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DR. G’s FLUTE HOROSCOPES December 2020

by Rachel Taylor Geier

Happy December! This month will include a very important coupling mid-month when Saturn and Jupiter join forces. This is like a superhero match made in, well, Heaven! Saturn is the ultimate task master – the teacher you love to hate and hate to love. Jupiter is the proverbial Santa Claus of the Zodiac, bringing good luck and abundance to everyone he meets. When they work together, you can both dream big and create practical plans to bring even your most ambitious projects into fruition. There is also one more eclipse that will ask you to end things that no longer serve you in order to usher in a brighter and more optimistic 2021. Get ready to start working on those New Year’s Resolutions early! Have fun, be merry, and enjoy this cozy and forward-looking holiday season.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

December 1st – Mercury moves into your 1st house of identity, joining the Sun. Speak your truth, Sag! When Mercury moves into your sign, you will have newfound confidence to say what you mean and mean what you say. What do you need to live your best flute life? Tell everybody.

December 14th – A Solar Eclipse appears in your 1st house of identity. Take a look at some of the roadblocks standing between you and your ideal flute playing life. Are you performing enough? Are you teaching enough? Are there any distractions that can be removed from your life to make more time for the flute playing?

December 15th – Venus moves into your 1st house of identity. Be the flute diva/divo that you are when Venus moves into your sign! You will be quite popular during this time. This is a great time to host a recital or even a holiday video series on your YouTube platform.

December 17th – Saturn moves into your 3rd house of communication. Do you have a great idea for an article or a book? How are your writing skills? This is a great time to conduct a bit of research, freewriting, and initial drafting. Saturn will not make it easy but will eventually improve your writing skills tenfold.

December 19th – Jupiter moves into your 3rd house of communication. Now that you have a jumpstart on your article, Jupiter will help you think bigger and broader. Can you turn your article into a book? Can you pair it with a blog or video series?

December 21st – Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in your 3rd house of communication. When Saturn and Jupiter unite, you will have an incredible inspirational burst of energy to write. Write anything and everything! Saturn will help you proofread later.

December 21st – The Sun joins Pluto in your 2nd house of income. This is a great time to apply to a new job that may be a bit out of the norm, or even out of your pay grade. Place caution to the wind and apply!

December 29th – A Full Moon appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. You may be making the final payment on a loan or payment plan to purchase a new flute. Congrats! This is a great time to wrap up all of your major financial obligations before the end of the calendar year.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

December 1st – Mercury moves into your 12th house of behind the scenes activities, joining the Sun. This is a good time to write about your favorite practice techniques on your flute blog. Get input from your students about the usefulness or effectiveness of your methods. Is there a better way to tweak your teaching?

December 14th – A Solar Eclipse appears in your 12th house of behind the scenes activities. What can you do to revamp your practice routine? Is your time balanced between repertoire, technical studies, tone studies, scales, and other foundational exercises? Is there room to add some sight-reading or improv to the mix? Are there practical ways to streamline your time to cut down on time spent mindlessly drilling the same material? Change it up!

December 15th – Venus moves into your 12th house of behind the scenes activities. Play from the heart when Venus moves signs. Toss out the “shoulds,” “musts,” and “need tos” and simply practice some of your favorite pieces. Rememorize standard repertoire and search for new tone colors and interpretation in tried-and-true phrases.

December 17th – Saturn moves into your 2nd house of income. Saturn will force you to create a budget. Probably a good thing considering the impending holiday season. Where does your paycheck go each month? Are there subscriptions you could cancel or memberships you no longer need? How much are you spending on music and accessories each month? Cut expenses where they can be cut.

December 19th – Jupiter moves into your 2nd house of income. With your budget in place, you may find yourself with a bit of extra money in places you did not think possible. Sit tight on this money for now.

December 21st – Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in your 2nd house of income. When Saturn and Jupiter unite, start thinking about your larger savings and purchasing goals? Do you have student loans to pay off? How soon can you pay the final tab? Can you refinance? What are your purchasing goals? Would you like to buy a new flute? How much will you need to cut from your budget to make this happen?

December 21st – The Sun joins Pluto in your 1st house of identity. This is a powerful combination of planets that will encourage a bit of soul searching. What do you really want to do with your flute playing? Do you want to be a professional soloist? Do you want to teach? Do you want to be a famous cover artist or perform in an orchestra? What can you streamline in your life to put more time and energy into your most important goals?

December 29th – A Full Moon appears in your 7th house of relationships. You may need to reexamine the more toxic relationships in your environment. This Full Moon will likely lead to some uncomfortable but necessary conversations. If it is a student, reaffirm your expectations and ask what you can do to help them better understand concepts. If it is a colleague, have an honest chat about any miscommunications or future initiatives.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

December 1st – Mercury moves into your 11th house of groups and communities, joining the Sun. Have a chat with members from your small or large ensembles when Mercury moves signs. Plan your next recital and corresponding rehearsal schedule. What repertoire would you like to program?

December 14th – A Solar Eclipse appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. You may find yourself with less time to devote to your performing groups than you thought. If it is time to step away from one group to accommodate your busier schedule, do so with grace and avoid burning any bridges.

December 15th – Venus moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. Even if you need to step away from one of your groups, you will likely have a great final concert season. Enjoy any holiday performances you may have scheduled.

December 17th – Saturn moves into your 1st house of identity. Start thinking about any New Year’s Resolutions right and what routines you will need to establish to bring you closer to achieving your goals. How much practice time will you need to add each week? What new repertoire or excerpts will you need to master?

December 19th – Jupiter moves into your 1st house of identity. Jupiter will bring you a bit of good luck when it comes to attracting the resources you need to accomplish your goals. If you would you like to enroll in an educational program, you may find yourself with a newfound financial windfall to make it happen.

December 21st – Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in your 1st house of identity. Use whatever resources Jupiter gifts to you to streamline your daily task lists. When these two planets work together, they provide tools to get any job done, from the tall to the small.

December 21st – The Sun joins Pluto in your 12th house of behind the scenes activities. You will turn your focus to the practice room when the Sun moves signs. Start changing up the way your practice. If you always begin with long tones, try instead starting your routine with scales. Add some sight-reading or improv time to the end of your sessions.

December 29th – A Full Moon appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. The New Year will have you considering new ways to organize your schedule. Remove any daily or weekly obligations that no longer serve you. What else can you delegate?  What can you step away from to create more time to practice or teach?

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

December 1st – Mercury moves into your 10th house of career goals, joining the Sun. This is a great time to schedule a meeting with a trusted flute teacher or advisor to discuss some of your most important career goals. Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Ten years?

December 14th – A Solar Eclipse appears in your 10th house of career goals. As you begin to reevaluate the trajectory of your career, you may find that you have been investing your time on goals that no longer matter. It is okay to cut outdated responsibilities out of your life.

December 15th – Venus moves into your 10th house of career goals. Venus will ask you to consider what it is that you truly want to do when you grow up. Do you really want to be a performer or are you just trying to please a well-meaning flute teacher? What is it about the flute that you love? How can you better design a career based on these passions?

December 17th – Saturn moves into your 12th house of behind the scenes activities. Saturn will ask you to take a very critical look at the way you practice. Do you approach each session with specific goals or do you perform fundamentals mindlessly because you “have to”? How can you better streamline?

December 19th – Jupiter moves into your 12th house of behind the scenes activities. Jupiter will bring new repertoire and other technical studies into your practice room. Challenge yourself to try unique, new approaches to learning challenging material.

December 21st – Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in your 12th house of behind the scenes activities. When these two planets unite, you will find creative and constructive ways to reorganize your practice time for the better. You will no longer gauge the success of your session by the number of minutes you invest but quality of each of those minutes.

December 21st – The Sun joins Pluto in your 11th house of groups and communities. Your attention will move onto performing groups when the Sun changes signs. Are there any new opportunities in local groups? When are auditions? What repertoire will you need to perform?

December 29th – A Full Moon appears in your 5th house of creativity and joy.  Are you working on a creative project such as a composition or a recording project? Reevaluate your work. Something may not quite be coming together. Revise what can be revised. Do you really need that second movement?

Aries (March 21-April 19)

December 1st – Mercury moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education, joining the Sun. Use this time to explore music from other cultures. Have you tried your hand at traditional Irish flute playing? What can you learn from Native American flute playing?

December 14th – A Solar Eclipse appears in your 9th house of travel and higher education. You may have some travel plans that could be canceled around the time of the Solar Eclipse. This may not be the year for your perfect adventure (thanks a lot, 2020!). Use this time instead to plan your next trip.

December 15th – Venus moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. Venus will encourage you to dream of beautiful places in far away lands. Put on some Bach or Mozart and search for beautiful videos from Vienna. Play along if so inspired! 

December 17th – Saturn moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. Okay, daydream time is over. Saturn will ask you to prioritize your small and large group repertoire.  Do you have a holiday performance coming up?  Will you be tackling some challenging repertoire in January that will need extra rehearsals?  Start preparing now.

December 19th – Jupiter moves into your 11th house of groups and communities. Jupiter will ask you to add more concerts and performance to your schedule, whether in the immediate future or in the coming months. Go for it! Do not be intimated by the amount of prep work necessary for these extra performances.

December 21st – Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in your 11th house of groups and communities.  This pairing will help get you through a busy upcoming concert season. Saturn will give you the discipline to carefully prioritize your rehearsals while Jupiter will help you attract resources (including helpful complementary exercises or more rehearsal time) to make the best out of your newfound focus.

December 21st – The Sun joins Pluto in your 10th house of career goals. You may start thinking about the direction of your career as the new year approaches. Are you on the right path? What type of flutist do you really want to be when you grow up?  Do you want to expand your studio business?

December 29th – A Full Moon appears in your 4th house of home and family. It may be time to take down the holiday decorations early because you are eager to start working on home renovations. Redecorating your studio? Adding some art, new furniture, or fancy recording equipment?  Make the space work for you!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

December 1st – Mercury moves into your 8th house of banking and finance, joining the Sun. This is a great time to discuss your finances well ahead of next year’s tax deadlines. Make a few much needed taxable donations to help out local charities and food banks for the holidays.

December 14th – A Solar Eclipse appears in your 8th house of banking and finance. Something that you have investing in is just not yielding much return. You may need to move your money elsewhere. How can you better invest your money on the things that mean the most to you?

December 15th – Venus moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Beware when Venus moves into this house as she loves to shop! You will likely find yourself dreaming of shining new flutes and bejeweled crowns. Can you realistically afford an upgrade?

December 17th – Saturn moves into your 10th house of career goals. Saturn will ask you to re-examine your approach to your career. Are you truly on track with your most important goals? Are you spending enough time practicing? Do you have enough students in your studio?

December 19th – Jupiter moves into your 10th house of career goals.  Jupiter will help you attract the resources you need to get back on track. This may be in the form of time, focus, or information. Do your research.

December 21st – Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in your 10th house of career goals. This pairing will help you design new and better action plans to eventually lead you to your dream flute job. Saturn will make sure you are crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s while Jupiter will bring you all of the tools you need. Time to spruce up that CV!

December 21st – The Sun joins Pluto in your 9th house of travel and higher education. The Sun will have you dreaming of far-off adventures overseas. Although you may not be able to travel at the moment, it never hurts to start planning your dream trip to France or Vienna. What concerts will you attend on your next journey?

December 29th – A Full Moon appears in your 3rd house of communciation. You may be working on a book or article about the flute or flute playing that isn’t flowing as well as you planned. Spend some quality time proofreading. Remember: less is more.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

December 1st – Mercury moves into your 7th house of relationships, joining the Sun. This is a great time to network with your flute friends or meet some new up-and-coming artists. Hop online and connect with others on social media or other flute forums. What projects are you all working on?

December 14th – A Solar Eclipse appears in your 7th house of relationships. There may a toxic colleague or student in your environment that is really stressing you out. You just do not see eye to eye. This eclipse will ask you reevaluate your relationship with this person. Have an open and honest chat – what needs to change?

December 15th – Venus moves into your 7th house of relationships. On the flip side, when Venus moves into your house of relationships, you will spend some connecting with another colleague that you respect and admire. Look to them for advice and guidance. Are there any opportunities to collaborate?

December 17th – Saturn moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. Saturn will encourage you to learn a new language. Although you may not be able to travel at the moment, start preparing for your next adventure abroad.

December 19th – Jupiter moves into your 9th house of travel and higher education. Jupiter will help you attract the programs and resources to plan your next trip overseas.  You may have to wait a while to embark of this trip, but you will have everything you need to have the time of your life.

December 21st – Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in your 9th house of travel and higher education.  This coupling is perfect for mastering a new language. Saturn will give you the discipline to establish a routine with your studies while Jupiter will reward you for your hard work.

December 21st – The Sun joins Pluto in your 8th house of banking and finance. Your focus will shift onto your finances when the Sun moves signs. Saving up for a new flute by any chance? Explore alternative financing options.

December 29th – A Full Moon appears in your 2nd house of income. You may need to shift gears in your professional life during this Full Moon. Is it time to apply to another job? Will a new challenge bring more valuable learning opportunities into your career? If so, go for it!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

December 1st – Mercury moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines, joining the Sun. Your meeting schedule will be out of control at the beginning of the month. You may find yourself a bit too booked to be bothered. Make sure not to agree to more meetings than you can realistically handle. Be kind to yourself.

December 14th – A Solar Eclipse appears in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. You may be fed up with your overwhelming schedule. This is a great time to remove any responsibilities that have outlived their purpose. Streamline your rehearsal schedule and prioritize your time in the practice room.

December 15th – Venus moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Venus will encourage you to play hookie from the mundane work schedule and spend some time doing something you love. It could be as simple as exercising out in nature or decorating the house for the holidays.

December 17th – Saturn moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Saturn will help you start a saving plan. Speak with a financial advisor around time. Are you trying to save up to purchase a new instrument in the near future?

December 19th – Jupiter moves into your 8th house of banking and finance. Jupiter may gift you with a holiday bonus, bringing you closer to that first payment on a new instrument. Be sure to send a thank you note!

December 21st – Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in your 8th house of banking and finance. This combo is ideal for making a lot a money and saving a lot of money. You may be tempted to spend extra coins on friends and family this holiday season, but Saturn will stop you from going too crazy (given that you have bigger plans in store down the road).

December 21st – The Sun joins Pluto in your 7th house of relationships. Spend time with the people you love when the Sun moves signs. Leave your flute in its case for the next few days and check in with all of your family, friends, and colleagues. Spread the holiday joy!

December 29th – A Full Moon appears in your 1st house of identity. Typically, when we devise New Year’s Resolutions, we make a list of all of the things we wish to achieve in the coming months. Your list this year, Cancer, will instead include many of the bad habits you wish to quit. Less Netflix and chill – More flute practice and sight-reading.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

December 1st – Mercury moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy, joining the Sun. Do you have a flute blog or YouTube platform yet? This is a really good time to discuss ideas for future creative endeavors on your social medial outlets. Attract an audience!

December 14th – A Solar Eclipse appears in your 5th house of creativity and joy. You may get some really good feedback from fans, and even some haters, after you share some of your creative ideas online. Take the negative feedback with a grain of salt but use any constructive criticism to your advantage. There may be a better direction to take your work. Be bold!

December 15th – Venus moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. You may still be a little insulted by some of the comments from your haters. Shake it off!  Spend some time with your true fans. They have your back and value what you are working on!

December 17th – Saturn moves into your 7th house of relationships. This has been a challenging year and you may have burned a few bridges that you did not intend to. Saturn will ask you to repair these relationships. An apology tour may be necessary.

December 19th – Jupiter moves into your 7th house of relationships. Jupiter will help you patch things up in the best way possible. He wants everyone to be happy and healthy during the holiday season. Send your holiday cards and buy a few more presents than usual.

December 21st – Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in your 7th house of relationships. When these two planets are conjunct, you will make a lot of progress repairing old relationships and strengthening existing ones. Be honest but not accusatory. Truly listen to what the other party has to say. Make any comprises that bring peace to all.

December 21st – The Sun joins Pluto in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Your focus will shift onto revamping your daily schedule when the Sun moves signs. How can you realistically plan for more daily practice time? Do you have room to take on more students if you cut out some mundane committee work?

December 29th – A Full Moon appears in your 12th house of behind the scenes activities.  You will be heading to the practice room at the end of the month. You have a lot of good ideas for new repertoire to program on a future recital. Get to work!

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

December 1st – Mercury moves into your 4th house of home and family, joining the Sun. Have a chat with your family when Mercury moves signs. The holidays will look differently this year than in previous years. You may have fewer holiday concerts and more time to spend with loved ones. How do they want to celebrate this year?

December 14th – A Solar Eclipse appears in your 4th house of home and family. You may have discovered through chats with your family that something in the house just doesn’t work anymore. Use the holiday break to make a few home renovations.

December 15th – Venus moves into your 4th house of home and family. This is a great time to hunker down and watch a few holiday movies with your family. You could even watch a pre-recorded version of the Nutcracker to combine your love of music with some holiday cheer.

December 17th – Saturn moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. As you approach the end of the year, you may start considering new ways to streamline your daily schedule. Are you having a hard time balancing all of your responsibilities? Map out your entire weekly schedule on an Excel spreadsheet. Where can you cut out or delegate responsibilities to free up more time elsewhere?

December 19th – Jupiter moves into your 6th house of daily work and health routines. Jupiter will help you consider new projects to add to your schedule in the upcoming year. Are you interested in learning Zumba or devoting more time to Alexander Technique? Learning a new instrument?

December 21st – Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in your 6th house of daily work and health routines. This pairing will help you finalize a really practical plan for your schedule moving forward. Saturn will demand structure and encourage regular routines while Jupiter will find space to add a bit of fun and relaxation.

December 21st – The Sun joins Pluto in your 5th house of creativity and joy. With your schedule ironed out, you may finally find some time to work on a creative project you have been putting off. Do you have a great idea for a video series on YouTube? Schedule some recording time!

December 29th – A Full Moon appears in your 11th house of groups and communities. You may discover that one of your performing groups will be postponing their upcoming season or rescheduling concert dates to a time you are not available. It is okay to hit pause on this group. You might even start to consider how important this ensemble is to you. Saturn and Jupiter may be bulling you into start your own group elsewhere!

Libra (September 23-October 22)

December 1st – Mercury moves into your 3rd house of communication, joining the Sun. You will be inspired to write up a storm when Mercury changes signs. Do you have a great idea for a book or article about the flute? Do you have a flute blog? Start writing – you have a lot to say and an entire internet ready to read.

December 14th – A Solar Eclipse appears in your 3rd house of communication. Do not fret if any haters come out of the woodwork when your writing goes viral. Turn off comments on some of your posts and add disclaimers that negativity can go elsewhere. Haters gonna hate. Hakuna matata.

December 15th – Venus moves into your 3rd house of communication. A colleague or other admired musician may reach out to you to congratulate you on your wonderful writing. You may even be receiving some good news from a publisher or book editor. Congrats!

December 17th – Saturn moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. Chances are, you have a really good idea for a creative project such as a book, video series, or composition. Before you jump in head-first, Saturn will ask you to take a step back and think critically about how you will approach this project and what your timelines are.

December 19th – Jupiter moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy. Jupiter, on the other hand, will help you expand on your ideas. If it is a composition, you may start thinking about more movements to add or other transitions to program into your work for a bit of spice. If it is a video series, you will come up with a number of sub-series to add to your platform.

December 21st – Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in your 5th house of creativity and joy. This pairing will help you create a realistic work plan to successfully complete your creative project ahead of schedule. You may need to put in a bit of elbow grease, and Saturn will not be shy about uncovering any errors, but the end result will be a beautiful and precise work of art.

December 21st – The Sun joins Pluto in your 4th house of home and family. Your focus will shift onto your loved ones at the end of the month. Spend some time celebrating the holidays with them. Leave your flute in its case and just have some good food, good fun, and good times.

December 29th – A Full Moon appears in your 10th house of career goals. Your list of New Year’s Resolutions will likely include “apply to a new job.” You are not necessarily dissatisfied with your current position but more likely are empowered to seek a new challenge. Update your CV and brush up on your excerpts.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

December 1st – Mercury moves into your 2nd house of income, joining the Sun. Schedule a meeting with an advisor or trusted flute teacher about any new job opportunities that might be available. You are looking to boost your income but want to be selective about where you apply and why. Seek their advice and do a bit of research.

December 14th – A Solar Eclipse appears in your 2nd house of income. When one door closes, another door opens. You may have already received a new job offer. Congrats!! That means you will need to hand in your notice to your current employer. Be strong and do not burn any bridges on your way out.

December 15th – Venus moves into your 2nd house of income. Now that the cat is out of the bag, you may begin to share your excitement about your new position with your colleagues (new and old). This is a great opportunity for you! Begin prepping for your new position.

December 17th – Saturn moves into your 4th house of home and family. Saturn will ask you to make a few updates to your home or studio environment. Something is just not quite working as efficiently as you would like. Move the furniture around to create more space.

December 19th – Jupiter moves into your 4th house of home and family. Your home renovations will likely inspire your family to spruce up their environments as well. Refresh early for 2021! Jupiter likes to spend money so you may be making a few necessary new purchases. A rug here, a new couch there, and a few pretty pieces of art for your practice space.

December 21st – Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct in your 4th house of home and family. This pairing will help you check off literally everything on your home to-do list. Get ready to spend some time in the hardware shop or on the phone with your gardener. Update any electronics that are old and clunky. Start 2021 with a brand-new environment!

December 21st – The Sun joins Pluto in your 3rd house of communication. Your focus will shift onto a writing project that you may have been putting off. Pluto in this house will help you think about the bigger picture in your writing. What is your main argument and how does your research connect to a single idea?

December 29th – A Full Moon appears in your 9th house of travel and higher education. You may not be able to travel just yet, but there are a number a places you would like to visit in the next year. Start a list! Where would you most like to go? Paris to research the French Flute School? London or Vienna to attend a symphony performance? Dream big!

Happy December!

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