April 2022Dr. G's Flute HoroscopesFeatured


by Rachel Taylor Geier

Happy April! Spring has sprung and we have entered a season of rebirth. The trees are sprouting fresh new leaves and the flowers are in full bloom, displaying vibrant shades of yellows, reds, purples, and beyond. Like the surrounding landscape, this month promises rebirth in several areas of our lives. April is bookend by two New Moons. Be on the lookout for new opportunities that seem to come out of nowhere. Mercury will also be moving twice. Like last month, muster the courage to speak your truth. Ask for what you need and look for those win-win situations that benefit everyone. Venus and Mars will also be changing signs this month. Follow your heart and focus on the activities that bring you joy. Follow your energy and knock your to-do list out of the park. You’ve got this! Keep an open mind to all new experiences this month and you will change your life, and flute playing, for the better.

Aries (March 21-April 19) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

April 1st – A New Moon appears in your 1st house of identity. The month begins with reinvention. Ask yourself what your ideal flute life would be. Are you performing in an orchestra or are you teaching all day, every day? Or are you doing something else unique and creative? What stands between the flutist you are now and this ideal? Use the energy of this New Moon to make a plan. What new experiences or challenges do you first need to conquer? Start by taking the first step.

April 5th – Venus moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities, joining Jupiter and Neptune. Lock yourself in the practice room for a bit, Aries. The combination of these planets promises a fulfilling and productive time working out all of those tricky technical passages. With Venus and Neptune influencing this house, you may also want to try your hand at improvisation. End each practice session with a short improvisation. See where your creativity takes you!

April 10th – Mercury moves into your 2nd house of income, joining Uranus. This is a great time to apply to that scary awesome job that you know you want. Mercury will make it easy for you to advocate for yourself, both in written from (aka your cover letter) and in an interview and/or audition. Uranus will encourage you to show your committee what makes you unique as a flutist. You are not your garden variety studio musician – You are so much more than that and this month you are not afraid to show it. 

April 14th – Mars moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. As if you weren’t already practicing enough, Mars will step into the party happening in your 12th house and urge you to literally practice all of the things. Sight-read some fabulous new repertoire for your next recital. Check out that super cool solo piece you heard at a recent convention. Try out a piece with some non-standard techniques (such as beatboxing). This is also a great time to practice a few etudes (yes – even those scary ones that you tend to avoid).

April 16th – A Full Moon appears in your 7th house of relationships. There is likely a toxic relationship in your environment causing you a bit of stress. You may have a colleague that is quite difficult to communication with and you would like nothing more than to find some common ground. The Full Moon will encourage you to set up a coffee meeting with this person for an honest and open chat. Try to understand things from their perspective and find solutions that will work for both of you.

April 19th – The Sun moves into your 2nd house of income. Your focus will shift onto your job when the Sun moves houses. It is likely that you have been either offered a new job (congrats) or a promotion in your current position (even more congrats)! Gather all of your Aries courage and advocate for a raise, if at all possible. You are a hard worker and deserve to be compensated for your incredible work ethic.

April 29th – Mercury moves into your 3rd house of communications. Write, write, and then write some more. This is a great placement for any of you who host a blog or a YouTube channel. Mercury will ask you to share some of your knowledge and experience with a larger, global audience. You have some great ideas and a world full of flutists ready to try out some of your best kept flute tips. 

April 30th – A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse appears in your 2nd house of income. Now that you have achieved a new level at work, you will need to close up shop on some of your old responsibilities. What tasks can be saved until your replacement arrives? What do you need to wrap up before you take your new position? Do what you can to make the transition as seamless as possible.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

April 1st – A New Moon appears in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. You may be practicing a new piece in the practice room or, on a larger scale, testing out some new headjoints. You are all about improving your flute playing game from the ground up around the time of this New Moon. Break things down in the practice room. Experiment with creative new ways to practice a challenging new piece.

April 5th – Venus moves into your 11th house of groups and communities, joining Jupiter and Neptune. You will be knee-deep in rehearsals when Venus moves signs and loving every minute of it. Perhaps you are playing a concerto with your local orchestra or performing principal flute on a very challenging piece with an exposed solo passage. Try not to go overboard with the rubato (Neptune might let your inner diva imagination get to your head). Work it at rehearsals and take all criticism from your conductor with respect and curiosity. They are there to help unify the group.

April 10th – Mercury moves into your 1st house of identity, joining Uranus. This is a great time to post something very meaningful on your flute blog. Talk about an experience that meant a great deal to you in your flute past. Discuss a great new idea for practicing scales or overplayed repertoire. Post about some of your favorite flute apps or other gadgets and gizmos that make your flute playing easier.

April 14th – Mars moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. You will still be stuck in numerous rehearsals when Mars moves signs. This is a great time to host a few sectionals with your fellow flutists, principal woodwinds, or even the entire wind section. Chip away at those technical passages that have most of you glossing over notes or gasping for air. Work on dreaded intonation between different instruments – What are their tendencies? After all of this work, remember to engage with your colleagues socially if at all possible. After rehearsal coffee anybody?

April 16th – A Full Moon appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You are too booked to be bothered lately, Taurus! Something in your daily schedule may need to redelegated to someone else or, in the case of binge-watching Netflix shows, cut out all-together. You are busy and likely stressed. Where are you spending time on unnecessary tasks? Start with a list of your daily activities. Are there any that don’t really fulfil you or move you closer to a goal? Axe them!

April 19th – The Sun moves into your 1st house of identity. Your focus will shift onto your most important goals when the Sun moves houses. Take a moment to revisit your list of New Year’s resolutions. Are you on track with the goals you set at the beginning of the year? Have your goals changed? It is totally okay to set a new list of objectives for the rest of the year. Trim your list down and focus on the most important actions to take right now.

April 29th – Mercury moves into your 2nd house of income. This is a great time to schedule a chat with your boss or conductor about promotional opportunities at your current job. You may have hit a bit of a rut and are dying for a new challenge. They could offer some great suggestions on how to get to the next level at work or other paths you may explore that may be more lucrative. Go for it! Try something new.

April 30th – A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse appears in your 1st house of identity. After taking some time to reflect on your New Year’s resolutions, you may have found that you are simply not the same person you were at the beginning of the year. You do not have the same goals and your priorities may have shifted. This eclipse will ask you to ditch any goal that just doesn’t fit into your life anymore. Redirect your attention from that single, not-so-motivating, goal onto what really matters most to you in 2022.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

April 1st – A New Moon appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. You could be joining a new ensemble at the beginning of the month, Gemini. Did you recently audition for a local orchestra? Congrats – you have likely been selected as the winner! Prepare for your first few rehearsals by practicing your parts well in advance. You will want to focus your attention on fitting your sound in with your new group. 

April 5th – Venus moves into your 10th house of career goals, joining Jupiter and Neptune. This is a great time to take stock of some of your career goals. Are you on the right track or are you on a path that doesn’t really satisfy you? Think about what you love most about flute playing. Is it performing? Is it teaching? Are there any trainings or experiences that you still need? Take a leap of faith and sign up for new adventures that will bring you closer to your goals.

April 10th – Mercury moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities, joining Uranus. Do you have a flute blog yet? This is a great time to write about some of your best kept practice tips. How do you structure your practice routine? What are your favorite etude books, excerpts, or other repertoire to practice certain elements of technique, sound, or articulation? Write about it! Share your thoughts about practicing with a larger global audience.

April 14th – Mars moves into your 10th house of career goals. Now that you have had some time to soul search about your career goals and plan out the next steps, Mars will encourage you to formulate new, more comprehensive actions plans to achieve both short-term and longer-term goals. Talk with mentors or other professional flutists who currently have your dream job. How did they get there? Can you follow in their footsteps?

April 16th – A Full Moon appears in your 5th house of creativity and joy. Have you been working on a creative project that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere? This Full Moon will encourage you to take a step back and revise your work. You may have veered off track or created a project that is far too broadly focused. Where can you streamline? Do you really need that extra movement in your composition or that extra track on your album?

April 19th – The Sun moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Your focus will shift onto practicing when the Sun moves houses. Try out some new routines. Add a bit of improvisation to your daily routine. Mix it up and practice some new books on fundamentals or etudes. Record yourself and analyze away. The Sun wants you to think outside of the practice box.

April 29th – Mercury moves into your 1st house of identity. This is a great time to have a do-over on your New Year’s resolutions. Take a look at the list you wrote back in January. Are you making progress on your most important goals? Have some of these items lost priority in your life? Are some a bit too impractical to accomplish on the timeline you originally set? Make new goals! Better yet, create a vision board for your most important goals and hang it up in your practice room. 

April 30th – A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse appears in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Take a critical look at your practice schedule and environment. Are you making the most out of the time you have allotted for practice? Are you practicing during your most productive time of day or do you find yourself struggling to get to the end of your session before running desperately for a cup of coffee? Are you practicing in a small room with inadequate light? Change it up! Experiment practicing at different times of day and in different places.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

April 1st – A New Moon appears in your 10th house of career goals. You will likely be receiving an important new job offer at the beginning of the month. Congrats! You have worked very hard to land your interview and/or audition and are very much ready for the next step. Make sure to sign everything on the dotted line and prepare as much as possible for your start date. Set up all of the boring, necessary stuff like direct deposit and benefits and spend some time researching some of the most important projects awaiting you in your new role.

April 5th – Venus moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education, joining Jupiter and Neptune. Venus will have your head in the clouds dreaming of a summer vacay. Where would you most like to spend some time during the upcoming warmer months? Is there a masterclass that you are hoping to attend in a beautiful locale? Start browsing airline tickets and devising your ideal itinerary. Let Neptune help you dream of your perfect trip on your perfect timeline.

April 10th – Mercury moves into your 11th house of groups and communities, joining Uranus. This is a great time to host a few sectionals with your colleagues. Iron out all of those sticky issues with intonation, dynamics, articulations, and technical bits that get the best of all of you. Break it down and put it back together again slowly. Open the floor to new approaches or ideas. Listen to everyone’s suggestions and keep an open mind about different ways to work things out. Then take a break and go out for coffee. Connect with your fellow musicians both on and off stage.

April 14th – Mars moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. Hop in the car and go for a drive somewhere beautiful. Mars wants you to explore the great outdoors when he moves into your travel sector. Take a hike up a mountain trail. Visit the beach on a weekday and watch the sunset turn the sky beautiful shade of pink and orange. Book an Air BnB at a cabin in the woods for some uninterrupted practice time away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the World. Reconnect with nature and breathe in some fresh air.

April 16th – A Full Moon appears in your 4th house of home and family. Something in your home environment is not quite working. This is a great time to host a family meeting. Discuss scheduling conflicts and upcoming events that everyone should be aware of. Create a shared calendar that you may all access to keep tabs on changing schedules. Discuss home improvement projects – Is there anything that needs fixing? Do your spaces need revamping? Does your studio space need some soundproofing? Make a plan for Spring cleaning and home renovations.

April 19th – The Sun moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. Your focus will shift onto your performing ensembles when the Sun moves houses. You will likely be knee-deep in rehearsals. Make sure to take breaks whenever available. Try not to stress too much about technical passages. Just breathe and practice them slowly and in chunks. Avoid burning out when your rehearsal schedule is so cray.

April 29th – Mercury moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. This is a great time to post a video or a blog on some of your best kept practice secrets. What works best for you? How do you structure your routine? What are your favorite studies and excerpts? What new practice ideas would you like to try in the future? Write about it and share your thoughts with a larger global community.

April 30th – A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. You may be moving on to another performing group at the end of the month. Rehearsal and/or performance schedules simply do not jive with your current group. Break the news gently to your conductor. Help them create a reasonable transition plan and offer to serve as a judge for upcoming auditions. Recommend another local flutist to fill in during the interim (they will thank you for the opportunity). Remember to avoid burning any bridges with your current colleagues – You never know when an opportunity to collaborate will arise in the future.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

April 1st – A New Moon appears in your 9th house of travel and higher education. Planning a trip, Leo? Have you been selected to perform in a summer masterclass or, even better, asked to teach at a summer masterclass? Congrats! Start booking plane tickets and ironing out your itinerary. Are there any fun side trips you can take? What are some of the historical sites to visit? And of course, where are the best places to eat? Start planning! 

April 5th – Venus moves into your 8th house of banking and finance, joining Jupiter and Neptune. This is a great time to look into fellowship, scholarship, or loan opportunities to help you purchase something new and wonderful (like a new flute). What options are available to you? When timeline seems realistic to make your purchase? Venus will help you attract the money while Jupiter will help expand the amount of funds available to you. Careful with the influence of Neptune in this house – Make sure you read through all of the details to make sure you are not missing any key info. If it seems too good to be true, it might just be.

April 10th – Mercury moves into your 10th house of career goals, joining Uranus. Schedule a time to meet with a career counselor or trusted advisor to discuss your career goals. Take some time to think about where you would like to be in 1, 5, and 10 years down the road. Are you on track to achieving these goals or are you concentrating on something unrelated that may be distracting you from living your best flute life? Talk it out with your advisor and devise a new plan.

April 14th – Mars moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Mars wants you to (responsibly) earn and burn your money. You may be struck around this time with a great idea for a side hustle to bring in more money (perhaps a part-time job or a weekend shift at your local coffee shop). You are very motivated to make your large purchase sooner rather than later. What other ways can you cut current expenses or earn more with the time you already have at your disposal?

April 16th – A Full Moon appears in your 3rd house of communications. Working on a book or article, by any chance. Feeling stuck? Experiencing writer’s block? This Full Moon will ask you to take a step back and revise your work. Have you veered off-topic? Is your topic too broad? Have you included too many examples or not enough reputable quotes? Find reasonable ways to streamline your ideas. Sometimes less is more.

April 19th – The Sun moves into your 10th house of career goals. Your attention will shift back onto your career goals when the Sun moves houses. Chances are you have spent the past couple of weeks really thinking about the next steps to take in your career. Make sure your action plans are small enough at the beginning that you are not intimidated to take measured, calculated risks toward your goals. You may have to go outside of your comfort zone – Use that famous Leo courage to power through.

April 29th – Mercury moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. This is a great time to host a sectional. Book some time with your fellow flutists to go over some of those nitty, gritty technical bits in the music and correct the impossible intonation in the high register. Open the conversation on their concerns as well. They may be hearing things that you haven’t. Slow it down. Break it down. And put it back together one piece at a time.

April 30th – A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse appears in your 10th house of career goals. A new opportunity may arise in your career at the end of the month. Perhaps an old employer has caught wind that you are looking for a new, more challenging opportunity. Set up a meeting with this person and be open to what they have to say. They may have a great idea to help you get on the right track to achieving your larger goals.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

April 1st – A New Moon appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. Thinking about purchasing a new flute, Virgo? You may be offered a wonderful financial gift or loan opportunity around the beginning of the month to help finance a major upgrade to your instrument. With this gift, how much additional will you need to finance to get all of necessary the bells and whistles? What is your savings plan and purchase timeline? 

April 5th – Venus moves into your 7th house of relationships, joining Jupiter and Neptune. Venus will bring a very important new contact into your life. Connect with flute friends new and old. You will likely strike up a conversation with a flutist that has a really great idea for a shared project. Set up a time to discuss your ideas over coffee. You both have unique ideas about the flute and flute playing and, pooling your strengths, can devise something wonderful in the not-so-distant future.

April 10th – Mercury moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education, joining Uranus. This is a great time to host a lecture or masterclass. You have a lot of great ideas about the flute and unique ways to teach complicated concepts to a range of learners with different skills sets. Create a very organized, easy to understand presentation and encourage participation from your audience. You may inspire a student to finally think outside of the flute playing box.

April 14th – Mars moves into your 7th house of relationships. Schedule coffee dates with your most important flute contacts (virtual or otherwise). Mars wants you connect with other flutists and discuss current and future projects. What are others working on? What are their hopes and concerns for the future? Are there any opportunities to collaborate on shared projects? Are there any non-flute events to celebrate? Network. Network. Network.

April 16th – A Full Moon appears in your 2nd house of income. Something in your job is about to change drastically or even end around the time of this Full Moon. Try not to panic – It is likely that you have accepted a new position elsewhere and the time has come to let your current job know that you are planning to leave. Exit gracefully and help your boss come up with a reasonable transition plan that works for everyone.

April 19th – The Sun moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. Your head will be in the clouds when the Sun moves houses. Dreaming of a getaway? Start planning your perfect summer vacay! Where would you most like to visit? What are the sites you would like to see while you are there? Are there any great concerts you would like to attend? Start booking tickets and creating an itinerary!

April 29th – Mercury moves into your 10th house of career goals. Mercury will encourage you to meet with a trusted advisor or colleague to discuss your career. Are you on the right path or have you been following a career that doesn’t really fulfil you? Are you trying to be the flutist that others want you to be rather than staying true to your authentic self? Discuss your hopes and ambitions with this person. They may have some great ideas to help get you back on track.

April 30th – A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse appears in your 9th house of travel and higher education. Thinking about going back to school? This New Moon Eclipse may have you perusing degree programs in a related, or unrelated, area of experience. Want to become a conductor? Sign up for a conducting program. Curious about composition? Check into composition courses at your local college.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

April 1st – A New Moon appears in your 7th house of relationships. You will make an important new contact at the beginning of the month. Sign up for any and all networking opportunities to connect with flute friends old and new. Strike up conversations about favorite repertoire, challenging teaching techniques, performance schedules, and best kept practicing secrets. What projects are others working on? Are there any opportunities for joint recitals or other collaborative projects? Network. Network. Network.

April 5th – Venus moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines, joining Jupiter and Neptune. Take a critical look at your daily schedule. Is it filled with things that you enjoy or responsibilities that you dread? Are you on committees that do not use your time efficiently? Are you wasting too much time staring at social media in lieu of practicing? Venus will help you decide what does and does not bring you joy in your schedule. End the responsibilities that do not make you happy. Delegate others that can be delegated. Fill your time instead with the activities that make you smile or bring you closer to your goals. 

April 10th – Mercury moves into your 8th house of banking and finance, joining Uranus. Schedule a meeting with a financial advisor when Mercury moves houses. There may be a large purchase that you wish to make such as a flute or a house. What resources do you have at your disposal? Are there financing options available directly from the manufacturer? Are there personal loans available through your bank? Are there low interest credit cards available through a local credit union? Discuss everything and devise a realistic plan that will help you make your purchase sooner rather than later.

April 14th – Mars moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Mars will encourage you to be super productive mid-month. Do all of the things! Have make-up lessons to schedule? Time batch them on a Friday. Meetings to book? Schedule these in a block on Wednesday. Want to try out a new exercise routine or a fun outdoor sport? Book it. Schedule it. And, of course, have fun! Get everything done on your to do list and then some.

April 16th – A Full Moon appears in your 1st house of identity. This Full Moon will ask you to reflect on some of your most important goals. Take out that list of New Year’s resolutions from January. Are there any goals that no longer have a place on your priority list? Are there new ones that have sprung up since the beginning of the year? Are there any that really belong to somebody else? Those can go! The only approval you really ever need is from yourself. Create new goals that will bring you true joy and happiness.

April 19th – The Sun moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Your focus will shift onto making that large purchase when the Sun moves houses. Start shopping, Libra! If you are looking into a new flute, what models are you interested in? What features will you absolutely need? What headjoint options do you have? Can you schedule an instrument trial to test out some of your favorites? Go for it! Schedule trials with a couple of manufacturers and explore various financing options.

April 29th – Mercury moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. You may be thinking about a Summer vacay to a city with a deep musical history (Paris? Vienna?). Mercury will ask you to devise a travel blog to capture all of your experiences and new cultural knowledge. Where will you visit? Are there any museums that you wish to explore? Concerts you’d like to attend? People you would like to meet? How many days will be there? Can you write a blog for each day of your trip? Plan it out! 

April 30th – A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. You may be receiving a financial gift or loan at the end of the month. Did you start a GoFundMe page for your new flute? Or perhaps a wealthy relative has offered to help you pay for the flute of your dreams. Remember to thank the Universe and send out appropriate thank you notes to your benefactor. Congrats! Spend it well.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

April 1st – A New Moon appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You may be adding a new responsibility to your schedule at the beginning of the month. This is likely something that means a great deal to you, inspiring you to clear your schedule of other non-essential tasks to make time to learn your new role. Scorpios like to learn everything quickly through research, observation, and of course hard work. Use your Scorp powers to prep as much as possible but remember to be patient with the learning process. Avoid stinging new people out of frustration!

April 5th – Venus moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy, joining Jupiter and Neptune. It is always a wonderful time when the planet of love moves into the house of love, joy, and creativity. Play from your heart. What pieces make you happy? Do you have an idea for a creative project based on these pieces? How much time do you spend improvising? Try to give Taffanel and Gaubert scales a break and focus instead on finding new dimensions in your interpretations.

April 10th – Mercury moves into your 7th house of relationships, joining Uranus. Reach out to that flutist you really admire. You know the one! The legend whose recordings you listen to literally of the time. The flutist that has your dream job in your dream symphony at your dream location. Connect with them on social medial and reach out to them via direct message. Ask for an informational interview or even simply ask their advice on a single question. You may be surprised by a reply! Find new inspiration through their suggestions. Connect with them over shared experiences and/or new ambitions.

April 14th – Mars moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. If you have devised a creative project (likely inspired by Venus and Jupiter earlier in the month), now is the time to start making headway on your work. Mars will give you the energy to dive in headfirst with your ideas. Some may work. Some may not. In the meantime, try everything! Come up with a schedule of tasks and projected completion timelines. What will the final product look like?

April 16th – A Full Moon appears in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. A piece you have been struggling with in the practice room may be on the chopping block. You have likely practiced it forwards, backwards, in chunks, slowly with a metronome, in different meters and keys, and still it doesn’t click. Stop stressing. Retire this piece to your archives and find a new one that inspires and challenges without unnecessarily frustrating you. Music should be fun and beautiful – Not an unbeatable task.

April 19th – The Sun moves into your 7th house of relationships. Your focus will shift onto connecting with flute friends when the Sun moves houses. Reconnect with your old colleagues via social media. What are they working on? Are there any opportunities to collaborate? Can they contribute to your creative project somehow? Spend some time at virtual masterclasses or other gatherings in and around your community and make some new connections. Is there a flutist whose work you admire that you would like to meet? Schedule a virtual coffee meeting.

April 29th – Mercury moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. This is a great time to set up a meeting with a financial advisor. There is a larger purchase on your mind (like a flute), but you are unsure exactly how to pay for it. Hash out all of the resources you may have at your disposal. Does the instrument dealership have any financing options? Does your banking institution offer personal loans? Is there a low-interest credit card available to help you pay your balance over time? Discuss and come up with a reasonable payment plan.

April 30th – A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse appears in your 7th house of relationships. You will indeed make an important new connection at the end of the month. Your networking has paid off and you have found a new flute friend to perform a joint recital with down the road. Start planning! What repertoire will you feature? Will you commission a new work? Are there any great flute duets that you can perform together? Will there be a theme for your recital? Where will it be held? Start hashing out all of the details.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

April 1st – A New Moon appears in your 5th house of creativity and joy. You will be struck by a powerful lightning bolt of inspiration to start working on a creative project at the beginning of the month. Have you always wanted to try your hand at composing? Find some manuscript paper and start devising short themes and motives. Envisioning a lecture recital on a certain style of music or works from a single composer. Start collecting repertoire and sight-reading new works. Keep an open mind and unleash your creative side.

April 5th – Venus moves into your 4th house of home and family, joining Jupiter and Neptune. Spend some quality time with your family when Venus changes houses. Plan out a few fun outings to the beach or a national park or even just pack a picnic and go on a fun drive somewhere to watch the sunset. Surround yourself with your loved ones. Leave work (and flute playing) at home. This time is all about connecting with the people that mean the most to you.

April 10th – Mercury moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines, joining Uranus. Schedule all of the meetings on your to-do list when Mercury moves houses. Mercury will help you clearly and concisely communicate your wants and needs to others. Have make-up lessons that need to be rescheduled? Time batch on a Friday afternoon to get them all out of the way at once. Want to connect with a professional flutist that you admire? Schedule an informational interview – You may learn a lot from their experiences. Schedule all of the phone calls and respond to any pending emails.

April 14th – Mars moves into your 4th house of home and family. Mars will encourage you to tackle all of those home and/or studio renovation projects mid-month. Spring cleaning, anyone? Clean out your music collection – What can be scanned, what can be donated, and what can be recycled? Replace any furniture in disrepair and update any technology. Invest in new mics and other AI software for practice piano accompaniments. Can you soundproof your practice space? Hop to it!

April 16th – A Full Moon appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. You may be leaving one of your performing groups or organizations around the time of this Full Moon. Perhaps you have accepted an opportunity elsewhere and conflicting rehearsal schedules have forced you to prioritize one group over another. Perhaps you simply no longer have the bandwidth to participate in your organization. It is totally okay to move on. Do what you can to exit gracefully and leave the door open for future collaborations down the road.

April 19th – The Sun moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You schedule may be a bit out of control. Luckily, the Sun will shine a light on what is working and what needs to be redelegated or removed. Take a look at your weekly schedule at a glance (a simple Excel spreadsheet or Google calendar will help you enter all of your commitments in one place). Are there any obvious timewasters? Are there items that could be outsourced? Are there pockets of time that could easily be filled with practice or research? Streamline and simplify your schedule as much as you can.

April 29th – Mercury moves into your 7th house of relationships. Is there a difficult conversation that you have been putting off? Mercury will help you finally schedule this meeting to express all of your concerns. Be honest and look for potential win-win solutions. If this is a colleague, take them out for coffee and discuss the best way to move forward. Clear up any misunderstandings and create a safe path for future discussions. Honesty and compromise are often the best ways to repair broken bridges. 

April 30th – A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. A new responsibility will make its way into your daily schedule at the end of the month. You will certainly not want to pass this up! Now that the Sun has encouraged you to streamline your schedule, you will find it easy to make ample time for this new gig (whether it is a performing ensemble, an exciting new work project, or a new committee that needs your unique insights). Plan out your routine carefully and review it each week for any necessary changes.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

April 1st – A New Moon appears in your 4th house of home and family. Are you moving to a new house or studio space, Capricorn? You may finally come across an opportunity to purchase (or rent) the home of your dreams. Take it! It may be intimidating to sign on that dotted line, but the Universe will help you find the confidence to close the deal. Congrats! How will you make this new space work perfectly for you, your family, and your flute playing?

April 5th – Venus moves into your 3rd house of communications, joining Jupiter and Neptune. This is a great time to start a flute blog. It doesn’t need to be fancy or scholarly – This can just be a place to talk about things you love about the flute. You can use your platform to discuss your favorite repertoire and recordings. You could post a few videos of your playing. Discuss the connection between artwork and music with examples from your favorite artists. You might even post a daily inspirational quote to motivate your readers. Simply write about what inspires you.

April 10th – Mercury moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy, joining Uranus. This is a great time to ask for what you want. Capricorns often put the needs of others before their own. Mercury wants you to fight a little harder for the things that make you truly happy this month. Plan out some quiet time to simply reflect on some of the things that help you achieve a state of flow. Is it practicing? It is performing? Is it teaching? Whatever it is, do what you can to add more of this to your daily routine.

April 14th – Mars moves into your 3rd house of communications. Mars will ask you to write, write, write, and then write some more. Have you always wanted to write a book on a composer that fascinates you? Start researching. Is there an element that connects all of their compositions together? How do the works reflect what was happening in the composer’s life at the time of writing? Start drafting some of your thoughts.

April 16th – A Full Moon appears in your 10th house of career goals. This Full Moon will ask you to think a bit carefully on your ultimate career goals. Are you on the right path? Sometimes we end up pursuing a certain path because a well-meaning advisor along the way convinced us that this was the only way to be successful. If we are not happy on a path, then is it ever really successful? It is totally okay to ditch old career paths that do not really interest us. Find a new path! It doesn’t even need to be a beautiful path on a tree-lined street. It can be a bumpy dirt road with potholes – But if it brings you joy, it is worth every mile.

April 19th – The Sun moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. Your focus will shift back onto creative projects and other joyful endeavors when the Sun changes signs. Chances are, you have discovered what makes you happy and are developing projects to bring others into the fold to better promote your unique ideas. Nice work, Cap! Share all of your awesome work on your social media outlets to get the word out.

April 29th – Mercury moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. This is a great time to hash out your schedule with others. You may have packed way too much into an already crazy daily to-do list. Sit down with others to find ways to delegate responsibilities. You may have an advanced student that would love more opportunities to judge seating auditions or masterclass audition recordings. Refer new student inquiries to that up-and-coming flutist in your community. Outsource party planning to other friends or relatives that enjoy putting on a show (aka a Leo or a Sagittarius).  

April 30th – A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse appears in your 5th house of creativity and joy. Your creative endeavors have sparked up interest from outside people and organizations. Others want to help you on your path to greatness! You will receive an offer from one such person at the end of the month that will be too good to pass up. Meet with them and discuss how they can help make your work bigger, better, and reach a larger audience. Follow their lead!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

April 1st – A New Moon appears in your 3rd house of communications. You will have a really great idea for a blog series, article, or a book at the beginning of the month. What are you waiting for? Start writing! Is there a certain type of music that interests you? Is there a composer that you love? Is there an ancient flute mystery that you would like to uncover? Take some time to do some preliminary research before setting up a rough outline of your project. Then get to writing!

April 5th – Venus moves into your 2nd house of income, joining Jupiter and Neptune. Venus and Jupiter pairing up means that you will be earning and burning. You may be attracting more students to your studio and therefore earning a bit more income than usual. Venus likes to spend as soon as the check hits the bank. Just be sure to check the price and stick to a relative budget. Neptune sometimes brings us deals that are literally too good to be true. Try not to rush into purchases – Read the fine print before laying down the plastic.

April 10th – Mercury moves into your 4th house of home and family, joining Uranus. This is a great time to schedule a family meeting. It doesn’t have to be serious or tense or take the form of an intervention about often you practice the Classical Symphony excerpt. With Uranus also in this house, it can be about planning fun summer adventures to new places. Where would you like to visit that is a bit outside your norm? Disneyland? Hawaii? Paris? Can you plan out a reasonable yet super fun journey for everyone? Start brainstorming and budgeting.

April 14th – Mars moves into your 2nd house of income. You will be super busy at work. While Venus will continue to bring you more enjoyable tasks, Mars will help you check off everything on your daily to-do list and then some. You are extremely productive! Tackle those work assignments that have been collecting dust (you know, the ones you placed in the “ongoing projects” folder back in January). Roll up your sleeve and get to work!

April 16th – A Full Moon appears in your 9th house of travel and higher education. A trip you had been planning may be postponed or canceled. Try not to panic. Schedules may have changed. Restrictions may have required new approaches that just did not work for all involved. Remain flexible and reschedule your travel for another date down the road. You may still be able to participate remotely if travel is not in the cards. Explore your options with an open mind.

April 19th – The Sun moves into your 4th house of home and family. You focus will shift back onto your environment when the Sun moves houses. Spring cleaning, anybody? This is a great time to go through your sheet music collection and scan what you can onto thumb drives or other electronic file storage systems. Do you have any works could be donated to a local college? Do you have photocopies that you simply no longer need? Chuck them! What about your studio furniture – Is there anything that could use replacing? Any technology that needs updating? Out with the old and in with the new!

April 29th – Mercury moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. You may have a really great idea for a creative project (such as a CD or composition) but need to talk it out. Find a time to meet with a trusted advisor or colleague to brainstorm ideas together. You have a really rough idea of what you would like to accomplish but are not sure how to execute the details. Find yourself a Virgo, Capricorn, or a Scorpio friend to ask for help structuring your project into clear action steps and timelines.

April 30th – A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse appears in your 4th house of home and family. You may be making serious renovations to your home or studio space or even moving into a brand-new space at the end of the month. Have you been considering moving your studio practice to a local music store? There may be more opportunities to advertise for lessons at this location and your family may appreciate a calmer home arrangement. Take a tour of a few facilities and weigh space rental fees with the potential of new students down the road.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

April 1st – A New Moon appears in your 2nd house of income. Did you recently interview or audition for a new job? This New Moon suggests that you will likely win the position or be offered a similar position elsewhere. Congrats! This is a fabulous new opportunity that you will not want to pass up. Make sure to read all of the fine print on your contract and start preparing for the next steps. You are totally up for this new challenge.

April 5th – Venus moves into your 1st house of identity, joining Jupiter and Neptune. Venus and Jupiter will encourage you to treat yo’ self! Is there an upgrade to your flute or your flute gear that you’ve had your eye on? Curious about an interesting new flute add-on that promises a more resonate sound or a more comfortable hand position. Invest! Beef up your music library with a few new pieces or etude books. Invest in a flashy new flute bag with a ton of personality. Be careful to check prices and stick to a rough budget – Neptune might cloud your judgement if it sees a shiny new object that it must have. Spend within reason.

April 10th – Mercury moves into your 3rd house of communications, joining Uranus. When the planet of communication moves into the house of communication, it is always the very best time to write. Do you have a great idea for a book or article? Do you have a super effective practice or teaching technique? Is there a new composer whose work really resonates with you? Start writing about it! You may want to blog about the subject first to test out your theories online. Start with some initial research and an outline. Then just write (you can revise later).

April 14th – Mars moves into your 1st house of identity. Mars will ask you to take another look at those New Year’s resolutions that you made back in January. How much progress have you made? Are you trying to fast-track things that need more careful action plans? Have you completely forgotten about some of your goals? Pick yourself up by the bootstraps and get back on track. What are the next steps? Take action!

April 16th – A Full Moon appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. You may be making the final payment on a loan or credit card statement to pay off a major purchase (such as a new flute). Congrats! You have done a great job devising and sticking to your financing plan and now officially own your new flute! Find a creative way to reward yourself for your hard work (new flute accessory, anybody?).

April 19th – The Sun moves into your 3rd house of communications. Your attention will shift back onto your writing project when the Sun moves houses. On a writing roll, Pisces? Excellent! Make sure to spend some time proofreading and streamlining your ideas so they are accessible to a wide audience of readers. Once you’ve put the finishing touches on your work, send it out into the world for publication consideration.


April 29th – Mercury moves into your 4th house of home and family. Host a family meeting when Mercury moves into your home sector. Your schedules may be heating up as we approach the end of the spring quarter/semester/fiscal year/performance season. This is a great time to set up a shared calendar system to keep everybody on the same page. Discuss summer vacay plans – Where does everyone want to visit? What vacation time is available to use and in which months? Are there any shorter weekend trips you could take to nearby locations? Start planning!

April 30th – A New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse appears in your 3rd house of communications. Check your email at the end of the month because you are likely to receive an offer of publication from one of the outlets you previously submitted you work to. Congrats!! Make sure to revise whatever they ask you to revise and work closely with the editor to select creative graphics and pictures to insert between paragraphs. When all is finalized, share links to your publication on all of your social media outlets. A global audience is ready to read your work!


Happy April!

This month promises rebirth. April is bookend by two New Moons - Be on the lookout for new opportunities that seem to come out of nowhere. Mercury will also be moving twice encouraging us to speak our truth. Venus and Mars will also be changing signs this month. Follow your heart and focus on the activities that bring you joy. Follow your energy and knock your to-do list out of the park! You've got this!

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