June 2013

ArticlesEducationHealth & WellnessIssuesJune 2013Lifestyle

From the Trainer’s Studio to the Flute Studio: by Charlene Romano

About two years ago, I was in a frustrating Catch-22. I needed to exercise to get my body in healthier shape, but I was limited in what I could do, due to an injury. A friend recommended her personal trainer, and I now see my trainer once a week, and receive a workout “assignment” for the week. This has been life-changing for my health, as one may expect, but it has also changed the way I approach teaching my private students.

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ArticlesEducationIssuesJune 2013

The Elephant in the Room

Over the last several years there has been much written about the arts and humanities programs being shut down in our nation’s colleges and universities. Both Stanley Fish, and the president of Cornell University, David J Skorton had articles on the subject in the NY Times last year. The Boston Globe also weighed in with this article: “College Leaders Work to Increase Interest in Humanities” – The Boston Globe

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