 2nd place winner of the Nielsen Flute Competition, the video has over 2 million views to date.

Fluterscooter's Hologram Concert in Tokyo, Japan - the world's first Flute Hologram Show

Gloria Jee Eun Park Recital in Seoul, Korea, Sejong Center Chamber Hall in Gwanghawamun in Seoul, Korea. Read Concert Review here.

Emily Beynon's Nederlandse Fluit Academie with the participation of over 500 flutists.

photo by Anne-laure Lechat
Yubeen Kim, 2nd place winner of the Geneva Flute Competition

Adriana Ferreira, 2nd place winner of the Geneva Flute Competition

San Francisco Flute Festival Gala Concert with 9 Flute & Piccolo Soloists performing with the San Jose Chamber Orchestra - from left to right: Sooyun Kim, Nicole Esposito, Viviana Guzman, Horacio Parravicini, Isabelle Chapuis, Christine Erlander Beard, Jean-Louis Beaumadier, Barbara Siesel and Catherine Payne.

Paula Robison premiere of the Leon Kirchner Concerto "Music for Flute and Orchestra"

Carol Wincenc premiere of the Tod Machover Concerto "Breathless", hear the performance here

Sir James Galway's 75th Birthday Celebration in Carnegie Hall - Benefit concert for Kate Winselt's the Golden Hat Foundation with special guests Loreena McKennitt, Tim Janis, Lisa Fischer, Cindy Cruse Ratcliff