ArticlesDr. G's Flute HoroscopesFeaturedMarch 2020

March 2020 Flute Horoscopes


by Rachel Taylor Geier

Happy March! Are you sick of the Mercury Retrograde yet? Hang on – there are only nine more days of Mercury Retrograde left in March. Although you may have already experienced a number of miscommunications and unanticipated delays or endings, keep in mind that Mercury Retrograde also helps us recall important past events while reevaluating the pathway forward. Ask yourself how you can change things for the better in the future. Task-master Saturn is also moving signs this month. Saturn can sometimes act as a boot camp instructor, forcing you to confront all that is uncomfortable and difficult, but in the end making you much stronger and more confident than ever.  The theme of this month is patience. Have patience with yourself, with your flute playing, and with everyone around you.

Special Note: This month’s horoscopes are dedicated to the memory of Madeline Taylor Geier, the sassiest cat diva who always enjoyed sitting on my lap each month while I drafted these very flute horoscopes. She will be greatly missed.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Mercury is still retrograde until March 9th in your 1st house of identity. This is a great time to reevaluate some of your most important flute playing goals. What kind of performer do you want to be? What makes you unique as a performer? Is it your tone? Your technique? How can you show that off to the world?

March 4th – Venus joins Uranus in your 3rd house of communication. This is a great time to have impromptu, meaningful conversations with your favorite fellow flutists. Compare notes! What are your shared interests and experiences? Are there any opportunities to collaborate on future projects?

March 9th – A Full Moon appears in your 7th house of relationships. There may be a toxic relationship in your environment that will need to change or even end at the time of this Full Moon. Have that difficult conversation with the student who you know does not want to play the flute anymore. Chat with their parents about other alternatives to explore, whether that be other instruments to take up or other ways to learn about music.

March 16th – Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in your 1st house of identity. Schedule some time to meet with an advisor or a counselor to discuss what you value most in your flute playing and how tobring more of what you love into your flute playing life. You need to talk it out.

March 19th – The Sun moves into your 2nd house of income. Your focus will be on work when the Sun moves signs. Check the job boards – Is there a job or audition opportunity that is perfect for you? Apply!

March 21st – Saturn moves into your 12th house of behind the scenes activities. This is a very productive house for Saturn to set up shop in as it typically refers to work that is accomplished behind closed doors (aka practice). Research some of the ways you can change the way you approach and structure your practice routines.

March 24th – A New Moon joins the Sun in your 2nd house of income. You may be receiving a Promotion at this time. Congrats! You just won the audition! Enjoy your success and start planning for this next chapter in your life.

March 30th – Mars joins Saturn in your 12th house of behind the scenes activities. This is a really great time to practice anything technical or virtuosic as Mars will be pumping you full of energy to get things done. Break out that Jolivet Chant de Linos!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Mercury is still retrograde until March 9th in your 12th house of behind the scenes activities. You may find yourself a bit frustrated in the practice room until the 9th of the month. There is a piece of music that you just cannot wrap your brain around. Passages are not syncing well with your fingers and your intonation might be totally out of whack. Set aside some time for slow practice with a metronome and make friends with a tuner.

March 4th – Venus joins Uranus in your 2nd house of income. You might find yourself in the right place at the right time and wind up with a new job. Chat up conductors at a local music event or conference. Are they looking for a new flutist in one of their organizations? Will they be needing a long-term sub in the near future? Opportunity is knocking.

March 9th – A Full Moon appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Something in your daily schedule needs to change or even be eliminated at the time of the Full Moon. Are you devoting a little too much time to mindlessly drilling pieces, scales, or excerpts in the practice room? How can you streamline and shorten your practice sessions?

March 16th – Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in your 12th house of behind the scenes activities. This is a really great time to post about practice techniques on your flute blog. What works for you? What doesn’t work for you? What other practice approaches are you interested in exploring? How do you encourage your students to practice? Write about it!

March 19th – The Sun moves into your 1st house of identity. This is a good time to work on you! What do you love the most about flute playing? How does your flute playing reflect who you are as a person? How can you bring more of your authentic self into your craft?

March 21st – Saturn moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. You will likely be putting a lot of time into your performing groups when Saturn changes signs. How can you better balance the time you devote to rehearsals, practice, and all of your other responsibilities? Task-master Saturn will be encouraging you to work, work, work on your ensemble music. Try your best to avoid burnout.

March 24th – A New Moon joins the Sun in your 1st house of identity. Makeover time! Use the energy of the New Moon to makeover your concert attire or your flute gear. Try out a new headjoint! Experiment with new gadgets and extenders for your instrument. Buy a colorful new flute bag or music bag. Treat yo’ self.

March 30th – Mars joins Saturn in your 11th house of groups and communities. Mars will give you the energy to hop from one rehearsal to another. This is a good time to schedule in extra sectionals on top of your typical rehearsal schedule. Use this energy to get a lot accomplished in a very short time.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Mercury is still retrograde until March 9th in your 11th house of groups and communities. You may find yourself in disagreements with ensemble members while Mercury is still in retrograde. Remain patient and, if possible, try to work out issues such as intonation and difficult technical passages after Mercury goes direct.

March 4th – Venus joins Uranus in your 1st house of identity. Venus will inspire your to treat yourself to some new flute swag out of the blue. Start shopping for that new headjoint around this time.

March 9th – A Full Moon appears in your 5th house of creativity and joy. A creative project you have been working on lately will need to either be changed or abandoned at the time of this Full Moon. Can you convert your solo recital into a joint recital with a clarinet colleague?

March 16th – Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in your 11th house of groups and communities. This is a great time to discuss ideas with members of your flute section for starting your own flute choir or smaller chamber group.  What repertoire would you like to read through with your flute friends?

March 19th – The Sun moves into your 12th house of behind the scenes activities.  You will be setting up camp in the practice room when the Sun changes signs. Practice everything! Excerpts, new repertoire, and spend some time improvising. How can you make the most of your practice time?

March 21st – Saturn moves into your 10th house of career goals. Saturn will start testing you on your career goals when he changes signs. What do your career goals look like right now? Are you on the right track or is there something that needs to change? How can you reach your goals more efficiently moving forward?

March 24th – A New Moon joins the Sun in your 12th house of behind the scenes activities. The New Moon will help you restructure your practice routine. Do you always start with long tones? How do you balance your practice schedule? Could you devote more time to one area each day?

March 30th – Mars joins Saturn in your 10th house of career goals.  Now that you have had some time to think about creating new paths forward in your career, Mars will give you the power and energy to initiate action plans. Start auditioning and applying to positions that propel your career forward.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Mercury is still retrograde until March 9th in your 10th house of career goals. You may have been reconsidering the direction of your career lately. Something just isn’t working as well as you may have envisioned. Use this time to think about ways to invest more time in the things you love (performing, for example) and less in those things that you find draining.

March 4th – Venus joins Uranus in your 12th house of behind the scenes activities. Play from your heart in the practice room. Spend some time each day playing through pieces that you love or that inspire you in wonderful new ways. This is also a great time to improvise. How would you play the flute if there were no rules?

March 9th – A Full Moon appears in your 4th house of home and family.  Something in your home environment may need to change or end at the time of this Full Moon. Your family may not enjoy your practice schedule. How can you change it to better balance the time you spend with them and the time you devote to your flute?

March 16th – Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in your 10th house of career goals.  This is a great time to meet with your flute teacher or an advisor and discuss your career goals. Where do you see yourself in the next year? The next five years? The next 10 years? What is your ultimate career goal?

March 19th – The Sun moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. You will likely be very busy with rehearsals and orchestral performances when the Sun changes signs. Remember to take breaks and get plenty of rest to avoid burnout.

March 21st – Saturn moves into your 9th house of travel. Saturn will encourage you to travel more. Start booking auditions on the other side of the country or even abroad. Explore other genres of music outside of the same old Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart program.

March 24th – A New Moon joins the Sun in your 11th house of groups and communities. You will likely win an audition around the time of this New Moon. Congrats! The group you will be joining is very good fit for you and will help propel your career forward.

March 30th – Mars joins Saturn in your 9th house of travel. Mars will encourage to take a few new adventures abroad. If you have been considering applying to a travel grant program, now is the time to put your application together. You never know where the winds of change will take you!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Mercury is still retrograde until March 9th in your 9th house of travel. Some of your travel plans may have changed unexpectedly during the Mercury retrograde. You will still be dealing with some delays and changes of plans until Mercury goes direct. If you have other trips to plan, try to wait until mid-month to make additional travel plans.

March 4th – Venus joins Uranus in your 11th house of groups and communities. You may be in the right place at the right time when you learn about an audition opportunity with a local (or not so local) ensemble. Chat up the conductor or other members of the group and start preparing your audition materials.

March 9th – A Full Moon appears in your 3rd house of communication. If you are currently working on a book or article, you may need to spend some time editing and re-editing your work around the time of this Full Moon. How clear is your writing? Do your ideas flow well together? Is there a good way to streamline your writing? Use this time to rework your ideas.

March 16th – Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in your 9th house of travel. This is a good time to chat with an advisor about an idea you have for a travel grant. Have you always wanted to travel to France to research original French Flute School manuscripts? Can you turn your research abroad into an article? What institutions will fund your trip and what are the requirements to apply to grant opportunities?

March 19th – The Sun moves into your 10th house of career goals. Your focus will shift onto your career goals when the Sun switches signs. Are you on the right track in your career? Where would you like to be in a year? Five years? 10 years? Have you always wanted to a flute teacher? What can you do to set up or expand your studio practice?

March 21st – Saturn moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Task-master Saturn will encourage you to start saving your money in much more efficient ways when he moves signs. Would you like to purchase a new instrument sometime soon? How much will you need to save each month? Create a savings plan!

March 24th – A New Moon joins the Sun in your 10th house of career goals. The New Moon will likely bring a new job opportunity into your life. Apply! Go for it! This is a wonderful gift from the Universe to help move your career in the right direction. Congrats!

March 30th – Mars joins Saturn in your 8th house of banking and finance. Mars will help give you a jump start on your savings goals. Have you ever thought about setting up a GoFundMe page for the purchase of your new instrument? Are there odd jobs you can do for friends or relatives that will help earn some cash on the side? Explore some of these options when Mars changes signs at the end of the month.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Mercury is still retrograde until March 9th in your 8th house of banking and finance. The Mercury retrograde may have already caused some havoc in your finances. Was your tax bill a bit larger than you had anticipated this year? Were some of your expenses more costly than in previous years? What can you do to prevent the same types of surprises in the future? Use this time to investigate practical ideas for staying on top of bills.

March 4th – Venus joins Uranus in your 10th house of career goals. A wonderful new career opportunity may appear out of nowhere at the beginning of the month. You may be chatting with a conductor friend who happens to have the scoop on an upcoming audition in a neighboring ensemble. Start preparing your excerpts!

March 9th – A Full Moon appears in your 2nd house of income. Something at work may be changing or ending around the time of this Full Moon. Do you have a student that does not wish to continue their flute studies? Have an honest chat with them. Do not be surprised if they wish to switch to a different instrument. It’s okay – Their place in your studio will likely be filled by a future student that is a bit more pumped to practice.

March 16th – Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in your 8th house of banking and finance. This is a good time to schedule a meeting with a tax advisor or a local financial institution about practical ways to pay your current tax bill while saving up for next year’s tax bill, paying all of your expenses, and putting money toward financial goals such as retirement or the purchase of a new instrument. Money is always a difficult subject to discuss. With a little planning, however, you may be able to come up with a reasonable plan for the future.

March 19th – The Sun moves into your 9th house of travel. Spring break! Pack your bags and try to get out of town when the Sun moves signs. You have been working overtime and desperately need a vacay.

March 21st – Saturn moves into your 7th house of relationships. Task-master Saturn is moving into your relationship sector, indicating that you will need to have a number of important heart-to-heart conversations with friends, family, and colleagues. Are there toxic relationships in your environment? Who encourages you to be your best? Who makes you fell bad about yourself (either directly or indirectly)? How can you change these relationships for the better?

March 24th – A New Moon joins the Sun in your 9th house of travel. Start planning your new adventure. Is there an audition in a city that you have been dying to travel to?  Take it! The worst thing that can happen is you do not get the position, but have a fabulous vacay in the meantime.

March 30th – Mars joins Saturn in your 7th house of relationships. Mars will give you the power to schedule meetings with difficult people. Be confident and clearly explain your position, what the problems are, and how you would like to proceed moving forward. I know – easier said than done! Mars will help you take action and get your point across clearly and effectively.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Mercury is still retrograde until March 9th in your 7th house of relationships.  This retrograde has no doubt caused some miscommunications with some of your friends, family, and colleagues. Try to be as clear as you can with any outgoing emails or text messages. Others are not interpreting your words clearly right now. Wait until Mercury goes direct to have important conversations.

March 4th – Venus joins Uranus in your 9th house of travel. You may be suddenly inspired to take a fun weekend trip somewhere exciting. Leave your flute at home and have fun! Save Taffanel and Gaubert for Monday.

March 9th – A Full Moon appears in your 1st house of identity. You may be closing an important chapter in your life at the time of this Full Moon. This is a great time to host a recital or perform one last concert with an ensemble you may be leaving. Endings are sometimes bittersweet. Spend some time saying goodbye in a meaningful way.

March 16th – Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in your 7th house of relationships. This is a great time to do some serious networking! Attend a local music convention and take some business cards. You will likely run into  some very interesting new colleagues with ideas for future collaborations.

March 19th – The Sun moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Your focus with shift onto your finances when the Sun moves signs. If you have not yet done your taxes, this is a good time to face the music.

March 21st – Saturn moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Saturn will encourage you to take a very critical look at your daily schedule. Are you constantly overbooked? Are you teaching too many students on a particular day of the week? Are you leaving enough time for practice? Are you getting enough exercise? How can you make your schedule work better for you?

March 24th – A New Moon joins the Sun in your 8th house of banking and finance. This is a really good time to implement a new savings plan! Do you wish to purchase a new instrument sometime in the near future? How much will you need to put away each month to buy a new flute by convention time?

March 30th – Mars joins Saturn in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. If you have come to the realization that you need to add more exercise time to your daily schedule, Mars will help you find activities that not only fit your personality but can be programmed well throughout your day. Lace up your sneakers and hit the trail running!

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Mercury is still retrograde until March 9th in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You schedule has gone haywire during this Mercury retrograde. The bad news? The craziness will continue until March 9th. Try to make back-up plans for any rehearsals or meetings that are unexpectedly canceled and remain calm when your students call at the last minute to cancel lessons. Reschedule everything after Mercury goes direct on the 10th.

March 4th – Venus joins Uranus in your 8th house of banking and finance. You may receive an unexpected financial gift from a loved one to put towards your education or to help pay back a loan you had taken out recently. Remember to send a thoughtful thank you card!

March 9th – A Full Moon appears in your 12th house of behind the scenes projects. Chances are you have been struggling with a piece of music in the practice room. You will be absolutely done when the Full Moon hits on March 9th. Do you really need to program this piece on your next recital? Can you move on to another work that fits your playing style a bit better? Change it up!

March 16th – Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Identify some of the time wasters in your schedule. Who can you delegate some of these activities to? Talk it out with one of your colleagues. Can they take your place in committee meetings so you can devote more time to your students?

March 19th – The Sun moves into your 7th house of relationships. This is a great time to network and make a number of new flute friends! Participate in online flute communities and chat up flute colleagues at a local music festival. You will likely have a lot in common and have great ideas for future collaborative projects.

March 21st – Saturn moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy.  Saturn will encourage you to start working on a creative activity (such as a CD or a composition). It will not be easy. Get ready to work! At the end, however, you will have a wonderful and very meaningful piece of art to carry into the future.

March 24th – A New Moon joins the Sun in your 7th house of relationships. The New Moon will bring an important new colleague or flute friend into your life. Schedule a coffee meeting during this time to discuss some of the current happenings in your community. Are there any joint projects you can work on together?

March 30th – Mars joins Saturn in your 5th house of creativity and joy. Roll up your sleeves and get to work on your creative project! Mars will help you outline your ideas for the future and get started on some of the more monotonous parts of the work.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Mercury is still retrograde until March 9th in your 5th house of creativity and joy. You may need to change your approach to a creative project that has experienced a number of very frustrating delays during this Mercury Retrograde. Take a deep breath and reassess. Is there a better way to prioritize your work to get more done in less time? Do you need to watch a few more YouTube tutorials on using Finale to complete your manuscript? Do your research now so you can recover any lost time when Mercury goes direct.

March 4th – Venus joins Uranus in your 7th house of relationships. You will likely meet a very important new work colleague out of the blue on March 4th. This individual will act as a sounding board for you as you discuss ways to better incorporate technology into your studio practice.

March 9th – A Full Moon appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. You may be ending your affiliation with one of your ensembles during the time of this Full Moon.  Perhaps the rehearsal schedule no longer fits into your daily routine or you may just be moving onto another opportunity in another group. Say your goodbyes and remember not to burn any bridges.

March 16th – Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in your 5th house of creativity and joy.  This is a  great time to present the work you have been making in your creative project to a larger audience or even, on a smaller scale, sharing your progress with your advisor. Sometimes you just need to talk it out to find even better pathways forward in your work.

March 19th – The Sun moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You focus will shift onto your daily schedule when the Sun changes signs. Take a critical look at your daily responsibilities. What items take up the most of your time? Are there any responsibilities that you could delegate to somebody else? Are you getting enough sleep and exercise? Change whatever can be changed for the better.

March 21st – Saturn moves into your 4th house of home and family. Task-master Saturn is moving  into your home sector (call the exterminator! Just kidding, Saturn – We still like you!). This signifies the beginning of a number of important changes to your home and/or family. Are you moving? How can you better set up your studio space in this new house to be both productive for yourself and non-disruptive for your family?

March 24th – A New Moon joins the Sun in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You will likely be signing up for additional responsibilities at work which, on one hand, is a great opportunity to broaden your skills, and, on the other hand, will prove to be challenging to squeeze into your schedule. How can you most efficiently add these responsibilities to your life without sacrificing time in other areas?

March 30th – Mars joins Saturn in your 4th house of home and family. Get ready to move in to your new house and/or studio! Buy some new furniture. Hang some new art. Rearrange what needs to be rearranged. Fix any broken curtain rods, door handles, light fixtures, and make sure your new environment is sparkling clean. This is the beginning of a new life.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Mercury is still retrograde until March 9th in your 4th house of home and family. The misunderstandings with family members will unfortunately continue until March 9th. Do whatever you can to keep emails and text message short and clear. Your words are not being interpreted correctly. Wait until after this retrograde to have any important conversations with family members to clear the air.

March 4th – Venus joins Uranus in your 6th house of work and health routines. You will receive some unexpected popularity at work during this time. Others are very impressed by the way you are keeping all of the plates spinning at once and may come to you for advice. Share your expertise!

March 9th – A Full Moon appears in your 10th house of career goals. Something in your career that you had been focusing on for quite a while may need to change or even be abandoned. Have you spent several years trying to be a performer only to realize you are most happy in a studio environment? It is okay to pivot! What can you do to bring more of what you love into your career? Take classes and apply to jobs that interest you!

March 16th – Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in your 4th home and family. Now that Mercury is direct, this is a really good time to call a family meeting and discuss the impact of your practice and performance schedule. Do they want more time with you? Find a way to incorporate your family more into your daily schedule.

March 19th – The Sun moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. Your focus will shift onto a creative project when the Sun changes signs. Have you always wanted to record a CD? This is a great time to brainstorm pieces that you would like to record. Devise a general action list of items you will need to work out to start the recording process.

March 21st – Saturn moves into your 3rd house of communication. Get ready to write! Do you have a flute blog yet? Or a YouTube channel? Task-master Saturn will encourage you to start sharing your ideas about the flute and flute playing with a larger, global audience.

March 24th – A New Moon joins the Sun in your 5th house of creativity and joy. Your creative project will take off running! This New Moon will help attract some of the resources you will need in order to accomplish your goals. You may, for example, meet the perfect accompanist for your CD project.

March 30th – Mars joins Saturn in your 3rd house of communication. Mars will give you the energy to write up a storm. Start posting! Create a series of blog posts on the same topic (or composer) and post on a regular schedule (once a week seems reasonable).

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Mercury is still retrograde until March 9th in your 3rd house of communication. It is never easy when the planet of communication is retrograde in the house of communication. Chance are you have already experienced a myriad of miscommunications with virtually everyone in your life (especially over email or text message). Do not fret – It will all be over on March 9th. Save important conversations for after this date. Your words are not being heard correctly at the beginning of the month.

March 4th – Venus joins Uranus in your 5th house of creativity and joy. You will have a priceless moment of creative genius out of nowhere. A proverbial light bulb moment, this idea will serve as a wonderfully inspiring catalyst for other ideas. Keep a notebook!

March 9th – A Full Moon appears in your 9th house of travel. You may need to cancel travel plans around the time of the Full Moon. Did you agree to participate in an audition across the country that you are simply not prepared to take? It is totally okay to skip this one! Wait until you are good and ready for the next opportunity.

March 16th – Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in your 3rd house of communication. Do you have a flute blog? This is a really good time to set one up and share your ideas about the flute, flute playing, or teaching with a larger internet audience. With Neptune also in this house, you may do well to focus your writings on interpretations of your favorite pieces.

March 19th – The Sun moves into your 4th house of home and family.  Your family will need your attention when the Sun moves signs. Spend some time at home during this time. Practice as much as you can at home, if possible.

March 21st – Saturn moves into your 2nd house of income. Saturn will want you to start earning more money when he changes signs. How can you attract more students into your studio practice?  Are there any new gigs you can book with your ensemble? What other forms of passive income can you add to your life?

March 24th – A New Moon joins the Sun in your 4th house of home and family. You may be moving to a new house or studio environment at the end of the month. How can you better set up your space in this new home to work better for you both professionally and for your family? Do you need to upgrade technology or furniture? Is there enough space to teach?

March 30th – Mars joins Saturn in your 2nd house of income. Mars will encourage you to apply to new jobs, sign up new students to your studio, and book more gigs. Do what you can to save all of the extra income you make right now. Saturn has plans for this money in the future months.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Mercury is still retrograde until March 9th in your 2nd house of income. You may have been experiencing a number of miscommunications at work lately. Have you tried to explain a new technique to your flute section? Do they think you are being too critical or a know-it-all when you are really just trying to help? It’s okay – Just back off until Mercury goes direct. They are not ready to hear you.

March 4th – Venus joins Uranus in your 4th house of home and family.  Get ready for a surprise guest in your house! Your mother-in-law may be visiting for a few days and may be up in your business. Not to worry -With Venus in this house, you will likely have a great time catching up.

March 9th – A Full Moon appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. You may be making the final payment on an educational loan or a loan to purchase a new instrument during the time of this Full Moon. Congrats! Your payments are almost complete!

March 16th – Mercury joins the Sun and Neptune in your 2nd house of income.  This is a really good time to sit down with your boss and come up with individual development plan to get you from your current position (or chair assignment) to where you want to be (principal chair, soloing with the orchestra, on tour, etc.). Be honest about your strengths and areas you need to improve.

March 19th – The Sun moves into your 3rd house of communication.  Your attention will shift onto writing projects when thee Sun moves signs. Do you have a flute blog yet? This is a great time to start drafting a few important blog posts about the flute or flute related topics.

March 21st – Saturn moves into your 1st house of identity. Saturn will ask you to take a critical look at your most important goals and ambitions. What do you love about playing the flute? What makes you unique as a flutist? What makes you creative? How can you bring more of what you love about the flute into your life?

March 24th – A New Moon joins the Sun in your 3rd house of communication. A new writing project may be on the horizon. Have you ever thought about turning your ideas about flute teaching into an article? Use this time to research possible journals to market your article to and submit your draft for consideration. The worst they can do is say no.

March 30th – Mars joins Saturn in your 1st house of identity. Mars will give you the energy to makeover your entire life. This is also a really good time to plan out your next recital. Select repertoire that is personally meaningful to you. Book a venue at a church or local institution with some personal significance. Get your loved ones involved. Make this performance more than just a standard recital – Make it a memory!

Happy March!

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