Dr. G's Flute HoroscopesFeaturedIssuesJanuary 2022


by Rachel Taylor Geier

Happy New Year! 2022 is off to a dramatic start with a New Moon at the very beginning of the month promising brand-new opportunities in the new year. This is coupled with Mercury moving signs, encouraging you to share your hopes and fears with friends, family, and, well, everyone. Be careful mid-month as a Mercury retrograde may cause miscommunications, contract delays, and unexpected issues with technology. Back up your smartphone during this time and keep all outgoing messages as clear and concise as possible. Mars ends the month with a burst of energy. Roll up your sleeves and get to work on all of your most important goals and new year’s resolutions. January is all about embracing the new, reflecting and learning from the past, and forging a better way forward in the future.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

January 2nd – A New Moon appears in your 1st house of identity. You will be kicking 2022 off with a whole new outlook on life and, of course, on flute playing! With a New Moon in your sign, you will be inspired to take an important new step forward in your life. Have you been thinking about a major career change? Or a new project that you are particularly excited to start (prepping for a major performance in the coming months)? Ready to hit a new job market or audition circuit? The Universe is encouraging you to throw caution to the wind (which is a terrifying thought for many Caps) and pursue something new and exciting.

January 2nd – Mercury moves into your 2nd house of income, joining Saturn. This is a great time to have a chat with your boss and/or conductor to make your case for a promotion (or at least a principal flute assignment in the near future). They may help you identify what steps you still need to take to achieve your goals They may even agree that you are ready (yay!) and just want to make sure you know what responsibilities lay ahead.

January 14th – Mercury goes retrograde in your 2nd house of income. Be a bit careful about any emails or conversations at work as a Mercury retrograde can often create misunderstandings out of thin air. Keep messages short and clear. Be patient with others if they are not hearing you – They may just need a bit of time to digest what is being said. Try to avoid scheduling sectionals during this time, if at all possible. This is where both musical and non-musical communications can get muddled. Proceed with caution.

January 17th – A Full Moon appears in your 7th house of relationships. You may be having some difficulties with a colleague or a student around the time of this Full Moon. These issues will need to be addressed in order for you both to move in a more positive direction. Although we are in a Mercury retrograde, you may need to have a difficult conversation with them that cannot be avoided. Do you have a student that simply does not practice or bails on their lessons without notice? Time to reinforce stricter studio policies and outline consequences for non-compliance.

January 19th – The Sun moves into your 2nd house of income. Your attention will focus back onto work when the Sun moves signs. You are likely busy during this time with all of your new goals and the action steps needed to achieve those goals. Try to remember the adage, “progress over perfection.” Make small steps toward that promotion each day.

January 24th – Mars moves into your 1st house of identity. Mars will give you all of the energy and inspiration needed to work on the new endeavors you began at the beginning of the month. You may have needed most of January to identify your plan of attack. Now is the time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Practice hard and go for the gold!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

January 2nd – A New Moon appears in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. “Practice More” or even “Practice Smarter” may be on your list of new year’s resolutions this year. A New Moon will send you into the practice room at the beginning of the month, most likely to work on new repertoire for your next recital. You are searching for a challenging new piece. Something that will push you to the very edge of your ability. Go for it! Shake off any intimidation you may have about practicing super advanced repertoire. Instead, think about ways to simplify whatever seems tricky (ex. slow it down, break it up, etc.).

January 2nd – Mercury moves into your 1st house of identity, joining Saturn. Mercury will encourage you to open up to a trusted advisor, colleague, friend, or family member about your most important goals and where you are vs. where you would like to be. Being a musician is never easy. The work that we put in behind the scenes to achieve a seat in an orchestra, a new student in our studio, or a new job teaching at a local institution is immense. Ask them for some honest advice. How should you change your approach to improving your flute playing?

January 14th – Mercury goes retrograde in your 1st house of identity. Mercury will ask you to do some soul searching when it goes retrograde. This is a time to reflect on your old goals and how far you have come in achieving your most important objectives. What have you learned along the way? What experiences or performances have shaped you as a flutist? Are there any old colleagues that you still need to collaborate with? Reflect on your past to plan out the best way forward in your future.

January 17th – A Full Moon appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Something in your daily schedule just is not working anymore. While you reflect on the things that mean the most to you in your flute life, you may also be identifying a couple of things that no longer serve you. It is okay to cut these things out of your life around the time of this Full Moon. If you dread it, don’t do it. Make more room in your schedule for the things you love.

January 19th – The Sun moves into your 1st house of identity. Your attention will be solely on you and what makes you happy when the Sun moves signs. What do you love about playing the flute? Is it performing? Is it teaching? Is it writing? Do more of what you love and less of what seems like an obligation. You do not need to be the flutist that your teacher or conductor want you to be. Be the flutist that YOU want to be.

January 24th – Mars moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. Mars will send you into the practice room for long, marathon-style practice sessions at the end of the month. You may be making some great progress on your new repertoire. Good job! Make sure to take breaks to avoid burning out (a Pomodoro-style time will help with this). Mars sometimes does not have an off-switch.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

January 2nd – A New Moon appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. If you recently auditioned for a new group, you may be receiving word that you won the gig. Congrats! This will be a fabulous new opportunity where you will make a number of important new musical connections. Put your best foot forward. Prep any repertoire for your upcoming concert season in advance so you can focus on learning the idiosyncrasies of your new group.

January 2nd – Mercury moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities, joining Saturn. Do you have a flute blog or YouTube page yet? This would be a great time to discuss your best kept practice secrets in a series of new posts. What routine works best for you? Is there something about your practice routine that others may find unique and inspiring? Share your ideas with a broader audience!

January 14th – Mercury goes retrograde in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. When Mercury goes retrograde, you will be encouraged to explore new ways to organize your practice time for max productivity. Have you ever used a Pomodoro timer? Or changed up the time of day you typically practice? Spend some time researching alternative approaches to your routine.

January 17th – A Full Moon appears in your 5th house of creativity and joy. If you are working on a creative project, you might hit a major roadblock around the time of this Full Moon. This is a cue from the universe to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Are you trying to make the scope of this project too large? Have you veered off from your original intent? Is there something about this work that may be interesting but not necessary. Change it up and simplify!

January 19th – The Sun moves into your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. You will be heading into the practice room when the Sun moves signs. Mercury has probably introduced a number of new ideas to try in your daily routine. Experiment with these while also sight reading some new repertoire. Keep an open mind. If it works – great! If it doesn’t, try something else! Your objective is to find a system that works best for you.

January 24th – Mars moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. Mars will keep you super busy with rehearsals at the end of the month. The repertoire in your new group may be a bit challenging. Not to worry - Mars is a powerhouse of energy! Practice, practice, and practice some more until rehearsals aren’t so much about trying to navigate difficult music but more about how to navigate playing together with your new colleagues.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

January 2nd – A New Moon appears in your 10th house of career goals. What are your new year’s resolutions when it comes to your flute playing? Do you want a challenging new teaching position? Aiming for a chair placement in a local (or not so local) orchestra? This New Moon will bring an opportunity to work on one of these super important career ambitions. If it is an audition notice, sign up! If it is a posting for a new job, submit a resume! The worst they can do is say no. You have literally nothing to lose.

January 2nd – Mercury moves into your 11th house of groups and communities, joining Saturn. This is a great time to attend sectionals with your flute and/or woodwind sections or to schedule a studio masterclass. Mercury will help you communicate clearly with your students and colleagues. This will make ironing out those pesky intonation issues in the upper register a piece of cake. Be sure that these meetings occur before Mercury goes retrograde to avoid any potential miscommunications.

January 14th – Mercury goes retrograde in your 11th house of groups and communities. Mercury often creates mountains out of molehills when it goes retrograde. You may encounter a few disagreements with ensemble members or even your conductor. Try to remain patient with your colleagues. Keep messages short and clear and try to remain calm if tensions rise due to misunderstandings. Use this time instead to reflect on ways your group can improve communications in the future.

January 17th – A Full Moon appears in your 4th house of home and family. Something in your home environment may be changing or even ending around the time of this Full Moon. Is “organize the house/studio” or “declutter my music collection” on your list of new year’s resolutions? This is a great time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Toss or donate any old appliances or furniture that no longer fits into your current space. Scan any hard copies of old scores you reference from time to time and store any old repertoire you no longer need. Streamline your space in 2022!

January 19th – The Sun moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. You will likely be knee-deep in rehearsals when the Sun moves signs. Make sure to squeeze in enough time outside of rehearsals to work on any technical passages ensuring that rehearsal time is used to work on cues, intonation, and other musical elements that cannot be worked on outside of rehearsal. Be sure to always take a pencil to rehearsal and prioritize what your section needs to work on from one rehearsal to the next. Be prepared. Be focused. And most importantly – take breaks to avoid burning out.

January 24th – Mars moves into your 10th house of career goals. Do you have a number of new year’s resolutions that focus on flute playing goals in the year ahead? Mars will give to the gusto and get to work! What is the first step? Is it practicing more? Is it putting together a recital? Is it auditioning for a local orchestra? Start strategizing both short-term and longer-term goals to hit the ground running.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

January 2nd – A New Moon appears in your 9th house of travel and higher education. You may be planning a trip at the beginning of 2022. Have you been feeling cooped up for the past, let’s say, two years (by any chance)? This is a great time to think about a summer getaway. Were there any trips that were postponed or canceled over the past several months? Can you rebook these adventures and make them even more exciting? Add a few site-seeing side-trips. Is there a concert you would like to attend? A convention you would like to sign up for? Dream it and book it!

January 2nd – Mercury moves into your 10th house of career goals, joining Saturn. This is a great time to sit down with an advisor or career counselor to discuss your career goals and what practical steps you can take now to get from where you are to the flutist you wish to be in future. Speak honestly with this person. Are you on the right track? Do your goals need to change? That’s totally okay! Shift your focus onto accomplishing the goals that make you truly happy.

January 14th – Mercury goes retrograde in your 10th house of career goals. Mercury will encourage a quiet time of reflection on your career when it goes retrograde. The discussion with your advisor earlier in the month may have led to an important “aha” moment. You may have been pursuing a career that doesn’t fit your current interests or life direction. Perhaps a well-meaning teacher encouraged you in the past to try your hand at something you just happened to be very good at but do not actually enjoy. Have you been trying to fit a square peg into a round hole? Shift course! It’s never too late.

January 17th – A Full Moon appears in your 3rd house of communication. If you are working on a writing project, this Full Moon will encourage you to do a bit of proofreading on your work. Has your project spiraled out of control? Do your sub-chapters clearly relate to the overall message set out in the first chapter? How are your run-on sentences? Or your run-on ideas? Where can you streamline your writing to make your message a bit more clear? Review and revise!

January 19th – The Sun moves into your 10th house of career goals. Your focus will be on your career goals when the Sun moves signs. Now that you have a better idea of the new career path you’d like to carve out for yourself, the Sun will ask you to roll up your sleeves and get to work! What are the first steps? Do you need to prepare for an audition? Start brushing up on your excerpts. Do you need to apply to a new teaching job? Update that CV and start prepping answers to a few standard interview questions.

January 24th – Mars moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. Mars will ask you to go back to school. The career you are pursuing now may require a bit more specialized knowledge than you currently have under your belt. Sign up for a marketing class at your local community college. Or, if you are thinking about a bigger career shift, start researching degree programs in colleges that align with that path you would like to pursue.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

January 2nd – A New Moon appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. Is “buy a new flute” on your list of new year’s resolutions? This New Moon will help you identify various financing opportunities available to you. Visit your local banking institution and discuss short term loans or credit card options with reasonable payment terms. Schedule a meeting with a local instrument retailer. Do they have their own financing programs? You may be in a much better position to make a purchase earlier than you think.

January 2nd – Mercury moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education, joining Saturn. Are you thinking about studying music at college next year (or if you already are in a degree program, switching to a different program or school)? Mercury will ask you to schedule a meeting with an advisor or trusted colleague to explore some of your options. What program would you like to study? Is there a professor that specializes in a particular type of music you would like to pursue? How expensive are the various programs and what resources are available to fund your study? Discuss all available options.

January 14th – Mercury goes retrograde in your 9th house of travel and higher education. Do you have a trip planned this month? When Mercury goes retrograde, you may experience a few travel delays. If your flight is canceled, try to remain calm and work with your airline carrier to rebook. Winter storms? Avoid trying to power through the blizzard to get to your destination. Postpone your trip for a much safer time. Use this time instead to plan a better trip in the future. Where would you most like to go?

January 17th – A Full Moon appears in your 2nd house of income. Something at work may be changing or even ending around the time of this Full Moon. Are you working on a project that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere? It is okay to chuck it and start fresh with a new project. Or if you realistically do not have time to devote to the planning of this endeavor, muster up your courage to delegate it to someone else. Do you have an advanced student or a junior colleague wanting opportunities for advancement? Reassign this task to them. Clear your schedule for more important priorities in the coming weeks.

January 19th – The Sun moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. The Sun will have your head in the clouds dreaming of your next adventure. Planning an epic summer trip? Applying to summer masterclass opportunities? What do you need to submit your audition application? Have you mastered your audition materials? Price plane tickets and hotels. Is there any way to extend your trip for side trips to nearby beautiful locations? Start planning now.

January 24th – Mars moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Mars will encourage you to start saving your money for your new instrument. You have likely come up with a very realistic savings and/or financing plan to purchase a new flute by the end of the year. Now is the time to put the hard work in. What can you cut from your current monthly budget to transfer into savings? Does it mean calling it quits to cable? Canceling your gym membership? Finally quitting your Thursday night pizza binges (very brave!)? Transfer the money you’d save from these items into your savings account.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

January 2nd – A New Moon appears in your 7th house of relationships. You will make an important new connection at the beginning of the year. Schedule a coffee date (virtual or otherwise) to discuss any opportunities to collaborate on projects this year. You may have a great idea for a course or a panel presentation and they will likely have a unique skill or idea to make this project even better. Work together on timelines and all of the nitty, gritty to-do’s. This is a partnership made in Heaven!

January 2nd – Mercury moves into your 8th house of banking and finance, joining Saturn. Do you have “purchase a new flute/headjoint” on your list of new year’s resolutions this year? Mercury will encourage you to meet with your local banking institution to discuss savings and purchasing options to make this a possibility on your current budget. How much are looking to spend? What are your monthly expenses? Where can you cut back? Does the instrument manufacturer offer private financing options? Discuss all of the financial possibilities.

January 14th – Mercury goes retrograde in your 8th house of banking and finance. When Mercury goes retrograde, you may find yourself with a few unexpected bills that you had forgotten about. If possible, this would be a great time to get a head-start on your taxes. Start collecting all of those pesky W-2s and 1099’s. Put together your Schedule C for your private studio practice. What were your expenses? Do you have all of your receipts? Get organized now to get a sense of what you may owe when you file later in the Spring.

January 17th – A Full Moon appears in your 1st house of identity. You may be reexamining a lot of important things in your flute playing life around the time of this Full Moon. Ask yourself what no longer works for you? Is it a job that drains you rather than inspires you? An ensemble that does not challenge you anymore or one that houses a number of toxic relationships? Trying to teach at a home studio that is lacking a few pieces of key equipment. It is okay to move on from things that no longer work. Find better alternatives moving forward.

January 19th – The Sun moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Your attention will shift onto your finances when the Sun moves signs. Are your student loan payments about to start up again? Make sure that all of your information is current and any refinancing applications are up to date. Are your accounts connected properly? Schedule automatic payments that fall on pay dates so you don’t even have to think about it.

January 24th – Mars moves into your 7th house of relationships. You will be doing a lot of networking when Mars moves into your 7th house. Attend all of those masterclasses slated for the beginning of the year. Make an appearance at any school functions. Do you belong to local music societies? Attend all of the meetings and other events (virtual or otherwise). Chat up your colleagues. What are they working on? Are there any opportunities to collaborate on future projects? Exchange contact info and set up a few coffee dates.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

January 2nd – A New Moon appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You may be receiving more responsibilities at your day job at the beginning of the month, Leo. You likely asked for this before the holidays and are absolutely ready for the challenge. Did you ask your conductor for a principal part on the next concert? Get ready to shine in rehearsals this season. Congrats!

January 2nd – Mercury moves into your 7th house of relationships, joining Saturn. You will be attending a lot of networking functions when Mercury moves signs. Go to those flute society meetings that you normally skip. Sign up as an auditor for a free masterclass and chat up some of the other attendees. Try responding to a few flute blog posts or flute forum questions to strike up conversations with new flute friends. Make new connections and explore any opportunities to collaborate in the future.

January 14th – Mercury goes retrograde in your 7th house of relationships. Be very clear with any messages (written or verbal) when Mercury goes retrograde. A Mercury retrograde in the 7th house typically leads to miscommunications with the others in your life. Try to remain patient if others are not hearing you clearly. This is not a great time to host masterclasses or sectionals as frustrations will be running rampant and clearing the air will be difficult. Keep calm and work things out after the retrograde.

January 17th – A Full Moon appears in your 12th house of behind-the-scenes activities. You may be super frustrated with a piece of repertoire around the time of this Full Moon. Perhaps you have over-practiced something to the point of mania and no matter what you do, it does not seem to come together. Try practicing it in chunks. Or slowing it waaay down. Change the rhythms. Change the key. If all else fails, chuck it and find a new piece. It’s totally okay to move on to something that speaks a bit more clearly to you.

January 19th – The Sun moves into your 7th house of relationships. Your focus will shift onto your flute friends and other music colleagues when the Sun moves signs. Follow up on all of those interesting opportunities to collaborate with new contacts. Schedule coffee dates (virtual or otherwise) to discuss your ideas. What are the next steps? What is your projected timeline? Start brainstorming!

January 24th – Mars moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Mars will encourage you to exercise! Are you ready to work up a sweat at the gym? New year – new you! Work on cardio exercises that also force you to concentrate on proper breathing techniques. This will translate well to your flute life. Lift weights to strengthen the muscles in your arms and forearms (this will make the flute feel even lighter in your hands). Work it!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

January 2nd – A New Moon appears in your 5th house of creativity and joy. You will be inspired to start working on an exciting new creative project at the beginning of the year, Virgo. Have you always wanted to try your hand at composing? Have a great idea for a lecture recital or a convention presentation? Start brainstorming some ideas to get your project off the ground running. What is the first step?

January 2nd – Mercury moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines, joining Saturn. Schedule all of the meetings you had been putting off over the holiday break from now until January 14th. Do you have any make-up lessons left to schedule? Also book these for the next couple of weeks. Mercury will help you communicate clearly to others when it moves signs, particularly at work. This is also a great time to have any difficult conversations you may need to have with students or colleagues. Start the year fresh with clear expectations and transparent objectives.

January 14th – Mercury goes retrograde in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Mercury will likely cause a few miscommunications at work when it goes retrograde. Try to keep emails short, clear, concise, and professional. Avoid scheduling studio masterclasses or woodwind sectionals as tensions will be high and your words may be misinterpreted. Use this time instead to reflect on how you communicate with your colleagues. Do you send messages at the last minute to students? Do you wait until rehearsal to discuss ideas with your section leader? How can you be more direct and proactive in your communications?

January 17th – A Full Moon appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. You may be saying goodbye to a performing group around the time of this Full Moon. Did you recently accept another position in a group with conflicting rehearsal and/or performance dates? It is perfectly okay to move on in your flute playing career. Exit gracefully and retain your positive connections with former colleagues. You never know when an opportunity to collaborate will arise in the future.

January 19th – The Sun moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Your focus will shift solely onto your day-to-day activities when the Sun moves signs. Is “organize my schedule” on your list of new year’s resolutions this year? This is a great time to put all of your commitments into an Excel-based weekly timetable and start weeding out responsibilities that can be delegated to others and removing any clear time wasters. Can you instead fill these time blocks with items that bring you closer to your goals? Are you getting in enough exercise? How much sleep do you get each day? Forget to schedule meals occasionally? Now is your opportunity to prioritize and simplify.

January 24th – Mars moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. Now that you have cleared your schedule a bit, Mars will give you the burst of energy you need to make great headway on the creative project you designed at the beginning of the month. Set a Pomodoro timer, roll-up your sleeves, and get to work! Write down any inspirational, or at least interesting, ideas that come out of nowhere. If you can plan it, you can create it!

Libra (September 23-October 22)

January 2nd – A New Moon appears in your 4th house of home and family. You may be moving into a new office or even a new home around the time of this New Moon. If you are not yet ready for such a drastic change, try updating your studio space with a couple new pieces of furniture or an inspiring piece of art. You are definitely in need of a change of scenery in 2022.

January 2nd – Mercury moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy, joining Saturn. Are you working on a creative project (such as a composition or a video series)? This is a great time to discuss some of your ideas on your flute blog or in an article for an online flute magazine. What have you found challenging? Discuss the highlights and some of the things you’ve learned along the way. Your experiences may inspire others encountering the same thing.

January 14th – Mercury goes retrograde in your 5th house of creativity and joy. You may need to make some revisions on your work when Mercury goes retrograde. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. How can you improve your work? Do you really need those extra dance movements? Are there opportunities to streamline some of your ideas? Sometimes less is more.

January 17th – A Full Moon appears in your 10th house of career goals. This is a great time to think about some of your short and long-term career goals? Are you on track to being the flutist that you want to be? Or do you find yourself on a new, more exciting track? Be honest with yourself. Do you really want to be an orchestral flutist? Or does teaching bring you more joy and professional fulfillment? It is okay to abandon old goals that no longer serve you. Move forward in your career in a more authentic direction.

January 19th – The Sun moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. Your focus will shift onto your creative project when the Sun moves signs. You have made some great progress on this project lately. Follow your instincts. Clear some time in your schedule to make even more progress while constantly refining your work. You are on to something great!

January 24th – Mars moves into your 4th house of home and family. Mars will give you the energy at the end of the month to complete any of those pesky home and/or studio renovations that you may have been putting off. Fix those squeaky drawers. Update any technology or appliances. Clean out closets and give the floors a polish. Organize the paper collection in That Drawer (you know the one..). By the end of the month, you will have beautifully updated practice space.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

January 2nd – A New Moon appears in your 3rd house of communication. Do you have a great idea for a book about flute playing or a favorite composer? This New Moon will encourage you to start writing! Start with a basic outline of your work. What is the overall message of your book? Start researching some of your supporting ideas and musical references. Are there other flutists you can interview for your book? Start scheduling informational phone interviews.

January 2nd – Mercury moves into your 4th house of home and family, joining Saturn. This is a great time to discuss your upcoming concert season and other ongoing flute projects with your family. Talk about your new year’s flute resolutions. What do you wish to accomplish by the end of 2022? How can they help you get there? Work out practice schedules around any other events happening with your family. Aim to include them more in your flute life by inviting them to performances and presentations.

January 14th – Mercury goes retrograde in your 4th house of home and family. You may experience a few miscommunications with your family when Mercury goes retrograde. Perhaps a new routine you had agreed upon as a group is just not going according to plan. Did you agree to set practice hours only to go right back to squeezing in practice time during family meals? Take responsibility for any mistakes and try to remain patient with other family members. The name of the game is flexibility during this Mercury retrograde.

January 17th – A Full Moon appears in your 9th house of travel and higher education. A trip you had been planning may be postponed or canceled around the time of this this Full Moon. Perhaps travel restrictions have made it impractical to go on the adventure you had hoped. Try to remain calm. Instead, plan a bigger, better adventure over the summer. Where would you most like to visit? Europe? Australia? Dream big!

January 19th – The Sun moves into your 4th house of home and family. Your focus will shift onto your family when the Sun moves signs. Try to practice as much as possible from home. Your family may need you close for various house projects or to help out another family member. This is also a great time to involve your family in your flute playing as much as possible. Ask them to serve as jury members for a mock audition. Solicit their honest feedback (no matter how scary).

January 24th – Mars moves into your 3rd house of communication. Mars will encourage you to roll up your sleeves and get to writing. Block out some focused work time in your calendar and set a Pomodoro timer. You have a great idea for a book and are already super organized with your research. Just. Start. Writing. You can edit your work later.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

January 2nd – A New Moon appears in your 2nd house of income. You may be receiving a new job offer at the beginning of the month, Sag. Congrats! If you have recently auditioned for a new ensemble, the seat may be yours. Make sure to read over all of the details in your new employment contract before Mercury goes retrograde and sign on the dotted line when ready. This is a wonderful new start to the beginning of the year.

January 2nd – Mercury moves into your 3rd house of communication, joining Saturn. You’ve got a lot to say when the planet of communication moves into the house of communication. Is “write an article” or “start a flute blog” on your list of new year’s resolutions this year? Now is the time to get to writing. Do you have a unique teaching technique that you use in your studio? Write about it! Have you run across an interesting piece of research on one of your favorite composers? Share it on your flute blog and initiate a larger conversation with your readers.

January 14th – Mercury goes retrograde in your 3rd house of communication. This Mercury retrograde may cause a lot of miscommunications with, well everyone. Be extra careful with emails and text messages – Keep these short, clear, and professional. Your words may not be coming across clearly to others. Remain calm and flexible during this time and wait until after Mercury goes direct next month to clear the air.

January 17th – A Full Moon appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. You may be making the final payment on a loan or financing agreement around the time of this Full Moon. Is “pay off my new flute” on your list of new year’s resolutions, by any chance? This one may be the first one you accomplish in 2022. Congrats! Be extra careful with any closeout paperwork (Remember: we are still in a Mercury retrograde). Cross all your t’s, dot your i’s, and make extra copies of all signed documents.

January 19th – The Sun moves into your 3rd house of communication. Your focus will shift back onto your writing projects when the Sun moves signs. Be careful during this time and proofread everything. You are quite prolific at the moment (yay) but that pesky Mercury retrograde may cause you to overlook some of the details. Find ways to streamline your ideas to make them as clear as possible.

January 24th – Mars moves into your 2nd house of income. Mars will give you the energy to begin your new job running. Show up early and leave a little late each day. Ask all of the questions (even if you feel you may be annoying your new boss and/or colleagues). Remember, this is your opportunity to make a great first impression. Shine through your playing, your teaching, and your unique skills and work ethic. You’ve got this!


Happy January and Happy New Year!

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