FeaturedInterviewsIssuesJune 2024

Anna-Lotta “Nannu Flute” Pesonen Artist Interview

Anna-Lotta Pesonen is a Finnish flutist with a love for Stravinsky and forest walks. She studies flute pedagogy at Tampere University of Applied Sciences and is currently serving in the Finnish Defence Forces. Anna-Lotta shares her flute journey and practice motivation on Instagram as @nannuflute.

What were 3 pivotal moments that were essential to creating the artist that you've become?

One big moment was my first competition in Kuhlau competition with my duet partner in 2023! Even though we didn’t make it to next round it was a great experience. Preparing the duet program was very teaching and we made great development as a flute duet and also individually! Pushing each other for better success is a great way to become a better player.

Other thing which plays a big role for my future is the service in the Conscript band of the Finnish Defence Forces. Military has taught me so much things already! And when you need to play so much piccolo outside (in horrible cold finnish weather) nothing can hurt you anymore.

What do you like best about performing?

I love storytelling! The best thing of performing is to create a very personal story that I tell to the audience, I think if you don’t make a piece personal and spend time with it, you don’t touch the audience. I think the most beautiful thing in music is to create so strong bond with the piece you are working with. The hard part is to abdicate the piece after performing! It’s like a break up with partner or a loss of your close friend.

What does your schedule look like for the next 6 months?

I’m currently serving in the Conscript band of the Finnish Defence Forces so my next year is full of military music! I’m looking forward to the results if I make it to NCO course next autumn.

We also practice a lot with my dear duet partner and friend Lotta Rissanen. We are performing in Estonia in Classical hugs Vertex international music competition in the summer (if the service in military allows)!

I try do my social media, instagram, aside of everything. My instagram profile is a huge part of my daily life and it also motivates and helps me to practice regularly even though I have many other things to handle.

What are your goals personally? Professionally?

I love teaching! I’ve thought for years that I’m gonna be a teacher and I think I’m good at it. I also dream about a job in orchestra. My career is just starting and I’m curious about where my life is carrying me!

What inspires you the most in life?

My biggest inspiration is the flute community! I’ve made a lot of contacts and friends via instagram and different kinds of flute festivals and I’m highly inspired by my flute friends. Musicians with a motivation and a hard working mentality are really an inspiration for me. I love to see people really doing much effort for the goals they have.

What has been your personal/professional greatest challenge?

My greatest challenge might have been to learn to realize how I need to practice. And more specifically recognize my level of playing. It’s very humbling to figure out the biggest improvement spots in your basic technique and go over and over again to very basic things of playing. I spotted a good quote a while ago; ”everything feels difficult when you are about to level up” and this has been my motto ever since!

Can you give us 5 quirky, secret, fun, (don't think too much about this) hobbies or passions? 

1. I really hate vacuuming

2. I love to run and my longest run has been 35 kilometers in Kuusamo, Northern Finland

3. My favorite thing is to just walk around and eat treats and read in random places

4. During corona lockdowns I learned to make tattoos by myself

5. I sometimes eat snacks while practicing (my flute doesn’t like it as much as me…)

What 3 things would you offer as advice for a young flutist?

At first, remember to make music always! Do research of pieces, read books and get inspired all the time. When you get excited of the very little things you can keep your motivation high!

Make connections around the world and chat with other musicians. It’s so important to get a perspective and get to know different kinds of musicians!

Last but definitely not least; PRACTICE YOUR SCALES!!

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